Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Promises of St. Dominic to whom the Meditated Rosary made by the seer Marcos Tadeu and to whom the Grey Scapular of Peace is worn)
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today, the 7th Anniversary of my Apparitions Here, I rejoice to see you again at my feet.
I love you My children! Every day that passes I love them more! And today I ask you again: Dilate your hearts for My Flame of Love, so that finally the Peace that I have come to bring from Heaven as Queen and Messenger of Peace may enter your hearts, grow in your hearts, bear fruit in your hearts. And from their hearts spread and dominate the hearts of the whole world.
Dilate your hearts to My Flame of Love, welcoming this Flame with love and becoming yourselves a good land that welcomes My Word with love as My little son Marcos said, so that you do not become a desert, a barren land that in the future will be razed to the ground by the fire of God's Justice.
I tell you My children: My son Jesus will come to demand fruits even from the land where He did not sow, let alone from you, where He sowed so many graces, so many Messages, so many wonderful things and gifts that were given to you here.
Therefore, my children, expand your hearts so that my Flame of Love may transform you into a good, fertile, living, generous land that produces much fruit from my Messages. And so that you may become an abundant, fruitful, leafy vineyard, so that I may give these sweet fruits to My son when He returns in His Glory.
Dilate your hearts for My Flame of Love, so that at last My Plan so often spoiled by you may be realized. And the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart come to this country and to this world that has already touched the bottom of its misery and perdition.
Here, in this Sacred place, where I have manifested myself for 25 years in Jacareí in the person, in the work on the word of my little son Marcos, in my whole life, in his whole being, I show the power of my Flame of Love. That will become as vivid, ardent, intense and powerful as the darkness becomes more dense.
Happy are those who believe happy are those who listen to My son Marcos, for he who listens to Him listens to Me and he who despises Him despises Me and My son who sent Me. And for this sin he will be punished for all eternity.
See, My children, that the time of conversion is coming to an end and the great Punishment is approaching, when darkness will cover all the earth and in those three days the demons will be released and will take into the flames with them all those who did not want to listen to My warnings, who did not want to obey My messages.
Have with you in your homes the Rosaries that I bless here. Those whom I have touched, for these Rosaries will free you from demons, they will not be able to grab those who have them. For those who bear these Rosaries are covered with My Mantle and are always under My gaze, the gaze of My Angels, who guard and protect My beloved children.
Live a holy life, for only through holiness will you be worthy of one day reaching Heaven. I love all of you and I do not want you to be condemned. That is why little children: pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes your life.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".
(St. Dominic of Gusmão): "Dear brothers My, I, Dominic, servant of the Mother of God. I, Dominic of Gusmão, Dominic of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin rejoice in coming today once again to bless you and to give you my graces.
Break your heart of love for the Holy Rosary, praying it every day of your life, teaching it to those who do not pray it, who do not know it, who do not understand its greatness. So that all may open their hearts of love for the Holy Rosary, live the lessons of holiness that Jesus and Mary give in the Mysteries of the Rosary, penetrate more and more the power and grace of the Holy Rosary, so that today thousands and thousands of souls may be saved as in My time when I preached the Holy Rosary.
Break your heart of love for the Holy Rosary, praying it more and more, each day with more love, The Rosary will act with more or less power in your life according to the fervor and love with which you pray it.
If you pray it coldly, if you pray it sleepily, lazily, distracting you voluntarily, the Rosary will have little effectiveness in your life. But if you pray it with your heart, with love, with concentration, if you pray it ardently with the flame of love of the Mother of God it will act so powerfully in your life that it will do as many wonders in your life as it did in mine. You will convert sinners, heretics, you will perform true miracles, which will make thousands of souls, with which multitudes will be converted, saved, come to the Mother of God and through her reach God.
Therefore, open your hearts of love for the Holy Rosary, so that it may truly accomplish in you today the same resounding wonders it has accomplished in my life. The Holy Rosary has not changed, it has not lost its power.
It is this evil and perverse generation that has lost its true love for God and for the Mother of God, that does not know how to pray with the heart, that does not dilate its hard heart to receive in it the Flame of Love of the Mother of God.
That is why your prayers are cold and that is why the graces of Heaven no longer descend upon you. That is why sinners do not convert, that is why the world gets worse every day.
The Mother of God came here to form the new Sundays, who go through every home and every road burning all hearts with love for her Rosary as I did, because the Rosary is the sure means of salvation. When She appeared to me She promised Me that those who serve Her, who love Her by praying Her Rosary every day will not be lost.
And in truth I tell you: the sinner who prays the Rosary of the Mother of God at least once in his life with love, to this, the Mother of God, the Lady to Our Queen promises all the graces necessary for him to die in God's friendship, in God's grace and thus be saved before exhaling his last breath.
Therefore, spread the Rosary, make everyone pray the Rosary, because the soul who prays it at least once with love, to this one, even if it is far away from the Mother of God and the Lord, she will give to this soul all the graces, she will even do miracles so that this soul before death dies in a converted state of grace and united with God in His grace, in His friendship.
Therefore spread the Holy Rosary, which is a sure way of salvation. So, as the Rosary is a certain means of salvation, of predestination, contempt for the Holy Rosary is a sure sign of God's reproof and eternal damnation.
Therefore, love the Rosary and teach everyone everywhere that those who love the Rosary are saved and those who despise it are condemned.
I, Dominic, here in this place that is the Sanctuary of the Rosary par excellence. Here in this place where truly the Holy Rosary is prayed, loved, propagated with true perfection, with sublimity and beauty by My most beloved Marcos, who is the Sunday of Gusmão of your last times.
Here where the Holy Rosary is propagated by him with such beauty and perfection through the engraved Meditated Rosary that he made for you. Here Satan is crushed ever more at the feet of the Virgin Mary by that Meditated Rosary, which our beloved Marcos makes with so much love until today for the Mother of God.
Truly I tell you wherever one of these engraved Meditated Rosaries is there I am guarding, protecting and blessing the soul who possesses it and only the fact that a person possesses one of these Meditated Rosaries, in his house the demons cannot enter and in the days of Punishment I will be there on guard in this person's house to keep Satan and the demons away and no harm will happen to them.
I am attracted by the records of these Meditated Rosaries and with me are also attracted many Angels and many Saints from Heaven. So spread these Meditated Rosaries to everyone, so that truly I can go with the Angels from house to house, from soul to soul, pouring My great graces on everyone, touching, converting the hearts and diminishing the presence and influence of Satan on people and their houses.
I, Dominic, love with special love all those who pray the Rosary of the Mother of God and tomorrow on my feast day I will pour out sore you who pray the meditated Rosary with so much love, made by our beloved Marcos, I will pour out copious graces from my Hands from above.
And today in the name of the Mother of God I promise you that everyone who brings with them the Gray Scapular of Peace of the Mother of God will receive every 7th of every month a plenary indulgence for himself and for 7 people of his family of his choice.
You can also choose 7 cities from which the Mother of God's abundant graces will descend. So that in this way, this truly sin-torn world can be purified, enlightened, converted and sanctified by the great graces of the Queen and Messenger of Peace.
That here she never tires of showing you her love, of benefiting you and enriching you with the graces of her Heart's boundless love for you.
To all, I bless with love now from Toulouse, Paris and Jacareí.
Peace my dear brothers, each Meditated Rosary recorded by Our beloved Marcos that you give to a person, to each Rosary you will have diminished a month of fire in Purgatory after your death.
Peace Marks, Peace Unceasingly calls the love of the Mother of God, my friend and most beloved brother of mine. I bless you and also your father Carlos Thaddeus whom I love with all my heart and to whom I always bless when he is praying the Meditated Rosary with you".
(Marcos): "See you soon. See you soon dear Saint Dominic, I love you, come back soon!"