Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today, again I am very happy to see you here with Me until now waiting for My Message.
My Heart rejoices in your presence of love Here and again I ask you today: Be my mystical roses of love, letting the true love for God and for Me grow in your hearts. It is time for you to truly become that my rose of love that I have come to seek Here My children.
So now it is time to pray more, it is time to turn more to true love because time is running out. Soon the Punishments and the three days of darkness will come and no one will even be able to meditate on true love anymore, much less create it in the heart.
So leave all the worldly things that until now have taken God's place in your hearts and create for Him the true and correct filial love that He desires and that He expects from all of you here.
In this way the black roses of worldly things, of attachment to them and to your will will will die in your heart. And finally, the roses of true love for God will bloom in your hearts.
I am your heavenly gardener, it is my mission to cultivate and plant in your hearts these roses of true love. Let Me work in you, in you and I will truly make these roses of true love grow in your hearts.
I ask only of you docility, prayer and love and the rest I will do.
Truly My children, time is running out, there is no more time to waste with the worldly things that are fleeting. Apply all your effort and all your love to learning from the Saints the true love of God and creating him, cultivating him in your hearts.
See My children, that Here is My School of Love, but how many of you are still hard and cold and far from true love. When God asks you for a renunciation or sacrifice you cannot do it. Therefore, your love is still weak, it is still very fickle, it is very poor.
I come, therefore, to increase your love, strengthen your love and make your love beautiful, precious, rich in God's eyes and capable of making any sacrifice of love for Him.
Therefore, let yourselves be inflamed by My Flame of Love that wants to work in your souls and hearts powerfully now that little time remains. I can still hasten and speed up your sanctification and make it reach the maximum degree that God desires, but without your collaboration I cannot do it
Therefore, give Me your 'yes' and collaborate with Me doing all that I ask of you so that My Flame of Love truly purifies, cleanses, opens, sanctifies, embellishes, illuminates, perfumes your hearts with that supreme holiness that God desires of you.
Love God and also love my Immaculate Heart with filial love and I promise you little children: In return the Eternal Father and I too will love you with all our Love. You will feel Our Love, you will receive lights and graces in your souls and hearts that you have never received before. Because the most precious, most sublime and most profound graces, these We do not give to those who serve Us, to those who love Us, who seek Us with a servile love, with the fear of punishment, or those who seek Us and love Us for the sake of Our graces and consolations.
We only give the deepest, strongest, most sublime graces of Our Love to those who seek Us and love Us with true filial love.
Love Us thus and We will give all our love to you, giving you lights, graces, blessings you have never received before. Above all, you will receive a love, a joy so strong, so intense in your hearts that you have never had before.
And that love and joy will fill and burn your hearts so much that you will desire nothing, nothing more on earth. You will have everything, you will have divine love itself in pure transformation in your hearts: My Flame of Love.
And with this Flame you will already begin to live Heaven Here on Earth, to feel It Here on Earth and then you will only continue it in eternity. Your heart will rejoice with the same love and joy with which the blessed love and rejoice in Heaven. And then, my children, your life will be a true, perfect and perennial hymn of love to the Lord and to this Mother of yours who desires nothing more than your salvation.
Every day that passes I love you more.
To all I now look with love, I love with all the love of my Heart and I now bless with all the tenderness of my Immaculate Heart of Fatima, of Montichiari and of Jacareí.
Continue to pray my Rosary every day and all the prayers I have given you here. Through these prayers and my Rosary, I will burn your hearts with my Flame of Love. And I will finally transform you into My mystical Rosary of Love, roses whose scent of holiness will drive away all serpents, that is, the demons of this world and transform it, transform the world into My divine and maternal Rosary of Love.
To all I leave My Peace, stay in the Peace of the Lord".