Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Today, the 7th, the day consecrated to Me, that I asked you to dedicate to Me with more prayers and special sacrifices, I come again from Heaven to tell you: My apparitions here, My presence here is the greatest grace, the most resounding grace that Heaven has given to all of you, and you must value this grace, love this grace and correspond more and more to God with love for this Grace!
My presence here is a thunderous grace of love, which was given by the Eternal Father and Me to you, so that you could Here through My presence find salvation, find new life in God's love and grace, find hope and the true meaning of life, which is God.
Through My presence and through My apparitions here, all of you could know a new way, you could sing a new song of love to God and to Me for the greater glory of the Lord.
Therefore, My Apparitions here are a thunderous grace for all of you, my children who wandered lost in this world without knowing God, or Me, or Our Love, or the true meaning of your life and existence.
So here truly I have made each of you sing a new song of love to God and I have truly given each of you a new life in God. And there is no grace more resounding than this: to live in God and God to live in you. So give thanks and praise to God for my presence here who has done so many great things in you.
My presence here is a thunderous grace of Love for you My children, because here I have taught you true wisdom, which is not learned in books, nor in human knowledge. But divine wisdom that comes through meditation of the Word of God, through meditation of My Word, the Word of Saints, that comes through knowledge of divine truths, through knowledge that comes through deep prayer, inspirations and illuminations of the Holy Spirit.
This wisdom that I give you to know in My Messages, in My life and also in deep and living prayer with the heart, that I have taught you only here. Truly you can all know God, know the beauty and love of God, feel His Love.
And then, your hearts and souls are truly illuminated by the deep and intense light of the Lord. Your souls are truly filled with divine wisdom, and then your souls truly live in the light and become light of love for this world shrouded in the darkness of sin, evil and Satan.
That is why, My children, My apparition here is a thunderous grace of Love for all of you. For here I appeared all clothed in light, all shining like the sun. And to you whom I have called and brought to Me Here, to you I have given My light and made you light into this world shrouded in darkness.
So today, give thanks to the Lord who has given you this tremendous grace of Love that is My apparition here.
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you Here and convert quickly, because My Secrets will soon happen. And then there will be no more time for your conversion. Pray for world peace, because the attacks of evil men and enemies of peace are not over and will still happen.
Pray to prevent this evil, with the Rosary we can prevent and cancel, all the evil in the world.
Now My children, many souls leave Purgatory with Me as I promised you at the end of Setena. As I ascend to Heaven again, I will take all of them with me to be happy forever. These souls have been freed by Setena that you made to Me and these souls who know that you prayed for them, there in Eternal Glory they will pray for you and will achieve many graces for all of you.
Now also, my dear children, many souls are being saved. Today, with the prayers of you and Setena you have saved 150,000 souls with me. Therefore, continue praying to My Setena so that many more souls can be saved and My children can be touched with the grace of God.
My abundant graces descend upon all of you now as I promised and upon all of you the abundant blessings of the Holy Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Continue to contemplate and imitate the love of My son Marcos for his spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus. By contemplating this love and imitating it and living this love for the Heavenly Father, you will all learn to truly give Him the filial love He expects from all of you.
I made of My little son Marcos and also of My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I and he chose to be the spiritual father of My son Marcos. I made them two lights, two beacons of light to illuminate the darkness of this world. Through them I will save many souls and the empire of My enemy will be defeated.
Continue to pray with love and perseverance and many graces will be given to all of you, my dear children. Keep coming here, because in this place of grace I can nourish, strengthen and consolidate the conversion of all of you.
My apparitions here and this Place are the greatest proof of My Love for all of you.
I bless you all with Love from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama".