Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today again I come to invite you to love. What I said yesterday with my little daughter Luzia Here, I repeat today. Pray every day and throughout the day this little Act of Love: Jesus, Mary, Joseph I love you save souls!
That by the way my little son Marcos taught you to pray many years ago. This little Act of Love repeated incessantly all day long will burn your hearts with My Flame of Love. It will give your hearts the desire to love God more, to love Me more, to love Joseph more and also to love souls more, and to work and fight for their salvation as so many Saints have done and as My little son Marcos has done here for more than 25 years.
Yes, the Flame of Love that he has for Me, for My Rosary and that took him to make so many Meditated Rosaries for Me, spread them and make so many thousands of people to pray the Meditated Rosary. This Flame of Love I gave to him, but this flame was increased by him by the continuous Acts of Love he made along all these years.
Yes, John the Baptist was qualified as the voice that cries in the desert and I qualify you Marcos, I qualify my son Marcos as the Unceasing Act of Love and also Unceasing Flame of Love.
To My children I am willing to give My flame of Love, but it will only grow in the hearts of those who, like My little son Marcos, make it grow through many acts of love, sacrifice, renouncing their own will, renouncing sleep, rest and even food to give themselves and sacrifice themselves more for Me.
Only in this way will My flame of Love grow in your hearts as it did in the heart of My son Domingos de Gusmão, who was already endowed with a great grace, a great virtue and a great Flame of My love at birth. But who transformed this Flame into a true fire uncontrollable by the exercise of Virtues, by his effort and his prayers.
So, My children, pray the Act of Unceasing Love all day long doing the mental prayer, even in the works, even in the rush of your day, your day. And My flame of Love will grow in your hearts giving you the desire to love, to make amends and to make reparation to God in these times of hatred to Him, to the Catholic Faith and to Me.
In these times of contempt for My Rosary and all the Holy Prayers I have given you, the unceasing Act of Love will turn your hearts into burning furnaces of love for the Rosary. And it will truly cause you to burn all the hearts you find of love for My Rosary, for My Prayers and for Me. And then, My Flame of Love will destroy the flame of the devil, which is the flame of contempt for My Rosary, My Rosary, the prayers I have given you, for Myself and for God.
Then it will be the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart and my definitive victory will finally come and the promise I made to my blessed son Alano de La Roche will finally be fulfilled: One day through my Rosary my Heart will triumph and the world will be saved!
To all I bless with love and ask: Keep praying My Rosary every day as My son Marcos explained to you, as My son Luiz de Montfort explained to you that he must be prayed to have merit, merits. And then, I promise that I will pour on all of you the abundance of My maternal graces.
To all I bless Fatima, Pompeii and Jacari".