Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My beloved children, today, when you are celebrating here the feast of my little daughter Bernadette, Saint Bernadette. I come from Heaven once again to tell you: Love God as Bernadette loved.
Love your heavenly Mother as Bernadette loved, giving your complete, deep, true 'yes' to God and to Me as she gave by living each day in God's love, in His grace, fulfilling the holy will of the Lord and mine with love and joy in your hearts. So that just like the life of my little daughter Bernadette, yours too may become a song of love where all mankind can see and understand the path of true love that they must follow.
Love as Bernadette loved by giving me your total, complete, eternal 'yes' to her. Doing My will at every moment even on the cross and in suffering, persevering in this obedience to My Immaculate Heart that will transform you into true perfect seraphim of love for God and Me as My little daughter Bernadette Soubirous was transformed into a perfect seraphim of love for the obedience that She had to Me and the Lord and that was so perfect, so complete throughout her life.
Love as My little daughter Bernadette loved, making every day of your life a continuous offering, a continuous offering to God and to Me as reparation for the sins by which He is offended and supplication for the conversion of sinners. So that through you, as it was with St. Bernadette, God may convert many sinners and save millions and millions of souls with His saving grace that will be liberated through the mystical and spiritual power of the offering of your life, your prayers, sacrifices and sufferings accepted with love as My little daughter Bernadette did. In this way, making the infernal empire be defeated, many souls will be saved and the kingdom of love of the Sacred Heart of my son Jesus will come into the world.
Love as Bernadette loved by completely renouncing your will, your opinions, the will of your flesh, your will to how she will live only to fulfill God's will and mine, to make our heavenly will. So that in this way you may no longer truly live, but Christ and I may live in you and act in you.
Love as My little daughter Bernadette loved, transforming your life every day into an endless song of love for Me, praying My Rosary every day as She prayed with love and with her heart. Doing everything with love suffering and enduring everything with love, quiet, never complaining, doing God's will in silence and humility as Bernadette did.
And so your life will truly become a continuous act of love for God to displease him for so many who despise him, for so many who offend him. And at the same time begging and generating a very powerful mystical force for good, for the conversion and salvation of so many souls that can only be saved by offering your life to God and to Me for their salvation.
Love as My little daughter Bernadette loved, living with love, that is, living only to love Me, to console Me, to obey Me, and to make Me better known, loved and obeyed by all My children.
And so little children I promise that through you as much as possible and as much as you allow me with your yes I will do wonders throughout the world as I did through my little daughter Bernadette at Lourdes.
Love more, expand your heart to My Flame of love by praying more, giving more and striving more for God and for Me.
Renounce your laziness, your bad will that prevents you from truly giving God the best of yourself and giving me your complete, perfect and perennial 'yes'.
Continue praying My Rosary every day and all the prayers I gave you here. If you do this the world will be saved by a miracle of My Heart's love, many nations will be saved and have peace.
I love you very much My children and I will never abandon you, in the most difficult moments I am with you as I was with My son on the path of Calvary.
I am your Sorrowful Mother who suffers for what awaits you in the future. The three days of darkness are approaching, convert without delay because those who do not convert my children will perish in the three days of darkness and will be seized by demons and carried into the eternal flames to suffer for all eternity. Convert yourselves! These are My last warnings.
To all I bless Fatima, Lourdes and Jacari".