Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Message of Saint Lucy

(Saint Lucy): My dear brothers, I, Lucy, Lucia of Syracuse, come today again to tell you: Open your hearts to God's love and to the love of the Mother of God, renouncing your will so that truly the will of the Lord and that of His Mother may be fulfilled in you.
There is no point in mortifying the body if you do not mortify the will, because the true sacrifice that God wants is the sacrifice of your will. The desire to do things according to your personal inclination.
Body penances and sacrifices only have value when your will has already been sacrificed first. Therefore, sacrifice your desire to be noticed by others, admired by others, praised by others, desired by others, in short, your vanity.
Sacrifice also your desire to serve God in your own way and not the way God commands.
Sacrifice also your desire to be or to possess anything. Then, when your hearts are truly free of all personal will, truly, God's will will will be fulfilled in you and you will truly advance on the path of holiness.
Pray the Rosary so that you have the strength to renounce your will, mortify it and do that of the Lord always.
Pray the Rosary a lot, because the three days of darkness are very near.
Pray the Rosary, because many sinners who do not want to be converted will perish in this Punishment. Only your Rosary can save them, pray with your heart.
To all I bless with love Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".