Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Feast of the 185th Anniversary of the Revelation of the Miraculous Medal 463rd Class of Our Lady's School of Holiness and Love

(Blessed Mary): "My dear children. Today, when you are commemorating Here, already the Feast of My Miraculous Medal, to My little daughter Saint Catherine Labouré, I come again to tell you: My Miraculous Medal is the sign of My great Love for the whole world.
By giving My Miraculous Medal through My daughter Saint Catherine to the whole world, I have given a great shield of protection to My children, even before the great century of My decisive battle against Satan begins. To already protect My children, help them, support them, and give them copious graces from My Heart with which they would be able to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties that Satan was already about to put in their way.
Through this shield I gave My children a strong weapon to attack My enemy and to protect him. For with this Medal My children will be able to expel Satan from wherever he is, by always carrying My Medal around their necks and placing My Miraculous Medal also in the places where they live, work or study.
And with this Medal they will always be able to defend themselves from all the attacks and evils that Satan wants to cause to My children such as: temptations, bad thoughts, obsessions and diabolic possessions, as well as accidents, fires, poisonings, etc.
With this, My children will also be protected from violence, especially in these times when violence, hatred and wickedness have spread all over the earth. With this medal of Mine, I cover My children with My blue cloak and surround them with the luminous rays that descend from My Maternal Hands over the world, illuminating their lives more and more and keeping them within the field of light that descends from My Hands. In this way, they are always more protected, defended, and immune from the many evils that Satan wants to do to them.
My Miraculous Medal is the great sign of My Love for the world, because by giving this Medal, a great sign of My love for My children, I have already given them, in a certain way, the pledge of My decisive victory over Satan. For in this Medal I appear crushing the head of the infernal serpent and already announcing My definitive victory over Satan, which will soon take place in the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
In this way, I give My children more and more encouragement, hope and joy knowing that His Heavenly Mother will in the end defeat Satan and triumph over every evil in the lives of My children and also in the lives of humanity in general.
My Miraculous Medal is the great sign of love from My Heart, for there I appear clothed in the Sun, crowned with twelve stars, with the earth under My Feet crushing Satan. Showing My children My great power as Mother of God, Queen of the Universe, General of the Heavenly Armies, and victor of all battles against Satan.
Therefore, I am the Victorious Queen of the world and in this Medal My children can contemplate this great power of Mine and thus fill themselves with confidence in Me by praying My Rosary with love and trust. And in this way, receiving the great graces I promised My daughter Catherine to those who wear My Medal with love and pray the Rosary.
Yes, where there is trust in My power, where there is trust in My great prerogative as Mother of God, as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Where there is confidence that I can do everything with My Son Jesus, and that I am the Lady of His Heart, getting from Him for My children everything I want. Where there is confidence that I am the new Esther, who obtains from the King of Heaven and Earth life and salvation for His people, for His children, there are miracles and there are resounding graces of My Love.
Where there is no trust in My power, there are no graces, no blessings, and no miracles from Me, because where trust is lacking I can do nothing. So, little children, trust more and more in My Miraculous Medal which is the shield of protection I have given to all of you. Trust more and more in My great power as Queen of Heaven and Earth, and then you will see that truly I am the Victorious Queen of the world, and against Me Satan can do nothing.
As I said years ago to My son Marcos, and you heard it in the wonderful film he made of My apparition to My daughter St. Catherine: If for now the serpent seems to overcome Me, your Heavenly Mother, it is only because there is a short time left for her to act and work in the world, and so she now becomes angrier and angrier. So she acts more, she works more, and she acts in a spectacular way, so that the impression you have is that she wins the battles against Me. But it is not true, in silence and in hiding, I am always fighting this serpent, and the time is coming when I will no longer fight it in hiding, but openly, in the open, doing admirable works for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
So, trust! Wear My Miraculous Medal with confidence and My Medal of Peace with confidence as well. For this Medal is also miraculous, through it I have done great graces and much more still I will do in it, in this Medal that closes the cycle of My revelations, the Medal of Peace, as in My Miraculous Medal that opened the cycle of My Manifestations. I also crush the head of Satan, showing all of you, My children, that already in the beginning of My great Plan of Salvation I already knew that in the end I would be victorious, and here in My Apparition in Jacareí, which is the last of all, I announce to you that in the end I will be victorious, as I revealed to My little daughter Santa Catarina.
So, trust in Me, pray the Rosary, pray the Rosary of My Tears, pray all the prayers that I have given you and asked for here, because through these My prayers I crush Satan in the lives of many of My children every day, and I accomplish great graces of love and salvation.
Make My prayer groups and cenacles everywhere, for it is the only way I have to make My children reach My flame of Love, to inflame them with love for God, for Me. So that, together with you, they may become a furnace of love to overcome Satan's fire, and thus, My Flame of Love may produce the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world.
I love you all very much, I am close to you always and I never leave you. Keep coming here so that I can continue your conversion. I love all of these, My beloved little children, who want to be My Slaves of Love by consecrating themselves here totally, body and soul, together with My son Marcos. I have chosen them from the womb of their mothers, I have loved them more than all My children, and I expect from them more love, service, work, obedience, and more and more docility to My voice.
I love them and I keep them in My Immaculate Heart with jealousy and in them I will truly do great things and through them I will also do great works of the Lord for the salvation of the world.
I love My little son Marcos, who has loved Me as no one has ever loved Me and has loved Me. And that for Me these films of My Apparitions, which in a wonderful, unique and incomparable way make My children know Me, love Me, understand Me, comprehend My feelings, My pain, My affliction, My plan of salvation. And they make My children answer Me always more 'yes' by opening their hearts to receive My Flame of Love.
In these wonderful Cenacles made by My little son Marcos, in his prayers, words, in his example of love I reflect ever more My powerful Light against which Satan can do nothing here.
To all with love I bless from Fatima, from Paris and from Jacareí."
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