Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Monthly Anniversary Of The Jacareí Apparitions 458th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lord Jesus Christ): "My beloved children, I, Jesus, son of the Eternal Father, Son of the Virgin Mary, rejoice to come here today on this 7th, the day that I and My Mother have chosen for Our Appearances Here, to again bless you and give you Peace.
Yes, My Sacred Heart has looked with great Love upon you. And so I and My Mother have come here, to this city, to pour down upon you the streams of Our Mercy, to flood your desert and transform it into a verdant garden of holiness.
Today, you commemorate the great Miraculous Signs, which I and Mine have given Here in this city, for the whole world to see and believe in Our Apparitions Here. The Sun that pulsated like a heart changing color, My luminous Cross that I made you see in Heaven, and also the Miracle of the flame of the candle that did not burn the hand of our most beloved Marcos, who stood before My Mother and Me, contemplating Us ecstatic with love.
Yes, I remember as if it were still now, Our beloved Marcos smiling ecstatically at Us, not realizing that his hand was on the flame of the candle, and that by Our power it did not burn or cause him any pain. These extraordinary signs were proofs of Our immense love for you, and they were also powerful signs to call you to a true and deep conversion for Us, to live a life of true love for Us.
Yes, My Sacred Heart came to this city to call you with great love and tenderness to return to Me. Therefore, I sent My Mother first, and then I Myself came to finish the work that She began in My Name. And now I will truly lead you with strong Arms to My Triumph and the Triumph of My Mother liberating you and freeing all mankind from the yoke of Satan, from his satanic bondage and also from the dominance of evil and sin that now covers the entire earth.
My Sacred Heart will overcome Satan, just as I promised with My Mother at the beginning of the Apparitions here. And in a sudden, unexpected, surprising, fantastic and miraculous way, My Heart will overcome Satan, will crush him. I will place him under My feet and together with My Mother I will renew the face of the earth, transforming it into a garden of holiness, love and peace forever.
My Sacred Heart will triumph and will lead all humanity to know the greatest summit of holiness, which will coincide with the outpouring of My Spirit on the Second Worldwide Pentecost.
My Sacred Heart will triumph, leading all of you to know an era of peace, happiness, love, holiness, prosperity, and faithfulness to Me, such as has never before existed on earth. Therefore, I call you to prepare yourselves for this great hour of My triumph by converting, praying more, and above all, by living a life of perfect union with Me who Am Love.
I Am Love, and Love is Me. And everyone who wants to have perfect charity, perfect love, must unite with Me. Just as a branch separated from the trunk of a tree withers and dies, you separated from Me will die. But if you are well united to Me, I will transmit to you the sap of My Divine Love, and this Love will transform you into living reflections of Myself to spread My Love in the world.
This is why I have called you here. That is why I want you to sanctify this day every 7th of each month with more prayer. And that you come Here singing and praying in procession as I said, so that truly Here My Sacred Heart can continue your conversion and can work wonders in your life.
The 7th is sacred, I and Mine have chosen it to be the day when We pour out upon the world the stream of Our greatest graces, like a dam that opens its floodgates and lets all its water flow out. Whatever you ask of Me and My Mother on this day, if it is according to My will I will grant you and deny you nothing. So ask Me, ask Me for everything you want, for I am willing to give you everything and much more than you can ask Me.
So come to My Heart, come to this Place. To come to this Place is to come to My Sacred Heart. Come to this Ark of the Covenant! Come to this Ark of Salvation, which is this Shrine, that I have given to you, to save you. Just as I had Noah make the Ark and enter it with his family, to be saved from the flood of My Wrath.
Yes, he who comes to this Sanctuary to pray with love, will not be struck by the rays of My Wrath, nor by the Wrath of My Father. Rather, to this one who comes here, to this Sanctuary, to seek Me and seek My Mother with love, to this son I will give the water of eternal life. The water that I told the Samaritan woman that anyone who comes to ask Me I will give him, and give him in abundance.
And I Myself will transform My son who comes here, seeks Me and seeks My Mother with love, I will transform him into a spring of living water to give the water of My salvation to this world lost in sin.
Oh, how I love you! How I love this favorite place of My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Heart. You have your names engraved in My Sacred Heart, I love you like My precious jewels. I love you like My personal treasures, My royal treasures. And that is why I never leave you, never abandon you, to the mercy of Satan. And I always, always defend you from every evil, every danger and every darkness of Satan that wants to enter your lives.
From you I ask only one thing: love, prayer of love, works of love, renunciation of your will, and 'yes' to My Will with love. If you do this, My Sacred Heart will work so powerfully in your life that you will never be the same again, and I will do great wonders in you.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I and My Mother ask you here. Especially, My Hour every Friday and My Rosary of Mercy Meditated by My little son Marcos, which is what pleases and consoles My Heart the most.
I bless you all from Paray-le-Monial, from Plock and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "Yes. Yes, I do remember. I will never, never forget those wonderful signs. Never, never will I forget that day. Yes, I remember all those sufferings.
No, for the Lady it was all worth it, everything.
Yes, Mother, sometimes I would like you to repeat those miraculous signs. But I know that because of people's ingratitude to You, we are not worthy. Yes, I understand. Even if the Lady did not give any signs I would love her and serve her in the same way.
I will."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, I Am the Queen and the Messenger of Peace, today, you celebrate Here another Anniversary of My Apparitions with My son Jesus and the whole Heavenly Court to My most beloved son Marcos Thaddeus.
Yes, today is also the Anniversary of the great sign of the luminous Cross, of the miracle of the candle that did not burn the hand of My son Marcos, and also of the great miracle of the Sun.
These were great signs, to indicate to you that I was truly coming to heaven on earth with My son Jesus, to call you to conversion. And that you should truly undertake a serious reformation of your life, your family, to truly obtain forgiveness and salvation from My Son Jesus.
With those powerful signs I also came to indicate to all of you, that you were living the times of Revelation 12, the times of the Woman clothed with the Sun. Who fights Her great war against the infernal dragon. A war that will end soon with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the definitive defeat of Satan.
I will be victorious, but Satan will also take his part. That is why I have come to warn you to beware of Satan, because he is on the prowl for you, looking for you to make it easy for him to bring you down in mortal sin. That is why I have appeared here with My Rosary in My Hands, to show you what is the right weapon you must use to defeat Satan: the prayer of My Rosary with your heart.
I also came to tell you that as we are in the end times, the great tribulation would advance, so you would be called to carry very heavy crosses both in your personal life and also in your community life. The great tribulation would bring you great and immense sufferings, but these sufferings, endured with love by you as I have endured mine, would generate a powerful and mystical force that would convert many sinners and lead them back to God.
Therefore, little children, I invite you again to offer your sufferings with love in union with Mine, for the salvation of so many souls who have hard hearts and are in danger of eternal damnation. These souls are assigned to you, and they depend on your prayers and sufferings, on your sacrifices offered with love, to be saved. Help Me to save them by offering all you can with love for the salvation of sinners.
I came in My Apparitions in mighty Jacareí, like a general in battle array like an army armed for war, to fight with you against Satan and the forces of evil, to lead you safely to the promised land. That is, to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus united to Mine that will come to this world soon.
Therefore, My children, now arm yourselves even more for the battle by praying My Rosary with love, meditating on My Messages, on the lives of the Saints, on their meditations. Trying always more to live in union with Me, making My Flame of Love grow in your hearts by the daily exercise of disregarding your will, your opinions. In order to do My Will and thus produce the growth of My Flame of Love in you.
Those who do not have My Flame of Love in their hearts and do not have it very strong, very large, very ardent will not be able to reach the end of this journey, for the Triumph of My Heart.
So in your prayers ask for the increase of My Flame of Love. And pray, and pray and pray until My Flame is lit in your hearts and grows in them each day more giving you all the virtues, all the power and all the strength of My Flame of Love. So that you may truly be the great Saints that the Lord expects and desires and that I also want to form for the greater glory and triumph of the Holy Trinity.
I love all of you My children with all My Heart and I want to make My Flame of Love grow even more in you. Pray, pray very much, and My Flame of Love will grow more and more in you, realizing in you the full sanctification that I have come to ask for here. And also realizing through you great conversions scorching the hearts of love for the Lord and for Me.
The great signs I gave you here at the beginning of the apparitions are not only the confirmation of My messages here. But also the great sign of the immense love that I have for all of you, because I have traveled from Heaven to here, My children, only for love of you, and I will not leave here until I have you all safe within the shelter of My Immaculate Heart.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you here.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
Take part in the Apparitions and prayers at the Shrine. Inquire by TEL: (0XX12) 9 9701-2427
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