Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Feast Of Friar Galvão- 454th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today again I come from Heaven to invite you to be saints. You must sanctify yourself! I said in My first Message here.
My first request is this: you must sanctify yourselves. The world needs saints, and it is because saints are so rare today that the world is in the calamitous state it is in.
Only when there are many saints, with lives full of love for God, full of prayer, full of holy deeds, will this world finally be able to find peace, salvation, grace. And it will finally be able to live a new era of love, holiness, grace, faithfulness and servitude to God.
It is necessary to sanctify oneself! Each one must sanctify himself in his own life, seeking sanctity every day. Many seek holiness too far away, whereas what God wants is for you to live holiness, in the vocation to which God has called you, and in your daily life.
Thus, by doing all things with supernatural love, you will become holy and pleasing to God, as My son Antonio Galvão and also as My daughter Irene and all the Saints became before God.
You must sanctify yourselves! That is why you must live a life of deep prayer, because a saint can only truly be a saint, in the full sense of the word, if he prays a lot. Prayer is indispensable for a soul to attain all the graces and helps from God to be holy.
A soul that does not pray cannot be holy, and this is why I insist so much on prayer, My children! It is the door that gives you access to many graces with which you will become saints, to please God and to fulfill the Plan of Love that He has for each one of you.
Pray, pray a lot! Only through prayer will you understand what God wants you to do. And only through prayer will you obtain all the graces to be holy as God wants you to be.
The secret of holiness is love and prayer. Whoever has these two things will surely be a great saint in the eyes of the Lord.
One must be sanctified! The holiness that I have come to ask and to offer you is none other than this, perfect charity: to love God and to despise the will of your flesh, to do the Lord's will and to renounce your own. If you fulfill this, every day you will advance in the holiness that pleases the Lord, and you will do great works for Him and for Me too.
Look at the Saints, contemplate the Saints every day, trying to know more about their lives and imitate the examples they left for you.
I have always told you that Here is My School of Holiness, but to grow in this School, and to pass through this School, you cannot remain obstinate in your own will and in your own wrong way of thinking.
So renounce your own self, and accept the spiritual direction I give you here. Then, you will grow in holiness and love quickly, as My son Antonio de Santana Galvão grew, as so many saints who let themselves be formed by Me grew. And soon, you will reach eminent and immense holiness.
Continue praying My Rosary every day and all the prayers I have given you here. Through them, I will light My Flame of Love more and more in your hearts each day.
I bless you all with Love from Fatima, from La Salette and from Jacareí."
(Frei Galvão): "My beloved brothers, I, Antônio de Santana Galvão, servant of God and of the Mother of God, rejoice to come to you today to bless you and to tell you: Ask for the Flame of Love of the Mother of God, for he who has this flame in his heart has everything.
I have had it, I have asked for it, I have received it, and therefore, scorched with love for Her I have scorched the hearts of men with My preaching, prayers, My examples. Leading everyone to love the Mother of God, to love God Himself with a blazing love. And as much as I could I tried in My time to inflame and ignite all souls in this flame of love for Her and for the Lord.
Ask for this flame, seek this flame, desire this flame! If you desire this flame, it will be given to you in all its potency and you will do far greater things than I have done. Oh yes! Ask for this flame, seek this flame, desire this flame with all your might, and it will accomplish in your life astounding wonders.
And through you all you will see the power of God, you will fear God, that is, you will love God to the point of not committing any sin for fear of hurting Him. Everyone then will truly love God with all their heart, serve God with you, and everyone will be the Lord's holy people.
Ask for the flame of Love from the Mother of God and this flame will so burn your hearts that they will be filled with a love that you have never felt, never known. And this love will produce in your heart joy, joy, happiness, peace, strength, fortitude in suffering, fortitude to accomplish arduous, difficult, complicated and great things for Her as I did.
This flame will give you the strength to do everything, to suffer everything, to endure everything, and to overcome everything. This flame will burn in your hearts and cause all that is carnal, all that is earthly in you to be reduced to ashes. And in its place will be reborn like a phoenix the new creature in God, that is, the soul reborn of the Holy Spirit, the soul that will live in God and in which God will live.
Ask for this flame of love and it will cause your hearts to despise, contentedly renounce all worldly things and seek, embrace, desire, possess all heavenly things.
I, Antônio de Santana Galvão, love you all very much and I want to communicate to your hearts this flame. But many of you do not ask Me for this grace, many ask Me for material things and cures for the body, but the flame of love for the soul that is the Holy Spirit, this few ask Me.
And this is the only thing necessary as Our dear Marcos well said yesterday, this is the only thing necessary of which Our Lord spoke in mysterious words in the Gospel: to have the Flame of Love. Because whoever has it, whoever has the Holy Spirit, has everything, fights for his salvation, saves his soul and saves the souls of others too.
So ask for this Flame and It will be given to you and along with it all the other goods of the Most High: Fortitude, Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Piety, Fear of God, Prudence, Justice, Hope and all the Virtues. And the soul that has this flame will be rich, rich in the lights of God, rich in the Love of God, rich in the Love and the efficacious Graces of the Heart of the Mother of God, and nothing, nothing will be lacking to it.
I want to give you this flame and I want to lead you to live totally by Mary, with Mary and in Mary, as I myself have lived. Come, give yourself to Me, let yourself be led in My arms to the Mother of God. I will take you to her, and she will take you to God. And I will teach you how to please Her, how to live for Her, how to live in Her without ever hurting Her. If you ask Me, I will be the teacher of love for Mary for all of you.
I love this Place, I protect this Place and all those who come to pray in it, I protect all those who sincerely want to love the Mother of God here. I look upon all with love, I know each one's crosses and sufferings, and for everything I will give solution and remedy at the time appointed by God.
Deliver to Me all your pains and sufferings, also all your requests and intentions, needs. Whatever you ask that is in accordance with God's Will, I will always obtain for you by offering even the merits of My good works, My sufferings, My tears all to the Lord. So that He will favorably consider your requests and give you everything you ask for.
I love you all and bless you all now from Guaratinguetá, from My Monastery of Light and from Jacareí."
(Saint Irene): "My beloved brothers, I, Irene, servant of God and of the Mother of God, rejoice to return again today Here to tell you: I love all of you and I protect the Peace of your lives!
My name means Peace, and I want to protect Peace in your souls, in your families, and in your hearts. So today I also come to invite you to be the protectors of Peace.
Be the protectors of peace together with Me, protecting peace in your families, praying the Holy Rosary to maintain, preserve and increase it, praying the Hours of Prayer that the Mother of God has asked of you here. For only with these prayers can peace reign in your hearts, in your families, and in the world.
Also, protect peace together with Me, by taking the Blessed Mother's Messages of Peace to everyone you meet. I will be together with you to touch the hearts of sinners and make them understand and feel the love of the Mother of God, and understand how much She loves all Her children, how much She fights for all, suffers for all, and wants the salvation of all.
Then we will make Peace reign in the world and in the families. And then, a new era of Peace will come for you, and every tear will be wiped from your eyes, and there will be only singing and wonders of God forever in your lives and in humanity.
Be the protectors of Peace together with Me, by making the prayer groups that the Mother of God has asked of you Here everywhere. Only where there are these prayer groups can Satan do nothing. With this prayer group, the fights, the wars, the divisions, the disorders will cease little by little. And the Peace of Our Lady's Heart will begin to reign in every heart and in every family.
If you do the prayer groups that She has asked, together with Me, then a river of Peace will flow between the people filled with hatred, rancor and evil. And the world from a swamp of evil and violence will be transformed into a garden of grace, of peace, joy, and love among men.
Be the protectors of Peace, making your life what I made mine, a great song of love for God and the Mother of God. Living every day ablaze with the Blessed Mother's Flame of Love in your hearts, in your hearts.
Thus, truly this Flame of Love will transmit itself from your hearts to all hearts. And then, everyone will truly love God, serve God, worship God, and be the Lord's holy and chosen people.
If you open your hearts to the Flame of Love, to the Mother of God, this Flame will enter your hearts. It will inflame you in such a way that you will already live a little of that life that We live here in Paradise. You will feel God, you will know God, you will live a life of sweet intimacy and union with God on earth. Savoring that peace, that joy, that happiness, that blessedness of Paradise.
Then you will truly weep for joy, feeling the love of God, feeling the love of the Mother of God as She said here. And you will be happy, earthly things will no longer have power over you, creatures will no longer be able to drag you into the mire of sin. And you will seek only and always God, God alone.
I, Irene, want to lead you to feel all this, to know all this, to possess this Flame of Love, to possess this wonderful life in your hearts.
Come to Me, and I promise to lead you to this Flame, that once a soul receives it, it will never be the same. And the soul that possesses this Flame, in the world wants nothing more, seeks nothing more, desires nothing more, hopes nothing more. For it there is only God, God alone and His Mother, only their love satisfies it, makes it happy, fills it, pleases it. Only Their Love makes her truly happy in fullness.
Come to Me and I will lead you to this Flame, and I will make this Flame grow every day more in your hearts. Do not forget that to receive this Flame you must first deny yourself, despise the will of your flesh, renounce the world and your disordered will.
Then, the Holy Spirit, the Flame of Love will enter you. And also don't forget that to increase this Flame you must exercise every day in renunciation of self, so that this Flame grows more and more inside you until it reaches fullness. This Flame is fed only by love, by renunciation, by the total detachment of yourselves, and by your complete self-giving to God.
I, Irene, love you all very much, I bless you now with love and over all I extend My Mantle covering you all with My protection."
(Blessed Mary): "See you soon My children. See you soon Marcos, the hardest working and most dedicated of My children."
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