Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Message From Our Lady - Feast Of The Queen Of Heaven And Earth

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today when you celebrate My Feast here as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Queen of the whole universe, I come once again to tell everyone, everyone that I Am the Queen of Heaven and Earth and everything and everything that exists God has placed under My Empire.
I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth and therefore all the elements, all animate and inanimate beings, all are under My power. I can do whatever I want, I can change whatever I want for the glory of God, I can perform whatever miracles and wonders I want to stir up Faith, to convert sinners and to bring them back to God.
This is what I did at Lourdes, at Fatima, at Knock, and in so many places where I appeared, also here. The wonders that I have performed and perform in My apparitions are all proofs, signs of My power, signs of the power that the Holy Trinity has given Me to help and save My children, to awaken the Faith, to convert sinners, to bring all souls back to the good path of God.
If I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and have all this power, I can save whoever I want. That is, I can go and get the sinner who is in the sin that I want, and lead him, even through miracles, back to the good way of salvation, so that he truly comes to God through a holy life, conversion, and is saved.
Yes, I can save the sinner that I want, and the happy sinner who falls into My good graces, as My little son Marcos used to say. He will have nothing to fear from his salvation, because if I am favorable to someone, who can lose this soul that I love, that I defend, that I protect, that I guide, that I feed, that I guide, that I form, and for whom I am favorable and want her salvation above all else?
Therefore, My children, you whom I have chosen to know My messages, you are those children, whom I love, protect, guard, prefer, and who have fallen into My good graces.
I am for your salvation, and if I am for your eternal salvation, who can prevent this salvation? Oh no! The demons and all hell conjured up cannot prevent your salvation, if I so will it. The only ones who can prevent your salvation are yourselves.
Because God gave you free will, a free will that He respects, and I cannot save you if you don't want to, if you don't obey My messages with love, if you don't pray the prayers that I ask for, if you don't let yourselves be led and formed by Me on the path of holiness, I cannot do anything for your salvation.
So, My children, make up your mind today for God, for Me, give Me your 'yes', so that I can lead you along the path of holiness, of salvation, of grace and divine love, of perfect charity. My Flame of Love is perfect charity, it is divine love in the highest degree.
If you open your hearts to Me today, I will place in you My Flame of Love, Divine Love, Perfect Charity. And the more you will be despising your will, the more you will be renouncing your will, the desires of your flesh to do My desires and God's will. More and more My Flame of Love, the Perfect Charity will grow in you to the fullness of Its strength.
And then, you will be those Saints that I so desired, that I so hoped for, that I prophesied to My servant Luiz Maria de Montfort, the great Saints that should appear at the end of time doing admirable works of love for Me, for the Lord, for the salvation of the world. Be you My children these Saints, opening your hearts totally to My Flame of Love.
I am Queen of the Universe, I submit to My power the Angels, the Saints, the Sun, the Moon, the stars, the animals, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. I submit to My power even the demons themselves, even Lucifer. And willingly or unwillingly they have to bow down before Me and acknowledge Me as Immaculate, Holy, sinless, and Mistress of all that is.
But I cannot subject you to My power or to God's power if you do not want to. Therefore, My children, understand that your freedom is your greatest weakness, because you do not surrender your freedom and your will to Me and God, Satan succeeds in tempting you and leading you to commit sin by hurting My son's Heart and Mine.
So My children, get rid of this weakness, that is, give your freedom to My son Jesus and Me. Then you will be stronger than the world, stronger than Satan, stronger than your own flesh. And finally My Flame of love can be transmitted, communicated from My Heart to your Heart. And there it will break forth mightily into your heart, soul, and life, performing the greatest wonders that have ever been seen since the Word became flesh.
I love you with all My Heart, and I pray that you will give Me your freedom, give Me your will, so that My Flame of Love can begin to work, to act in you without any hindrance of material attachment, of sin, or of inordinate love for the flesh and for your personal will.
I pray that you choose the right option: To give God the 'yes', to give Me the 'yes', so that I can finally realize in you My Plan of Love that has already been so spoiled and delayed because souls do not give Me their 'yes'.
Continue to defend My apparitions in Medjugorje and here with all your love and zeal. Thanks to your zeal the enemies could not spread Satan's lies for long. You stand firm in defending Medjugorje, Jacareí and all My apparitions. With the defense, with the work, with the ardent zeal of you My children, Satan's lies will finally be neutralized, annihilated and fall powerlessly to the ground, and the river of waters that he spewed from his mouth against Me to submerge Me, will finally be swallowed by the earth, that is, stopped by you, and Satan will not be able to destroy My Plans.
Keep praying the Holy Rosary every day and all the Prayers I have given you here. Each time you pray the Rosary there is great joy in Heaven, the Angels sing, the Saints have a new accidental joy, that is, they are filled with a new heavenly joy because of the Rosary you pray.
The souls in Purgatory come out of there in very large luminous bands! They go up to Heaven singing, happy forever to see God face to face. And many souls who are prisoners of Satan in sin on earth are touched by God's grace and fall in love with the Lord.
With your prayers, with your Rosaries every day, I make My Plan of Love advance, it only doesn't advance more because you pray little, because there are so few of you who pray. Pray more and make the number of people who pray increase more, so that my Plan of Love will finally be realized and the world will be liberated from Satan's action, from war, from evil and from violence, by a miracle of Love from my Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless now with Love from Lourdes, from Knock and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "Yes. Yes. I will do yes, I will try."
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