Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Message From Our Lady - Saint Benedict And Pierina Gilli - Anniversary Of The Montichiari Apparitions - 425th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

JACAREÍ, JULY 12, 2015
(Marcos): "There is Saint Benedict! There is Pierina, there is She! There is My Mother in Heaven, there She is!
Was the Lady happy with the Image of Pierina that I had made? Did you really think so?
And you, Pierina, were you happy with the picture of yourself that I had me make? It's not as pretty as you were here on earth, but it was the closest I could get. How nice that you liked it! How nice!
Thank you, Madam! Very good to know this. I will tell people to accompany Your Image in the procession with much love, with much faith to receive these graces.
Thank you very much dear Saint Benedict, I will also tell the people to accompany the procession with much faith asking for Your blessings, so that they may receive as many of them as possible today. Yes."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, when you are already commemorating the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Montichiari to My little daughter Pierina Gilli. I come from Heaven to tell you once again:
I appeared in Montichiari as the Mother of Love, asking for true love to God, asking for faithfulness to God, asking for conversion, asking for the return of My children all to God. And today, I come here in Jacareí again to repeat the appeal I made in Montichiari: More love, love for God, more conversion, more prayer of love, more holy lives.
I come to ask all of you, My children, for the sanctity of love. May your holiness be the perfect charity towards God. That is, the total renunciation of your will, of your attachments, of your pleasures. Denying your flesh all that it wants, so that the love of God may grow in your hearts until it reaches the fullness of charity, the fullness of love.
My Flame of Love is the very love of God that lives in your hearts. But this love can only reach its fullness when you renounce your own will, despise your personal will, so often contrary to God's, when you say no to your flesh and say yes to the Holy Spirit, yes to God. Then My Flame of Love will grow in your hearts so great and so powerful, that you will live, that you will live the fullness of perfect charity, the fullness of perfect love for God.
Oh, My children! I came in Montichiari to seek souls who would be filled with this flame of love. I came to Montichiari to seek souls inflamed with this love. And what I came to do here in Jacareí was precisely to look for souls inflamed with this love, which unfortunately I have not found in most of the places where I have appeared.
Here, I want souls that truly despise their will and let My Flame of Love grow in them every day, by renouncing themselves, denying themselves what their own flesh wants. So that then, My Flame will grow in your hearts until it reaches fullness.
When My Flame of Love reaches maximum potency in you, then, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives, Satan will be defeated in your personal, family and social lives. And it will also be defeated in the nations and in the world and finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
You must, little children, renounce your will that has always been what has not allowed My Flame of Love to grow in your hearts and triumph in you, spoiling the plans I had for you.
If you make this renunciation, My Flame will triumph in you every day and eventually My Plan will come to pass in your life and My Heart will triumph crushing Satan forever.
I gave this My Flame of Love to many of My Seers who asked for it, I also gave it to My little son Marcos, who desired it with all his soul, with all his heart. He is the true example of what My Flame of Love can do in a heart that knows how to deny itself, to despise its own will and do Mine, letting My Flame of Love grow and act in it as it wills. If you do the same thing, through you I will do wonders, I will do great things for the salvation of souls.
Pray the Rosary every day, pray the Rosary of Tears every day, and all the prayers I have given you asking for this Flame of Love, for whoever asks Me with fervent prayers for this flame will receive it. Convert quickly, the Secret that I gave to My daughter Pierina, the Secrets that I gave in Medjugorje and that I gave here are about to begin to happen.
The great spiritual confusion is coming, pray, open your hearts to My Flame of Love, for only those who have it will not sink into the midst of the great quagmire of spiritual confusion that will engulf the whole world.
Only those who have My Flame of Love will not be lost, nor will they turn away from Me. I love you very much, My children, and what I most desire now is that you spread the Messages that I have given to My little daughter Pierina, to all My children, and that you faithfully do My Three Days of Prayer from the 1st to the 13th of each month. And if you can do more, do My Trezena in the homes teaching families to do it and to know My Messages of prayer, conversion and love that I gave in Montichiari.
I bless everyone at this moment with love from Montichiari, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí."
(Saint Benedict): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Benedict, bless you today and say to you, Peace, Peace, Peace! Peace to your hearts.
For you to have Peace in your hearts, Peace in your families, Peace in your lives you must pray much. I have not reached the complete peace of My heart if not through many prayers, renunciations, disregard of My will, detachment from worldly things, and total surrender of Myself to the Lord.
If you want to have the Peace of God you must leave the world and its sins, you must leave Sodom forever, you must pray a lot, you must every day say no to yourselves, to what your human nature wants. And say yes to the good inspirations that the Holy Spirit puts in your heart, inspirations to pray more, to sacrifice more, to give more to the Mother of God. This is how you will sanctify yourselves.
It is worth much more to renounce yourself, to despise your own will in order to do the Mother of God's in the Messages that She gives here, than to perform the greatest miracles, healings and prodigies in the eyes of men all over the world.
If you ask Me which does the Mother of God love more: the man who heals millions of people, the man who frees millions of people, the man who performs wonders for millions of people, or the man who despises his will, who renounces his will to do Her will. I answer: She prefers a thousand times the one who despises his will day by day, in the things that his flesh wants, to do only what She wants, what God wants.
This is the true saint, the one who despises his own will to such an extent that he only wants the will of God, the one who denies himself to such an extent, who loves only God, who seeks only God.
Seek this sanctity because it is within your reach, it is easy for you. Pray the Rosary asking for the inner strength, asking for the Flame of Love that the Mother of God has in Her Heart and that She has given to Me and to so many Saints, so that you will be able to do this daily exercise. And I promise you: in a short time you will reach the same eminent, very high sanctity that I have reached.
Pray the Rosary, you have so many powerful prayers that the Mother of God has given you here. If you do not improve, if you do not become better people, holier, more inflamed with love for God, it is because you are praying only with your mouth and you are not renouncing your will, you do not know how to despise your will, the will of your flesh.
Despise the will of your flesh, pray the Rosary, and you will be the greatest saints the world has ever seen. Love the Rosary!
The Mother of God was extremely kind to give you this powerful prayer. Pray, pray the Rosary, for he who prays the Holy Rosary every day will not be lost, and he will surely be ablaze with the Blessed Mother's Flame of Love and become a saint in no time. But pray the Rosary with your heart, truly desiring the Mother of God's Flame of Love, renouncing your personal will so that Her Flame may grow in you to the fullness of perfect charity.
I, Benedict love you and am with you in all your afflictions, sufferings and pains and never leave you.
I bless you now, I bless especially those who wear My Medal around their necks and who have My Image, My Scapular on the wall in their homes, and pray the Rosary Fighting with Saint Benedict that My most beloved Marcos made for you.
I bless you now with all My heart from Subiaco, from Monte Cassino and from Jacareí."
(Pierina Gilli): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Pierina am overjoyed to return Here to this Chapel today to bless you, to give you My graces, to give you My Peace.
Oh, My dear brothers, how I love you! I love you with a special love, I bless now especially all of you who are doing the Rosary of the Mystical Rose that Our beloved Marcos has recorded for you.
I also bless each of you who pray the Rosary of Tears every day, who love the Mystical Rose Lady, and who spread her Appeals to the whole world.
Oh, how I love you! How I love you! I am beside you in all your sufferings, in all the pains and in all the anguish that you go through on your journey here on this Earth. And today I come to invite you to be, once again, the mystical roses: white of prayer, red of sacrifice, and yellow of penance, that the Mystical Rose came to look for in Montichiari, came to ask the world through Me.
Here these roses must now blossom, roses perfumed of prayer with the heart, living prayer. Roses scented with sacrifice, renunciation, despising one's own will to do the will of the Lord and of the Mystical Rose. Yellow scented roses of penance that see how much the hearts of Jesus and Mary are offended by ungrateful men. Souls who strive to console them, love them, obey them, glorify them, and do everything to help their plans of salvation.
Mystic Roses of perfect love, perfect charity you must be. Souls who every day mortify their own will, say no to themselves, despise their own will to do the Lord's, thus growing every day in love, making this flame of love grow every day in their hearts until they reach perfect charity, the perfection of love.
It is this love that St. Paul described in his letters: the love that is not envious, the love that holds no grudges, the love that suffers all things, bears all things, hopes all things, believes all things. It is this love, this is the love he was talking about, the love for God that goes on despising itself, that makes the person go on despising itself every day and doing only what God wants.
This love that consumes the soul, that takes over, fills the soul completely and gives the soul the strength to endure everything, to hope for everything, to overcome everything, that gives the soul the strength to triumph over all the inner and outer problems and makes it reach that heavenly glory that God has prepared for it.
I understood what this love was and I lived this love, I opened My heart without limits to the flame of love for the Blessed Mother and I lived renouncing My will always to do hers. This gave Me the strength to reach the end of My mission and reach Heaven.
This flame will also give you, this love will also give you the strength to reach the end of your mission on Earth and to enter gloriously in Heaven.
Here the Mother of God has come to look for souls full of love, She expects you to be the souls who love God as no one has ever loved Him in all of human history. Do not disappoint her, open your hearts to this flame of Love and let her act, let her be in your hearts, let her grow in your hearts.
Give up your will so that this flame of love can grow in you. You must be those mystical roses that with their perfume enchant the Lord and the Mother of God and also drive away, scare away the nauseating stench of the devil with the sins that he has now made reign on the face of the earth.
Yes, the capital vices, the capital sins now dominate. Youth is up to its head in vices, in the pleasures of the flesh, in drugs, in drink. Families are completely disunited and destroyed, nowhere does peace reign, because man has removed God from his thoughts, his heart, he has removed Him from his heart. And by pushing God away, he has also lost peace, lost love, lost goodness, lost everything.
If you want to recover peace, to recover harmony, to recover joy, to recover the unity of families and of the world, you must return to God and love with God's love. To love God, preferring His will and despising your own. So that you have the flame of His love, to love Him always, and also to love your brothers with His love.
I, Pierina am Here always ready to help you, I love you very much! You who pray the Rosary of the Mystical Rose, you who love and pray the Rosary of Tears are very dear to My heart. I love you very much, and I never leave you.
Today, my heart rejoices to see my images that you are enthroning here, you give great joy to my heart. My heart is comforted by so many injustices, slanders, persecutions, and pains that I have suffered throughout My life.
And now that you place My Image here, I promise to pour many more graces upon you, to help you much more every time you come Here at the feet of My Image to ask for My help. I will stand by this Image, alive, to receive your prayers, to comfort you, and I promise to offer My personal merits to the Lord and the Mystical Rose Lady for you, to attain the graces you need.
I love this place, I have always loved it, it is My favorite place after Fontanelle and now that you place My Image here and consecrate this place to Me truly I will be more here to help you and grant you graces than in Heaven.
I bless you all now with love from Montichiari, from Fontanelle and from Jacareí.
Pray the Rosary My little brothers, pray the Rosary every day, I saved Myself by the Rosary, if you pray the Rosary with love you will also be saved by it, you will save many souls, you will save the world.
See you soon, peace."
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