Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Message From Our Lady- Feast Of The Anniversary Of The Caravaggio Apparitions - 410th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love




JACAREÍ, MAY 24, 2015





(Marcos): "Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. About the 9th secret?"

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today, when you are already commemorating the Anniversary of My Apparition in Caravaggio to My little daughter Gianetta Vacchi I come to you My children of Heaven to tell you: I am your Mother consoler of Love.

I am your Mother consoler of Love, who comes down from Heaven to give everyone Her Love, Her Affection, the Consolation of the heart of a Mother who loves and knows how to do nothing but love Her children.

I am this consoling Mother, who always comes down from Heaven to comfort, to console you all, when you have need of Me. If you need Me a hundred times a day, a hundred times I come down to meet you to give you strength in trials, to give you wisdom in life's difficult and indecisive moments, to always give you My comforting Mother presence.

If you do not feel My presence, it is because you do not pray with your heart, because he who seeks Me with the prayer of the heart, finds Me. He who thirsts for My Love and comes to Me with the vessel of the prayer made with the heart, the living prayer, he will always gather the water of My Grace and of My Love. And I will fill his jar to overflowing if he is docile and receives My water with gratitude and joy.

I am your comforting Mother who asks you: Pray with your heart, because with prayer made with the heart you will learn many things, you will feel My Love. In a short time you will acquire great wisdom, a wisdom that you will not find in human science, in human knowledge, but you will find this knowledge in Me, the Seat of Wisdom.

And in a short time you will become wise, you will become great and mature in faith. This wisdom I gave to My Little Shepherds of Fatima, to My Gerard Majella, to My Bernadette of Lourdes, and to so many Saints. This Wisdom I want to give to you My children, but you must pray with your heart so that I can truly infuse you with this Wisdom that comes from above, that comes from Me. This Wisdom that is the Holy Spirit, My Flame of Love, which is communicated only to those who live in Me and in whom I live.

I am your consoling Mother, who came down from Heaven in Caravaggio to console My little daughter Gianetta, and in her console all of you, showing you that I am not deaf, nor blind to your sufferings. I know every pain, every suffering, of each of My billions and millions of children that exist in the world.

And to all I always give My consolation, My love, and My maternal presence that gives everyone the strength to carry the cross and to overcome with My Son Jesus all suffering and trials until He arrives at the glorious resurrection.

In your sufferings many of you say: Heavenly Mother, where are you? I am beside you, just as I was beside My Son on the road to Calvary. I am at your side to help you carry the Cross, I am at your side to accompany you every step of the way in your great suffering in these times of great tribulation, when the whole earth has to be purified by pain and suffering. Even you My children, because otherwise you will never, never be able to enter the Age of the Holy Spirit that is coming for you.

The more you suffer with obedience and meekness and learn to offer, to make reparation, to sacrifice yourselves like My Little Shepherds of Fatima, the more you will receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit when He descends upon the whole earth on the Second Worldwide Pentecost.

His Second Coming is near, so I have come to teach you to pray, to pray with you, as I did with the Apostles to prepare you for His Second Worldwide Descent.

Come Holy Spirit is what I, His Mystical and Divine Bride pray constantly. I tell Him constantly when you are in prayer with Me, praying the Rosary and the prayers I have given you.

Yes, I cry out to the Holy Spirit, that He come to renew this earth that has already become a great swamp of sin, a great cold, hard, icy desert with no love for the Lord. That He may come to renew the earth and transform it back into the perfect Garden of holiness that it was before original sin.

If you pray with Me, if you obey My Messages, then every day you will prepare the world with Me for the Second Descent of My Divine Spouse.

Pray My children, live the Message of Caravaggio: fast on Fridays, consecrate and pray on Saturday afternoon to Me, to thank Me for the chastisements that I have already removed from the world. And to implore with Me the Lord's mercy to ward off the new punishments that are coming for the sins of humanity.

Conversion, penance! This is what I desire from you! My Divine Spouse awaits your yes, awaits your response. He will descend upon you to the extent that He sees that you, My children, are living in Me and that I am living in you.

Those children in whom I live are those who obey My Messages, those who live in My Spirit of love for God, of faithfulness, of obedience, of innocence, of love, of holiness. In these I live and they live in Me, and the more they live in Me the more My Divine Spouse lives in them.

Because He loves Me and is pleased only in those in whom He sees Me reproduced, in those in whom He sees the traces of My maternal face, My maternal features imprinted and reproduced in their souls.

Live in Me and I will live in you. Renounce yourselves and your will, and I will live in you with such power that the Holy Spirit will not resist and will descend upon you with such power, that you will perform the same miracles that the Apostles did: you will speak new languages, heal the sick, perform great miracles, conversions. And, above all, you will have such great holiness, so great, that you will be on earth the living reflection of God, and the Holy Angels themselves will descend from Heaven to be enraptured by your holiness and spiritual beauty.

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary and the prayers that I have given you every day, the more you pray these prayers, the more I love you! The more you pray the Trezena and the Setena the more I love you!

Make known also My apparition of Caravaggio and all the others through the beautiful videos that My little son Marcos made for you. They are perfect, they conform to My Heart, they were directed by Me and the same. And he with the great wisdom and talent that the Lord has given him has offered all this to you with great beauty, perfection, works of perfect obedience, works of perfect love, whose worthiness of him in Heaven is very, very great.

So give these treasures to the world, the more you spread them the more I love you, and the more I shower My blessings and My complacency upon you.

I bless you all with Love from Caravaggio, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.

Peace My beloved children. Peace Marcos, the most obedient and devoted of My children, the day after tomorrow I will return again."

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