Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Message From Our Lady, Jacinta And Francico Marto - 98th Anniversary Of Fatima Apparitions - 403rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

JACAREÍ, MAY 10, 2015
(Marcos): "I am glad that the Lady liked the Little Shepherds' Rosary. I promise to make new ones so that through them the whole world will know true love for you, true obedience, and also many will receive graces and miracles through them and thus the Triumph of Your Immaculate Heart will be hastened in the world. Yes.
So, the desire to do it was the Lady I placed in my heart?
Yes, I had already decided to do it. Yes, I will do it."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today when you are already celebrating the Anniversary of My Apparitions at Fatima, which will be this week, I invite you again to look at My Holm Oak.
Look at My Holm Oak, where I came down from Heaven 98 years ago to call all My children to conversion, prayer and penance that pleases God.
I am the Lady of the Holm Oak, I am the Lady of the Rosary, I am the Woman clothed with the Sun crowned with Twelve Stars, terrible as an army in order of battle.
I am the Lady of the Holm Oak, who came down from the heights of Heaven to fight the red dragon and his father Satan, who were already rehearsing in the world the decisive steps to reduce all mankind to atheism and an unprecedented worldwide slavery creating on earth their satanic kingdom of hatred, violence, injustice and denial of God.
Look to the Holm Oak, where I have come down whiter than snow to invite you to holiness, to a pure life in God's grace. So that you can truly be My children, children of God, friends of Jesus, and truly be able to mirror that perfection, that beauty of God, that My Little Shepherds mirrored and reflected so much in their lives.
If you renounce sin and decide to live in the friendship and grace of God, I will be able to shed into your souls that great light that is God, which I radiated and shed upon My Little Shepherds.
And you like them will reflect this great light of holiness to the whole world, destroying the darkness of sin and evil. And making shine even today over this world darkened by Satan's darkness the light of salvation for so many of My children who are in darkness. And only through you will they be able to see My light and thus come into the light of the Lord, and thus be saved.
Look at the Holm Oak, where I appeared and called all My children to the prayer of the Holy Rosary, with the Holy Rosary you can stop wars like My children who believed in My Message of Fatima shortening the first world war, with the prayers of the Rosaries they made to Me in the Cova da Iria in Fatima.
With the Rosary you can shorten and stop wars, you can stop the chastisements of nature. With the Rosary you can stop the course of evil events coming at you, and you can change every threat, every misfortune into good, into joy and into peace.
Pray the Holy Rosary, because with it, My little children, you will reach Heaven! I promised My little son Dominic de Guzmán, and I promise you again here through My little son Marcos: whoever serves Me by praying My Rosary, by giving Me every day the gift, the homage, the proof of love of the prayer of My Holy Rosary. To that son of Mine who prays the Rosary to Me every day, I promise all the graces necessary for salvation, his sins will be forgiven, the crown of eternal life will be given to him.
And if the soul is faithful in praying the Rosary every day of his life until the end, to that soul, to that son of mine, I promise to open the gates of Paradise and to introduce him into the presence of the Lord, to present him in the presence of the Lord as My son, as the beloved son of My Immaculate Heart. And to this son, My son Jesus will not be able to deny salvation, will not be able to deny the crown of eternal life.
So I say to you, pray My Rosary, for he who prays My Rosary every day with a heart I promise salvation, I promise that his sins will all be forgiven before his death. And that child of Mine will die in My arms being carried by Me to the heavenly glory where I will place him in the midst of the Angels and the Saints to praise and bless the Lord forever.
Look at the Holm oak, where I appeared at Fatima, and from where I made to the whole world My sorrowful and poignant maternal call: Convert! No longer offend God, who is already much offended.
Live this My Message: Convert, so that you may be worthy of the promises I make to you.
Convert yourselves, so that the whole world may truly find its salvation and peace.
Convert, and no longer renew the Sorrowful Crucifixion of My son Jesus with your daily sins.
Convert, so that the punishments decreed against the world, against you, may be changed into a new time of grace and mercy.
Convert, so that at last the world may receive the Divine Gift of Peace and Salvation.
Look to the Holm Oak where I appeared and where I made you My consoling promise: At last My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Thus will end your history, thus will end the history of the world, thus will end the war between Me, the Woman clothed with the Sun, and the infernal dragon. Thus, My children, will end the tragic history of this humanity away from God, rebelled against Him and His commandments, and given over to the power of Satan and sin.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph, may this consoling promise never leave your mind, your mouth and your heart. And may She give you the strength to pray and fight each day.
Onward! My Triumph is closer to you than ever before! So, you must look to the Holm Oak to which I appeared and remind yourself every day of My consoling promise, so that you will not be discouraged in this last stage of the journey, nor be paralyzed by your sufferings, nor be deceived by Satan into accepting sin.
Pray, pray, so that each day I may make you feel more the consoling hope of my promise made on the branches, in the arms of the holmoak tree of Fatima: Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Here, in this place, where I am going to finish what I began at Fatima, I invite you ever more to look at my Holm oak and to remember my messages and my consoling promises: At last My Heart will triumph!
Thus, you will walk every day in the light of My Immaculate Heart as My Little Shepherds of Fatima walked, as My little son Marcos, My 4th Little Shepherd has walked for 25 years now.
Then, through you as I do through these My beloved children, My seers, I will emanate to the whole world My great maternal light, which will dissipate the darkness of evil, of Satan. And I will cause a new day of grace and salvation to dawn for the whole world, putting an end to Satan's night of sin, war and perdition.
I bless you all today with love from My Fatima Holm tree, on which I appeared, from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
(Jacinta Marto): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Jacinta Marto, servant of God, servant of the Mother of God, am happy to come to meet you today.
Pray, pray the Rosary, because with the Rosary you will be great Saints.
Be a living Rosary for the Mother of God, as I myself was. Be a living Rosary for the Mother of God as I was, giving to the Mother of God every day the mystical roses of your love, of your pure, living prayer, made with the heart.
Pray the Rosary with more and more love, because the Rosary will give you the inner strength to overcome everything, everything you want to overcome in your lives.
There is no inner or outer difficulty or problem, spiritual or material, that is not solved by praying the Holy Rosary.
Pray the Rosary which is the sure way, which is the sure means to go to Heaven, which is the sure way to salvation. Love for the Holy Rosary is a sure sign of predestination to Heaven, and contempt for the Holy Rosary is a sure sign of eternal damnation.
Love the Holy Rosary, pray the Holy Rosary so that through the Holy Rosary you may be led to Heaven.
Be living Rosaries of love of the Mother of God, making your life a continuous prayer. That is, even when you are not praying the Rosary, the prayers that the Mother of God has sent you, transform your work, your study, into prayer and sacrifice, accepting them with love and offering them for the salvation of the world and sinners.
Be a living Rosary of love for the Mother of God, giving Her every day your heart in every Hail Mary, in every prayer you pray. So that in this way, truly your Rosary will bring you closer to the Heart of Mary and open you with this Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Of which I and my brother Francisco and my cousin Lucia were ablaze.
This Flame of Love, which God gives only to those whom He wants to save. This Flame of Love, which Jesus only gives to those whom He loves most to love His Mother with all their hearts, with His love. This Flame of Love, which Jesus only gives to His true friends so that they will come to Him and love Him, living in His Mother, reigning in His Mother.
This Flame which is the secret of holiness of the Saints and which was the secret of holiness of My brother Francis, of My holiness and of My cousin Lucia. This flame will be given to you by the Holy Rosary if you pray it with your heart and if you yourselves are living Rosaries of love for the Mother of God.
If you have this Flame in your heart, which has already been given to Our most beloved Marcos, your souls and your hearts will burn with this fire, which will lead you always and more and more to love the Blessed Virgin and to love Jesus living in the Blessed Virgin.
This Flame will lead you to know the deepest secrets of the Heart of Jesus, which are only revealed by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
If you have this Flame, you will know that secret of holiness that raised My brother Francis, My little cousin Lucia, Me, Luiz de Monfort, Geraldo Majella, Alphonsus de Liguori, Anthony Mary Claret, so many saints quickly to Holiness.
Ask, therefore, for this Flame of Love, in your prayers with all your heart, especially in the Holy Rosary, and it will be given to you, because this Grace Jesus denies to no one, for it is His will that all should burn in this Flame of Love that I had in My breast, for the Immaculate Heart of His Mother.
Pray, be living Rosaries, and the Blessed Virgin will live in you and with Her and in Her Jesus Christ will live in you. Then will be the victory, will be the union, will be the perfect communion of Love that Heaven so desires to make in you.
I will always pray for you, I will always help you, I will take your hand in difficult moments and help you to go forward.
In your afflictions and sufferings call out to Me, and I will come to your aid immediately.
I bless you all with love from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
(Francisco Marto): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Francisco Marto, Little Shepherd of Our Lady of Fatima, servant of Love, come once again today to tell you: console your God, console Him as the Angel of Peace ordered Me, My sister Jacinta and My cousin Lucia to console the Lord.
Consol him, console him with your love, with your prayer made with your heart, with your renunciation of evil and sin, with your yes to God's grace and God's will.
Comfort your God by living a Holy life for Him, by living for Him with all your heart, by accepting the Plan of Love He now has for you, to save not only your souls, but all of humanity.
Comfort the Lord by giving Him a perfect yes, a total yes to console Him for seeking in so many hearts a perfect and complete yes, a true love and never finding it.
Give the Lord your yes so that He will truly be comforted in you, He will look at you and forget His great sadness for the world dominated by sin and His enemy.
Comfort the Lord with your living prayer, made with your heart. Comfort the Lord with your soul perfumed with sacrifices, virtues and good works. So that thus, truly, together with Us you will be a great force of reparation to console God for the sins by which He is offended, and also to plead for the conversion of sinners.
Accept in your hearts the Flame of Love, so that you may love Him with the love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and so that you may also love the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the Flame of Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Thus, scorched with this Flame of Love you will love the Lord and your Mother perfectly, and your life will truly be the continuation of what was my life, the life of my sister Jacinta and of my cousin Lucia. A burning Flame of Love, that every day rose up to Heaven consoling Our God and drawing mercy, salvation and peace to sinners.
This Flame of Love grew in Us so much each day, until when it touched Heaven, it broke the tie that bound our souls to the body. And so we flew, we flew to Heaven, we ascended to Heaven in this Flame of Love to there with the Saints in Heaven, to continue singing the hymn of true love to the Lord and your Mother for ever and ever.
Ask for this Flame of Love, accept it, let it act and work in you, and then, you too will one day ascend to Heaven through it, and you will be at My side united with Me forever, together in an even more intense Flame of Love to love, praise and adore the Lord for all eternity.
We bless you all now with the Blessed Virgin, who will now give you Her special blessing.
I love you very much, continue to do all the prayers that Our Queen has commanded you to do Here, by them you will become great Saints.
If I had received them in My time, much more would I have consoled My God, much more would I have loved My Queen and consoled her. And much more would I have shone in holiness, ardor, and love for the Lord.
I bless you all now with Love from Fatima, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
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