Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ And Our Lady - Easter Sunday - Resurrection Of Jesus - 394th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lord): "My beloved children, I, Your God, Jesus the Immolate Lamb, the Paschal Lamb, the Son of the Virgin Mary, the Son of the Eternal Father, am happy to come to meet you to bless you with the abundance of the graces of My Resurrection and My copious Redemption.
I am your Victorious King! At dawn this very day, I emerged from the tomb victorious over Satan, over the world, and over sin. The curse of the sin of your first parents, Adam and Eve, was finally destroyed by the power of My Blood, of My Passion.
You are free, and from that moment on, Satan no longer had the last word on mankind. Sin was no longer the indestructible law that disgraced and separated all men forever from God. With the infinite power of My Divine Blood, I freed you all from the slavery of sin and Satan, and gave you the possibility of one day inhabiting the dwellings of Heaven that My Father and I have prepared for you.
I am your victorious King! The King who this very day destroyed the infernal empire by tearing it to the ground. The demons no longer have power over the souls redeemed and saved by My Most Precious Blood, and that is why everyone who calls upon Me will be saved.
He who believes in Me shall not perish, and he who is truly faithful to My Law and enjoys the fruits of My copious Redemption shall have in his life all the inflow of My graces, all the treasures of My great Mercy, and he shall not walk in darkness, but in the light. For he who believes in Me will live in Me, and I in him, and he will live in Me who am Light. And therefore, his eyes will always have light, and his soul will always have light, and he will radiate My light to the whole world.
I Am your victorious King! Who today, on this very day has opened for you an inexhaustible fountain of grace. My death on the Cross and My Resurrection have opened for you a fountain that will never end. Happy the soul that takes advantage of this fountain of graces, that drinks from these graces, that continually lives on the banks of these waters of graces like that river of life that is in the Holy Scripture that gave life wherever it passed.
Yes, the soul that always lives on the banks of this river of grace of Mine will not suffer thirst, nor even perish. For even if your soul is like a desert, frozen, cold, dry, loveless, and full of sin, if you drink from the waters of My grace, you will come back to life.
I am the river of life, I am the fountain of life, I am the water of eternal life! He who believes in Me, he who follows My steps, who keeps My commandments, will live in Me, and I in him. And when I live in him, the Father, My Holy Spirit, and My Mother will also live in him, for where one of us is, all the others are also.
Blessed are the souls who open the doors of their hearts and receive Us into them, for We shall enter them, dine with them, and be with them forever. Come to Me, My children, who have been here for so many years calling you to My love, calling you to true life, calling you to the salvation that I generously offer to all, and that I won for you on the Cross.
Do not be afraid of Me, even if your sins are more intense than scarlet, if I see in your hearts a sincere desire to love Me and to change your life, I will forgive you, I will embrace you, I will give you a new garment of grace. I will put the ring of My friendship on your fingers, I will put the shoes of My peace on you, and truly I will make you happy, I will make you live and share all the treasures that I have won for you, with the merits of My Life, passion, death, and also My cross.
My Sacred Heart is looking for love in you, only love this Easter. My heart is thirsty for love. Because even after two thousand years of My Passion and Resurrection, how many are the souls that until today are sepulchers who keep Me dead in their hearts. Souls in whom I cannot radiate My light, cannot manifest My glory, cannot do any of the holy operations of My grace. Because these souls are dead, and dead they want to remain.
Oh, My children! How many souls are cold, icy sepulchers that I cannot approach because they exude the stench of sin and rebellion against Me and My commandments.
Pray for the resurrection of these souls, and if you are among the number of these unfortunate souls, open your hearts now to the rays of the Sun of My love. And I will immediately transform the dark tomb of your souls into a bright day of love, holiness, virtue, grace, and peace.
You who are here are My most beloved and dearest children, those on whom My predilection rests. Do not lose this great gift that I have given you, by despising My love, My ways, My Laws, My Messages, and preferring sin. For if you do so, My children, if you persist in evil, I will be forced to let you go to the eternal fire to suffer in the company of the demons, who will torture you there for ever and ever.
I am giving you every chance for salvation! I am giving you every opportunity now! I am giving you every grace! Embrace them, and do not let the hour of grace pass you by without embracing grace.
Be faithful to Me, be faithful to My Mother! Be holy and faithful in the little things. Because he who is not faithful in little things, will not be faithful in big things either.
Be faithful in your way of speaking, in your way of acting, in your business, your work, your studies, because he who is not faithful in the little things, will not be faithful in the spiritual things which are greater.
Be honest, sincere, pure, and just in everything!
Flee from sin as one flees from a serpent, otherwise it will bite you and you will die. Do not be like Adam and Eve who in Paradise approached the serpent and drank its deadly poison that disgraced them.
Stay away from evil and you will overcome evil. Flee from evil, and evil will also flee from you.
Seek more and more prayer, especially the Rosary of My Blessed Mother, which is the greatest weapon of salvation that I have left in the world.
The soul that prays the Rosary that contains the mysteries of My life, of My Mother's life, and also contains the virtues of Our merits, that soul will not perish, will not die an evil and eternal death, and I will lead it to the dwellings that My Father and I have prepared for you in Heaven.
Convert My children! For the hour is coming, when in a moment I will tear the sky blue, and then I will appear with millions of Angels, who will redden Heaven and Earth with their flaming swords.
I will give the order that all My enemies, the enemies of My Mother and of My Holy Catholic Doctrine, will be exterminated at one stroke, without fear of anything or anyone. In less than two minutes I will reduce your cities to a heap of ruins, making the earth tremble under your feet, with a force greater than a hundred earthquakes put together. And then, you will see My children how the works of your pride, of your pride, of your vanity, will all disappear in one stroke.
And you will all recognize that without Me you are nothing, and that all the time the strength of your arm came from Me. But you did not want to give Me glory, you did not want to honor Me, you did not want to live for Me, to thank Me for so many benefits and graces that I gave you. That is why, from one moment to the next, I will take everything from you, and even take your life, to teach you that without Me you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Only My true children, those children most loving toward Me, toward My Mother, those who have loved Me, who have honored Me, who have preferred Me to all other things, only to these will I give the heart of eternal life, I will give the heart of supreme glory, of supreme joy.
Be of the number of these My children and heed what My Mother tells you, because soon you will see a very great light in Heaven, and in this light I will see the truth, and then you will have to decide, to decide your destiny, to decide for light or for darkness, for truth or for lies, for good or for evil. What you choose will be given to you.
So My children, now that it is a time of Mercy heed My request, come to My Heart, come to Me through the Heart of My Mother who is the door to Heaven, who is the way to Heaven that brings you to Me. While this door is open, I give you My graces, receive them because I want so much to save you.
And keep coming here so that I may continue your conversion. Keep praying the Rosary of Mercy and all the others that I have asked you to pray, because through them, I will pour over you ever more the copious graces of My Redemption, My Resurrection, and My Love.
I bless you all with love now, from Nazareth, from Jerusalem, from El Escorial and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "I am the triumphant Mother of the Resurrection! I am the Mother who today has triumphed over all hell, sin and the world together with My son Jesus Christ.
At the dawn of this Easter Sunday, My son Jesus appeared to Me in My chamber, brighter than the sun. He dried My tears, comforted My Heart, united Me to His glorious divinity and humanity. And together transcendentally united we were fused into one flame of burning love.
Participate today, My little children, in My great joy at the resurrection of My Son and His victory over the entire Hellenistic Empire, over sin and over the world.
The ancient curse of sin no longer has the last word upon you. The ancient curse of original sin, can no longer eternally separate you from God.
The ancient curse of original sin can no longer close the gates of Paradise to you, which today in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of My Son have been opened forever to you.
Participate in My joy because today I, the triumphant Mother of Redemption, tell you: Soon Jesus will definitively triumph over the devil, over sin, and over the last enemy to be vanquished, death. Because Jesus, who on this day rose in glory, destroying the curse of original sin, destroying the infernal empire over men, is for you the sure sign that soon His Sacred Heart will triumph and will bring you the new Heavens and the new Earth, finally liberated definitively from all Satan's action, all the darkness of sin, all the war, all the violence, impurity and wickedness.
Jesus will soon triumph, and you will see Him on the clouds of Heaven with the glorious Angels bringing you a new time of Peace, that He and I prepare with affection for you every day.
Jesus will triumph, and every tear from your eyes will be dried up, your weeping will cease. And then, you will sing hymns of joy and love forever and ever, because the old things will have passed away. The time of suffering and the valley of tears will be no more. And then, the new day of glory and God's Triumph will sound for you.
Jesus will triumph, and the nations will at last know their true God, their true King, who saved them by shedding His Blood on the Cross. And then, every tongue, every heart, every soul will confess that only Jesus Christ is Lord of the world and of history. And finally, your hearts will know a holiness, will know a blessedness that no human being has ever known since the fall of Our first parents.
And you will then understand what I tell you so much: that My Immaculate Heart will triumph! Jesus and I will be everything in everyone and for everyone. And you, My little children, will be the princes of Paradise, the princes of Heaven, and will inherit those beautiful dwellings that the Father in Heaven has prepared for you. Be careful not to lose them by your sins. Live in the grace of God, live in the love of God, flee from evil, renounce evil, and you will overcome evil.
Master your flesh through prayer, through meditation, through the small sacrifices I have asked of you. So that in this way, living a true ascetic, supernatural life, you can day after day become more and more immaculate and worthy of the heavenly dwellings and the crown of glory that I prepare for you.
Only the supernatural, the mystical, can save this skeptical humanity, completely away from the Lord, dominated by evil spirits and enslaved under such a heavy and satanic yoke of apostasy, of doctrines contrary to the true faith, of violence, impurity and sin.
Only when all of you live a mystical life, more angelic than earthly, will the world find peace, that is why I appear so much, why I manifest Myself in so many places. So that through the supernatural, My Apparitions, and the mystical way that I teach you in My Messages, we can together destroy the evil works of Satan that have led man to a deep lack of faith, and to such a deep rebellion against God, falling into the abyss of the lowest and darkest sins and vices.
Come, little children of Mine! Join Me in prayer, make everywhere the prayer groups that I have been asking you to join, for only in this way can we save the world and lead it back to the path of salvation.
Continue praying My Most Holy Rosary and all the prayers I have given you here, for through them, each day, I will purify, beautify, elevate, and sanctify you more.
Come! Raise your eyes to Me, your Sun-clad Mother, who shines for you every day as a sign of victory and hope.
And rejoice with Me, because Jesus' return is near, and with Him your definitive victory draws near.
I bless you all from La Codosera, from Ezquioga and from Jacareí.
Peace my dear and beloved children! I thank you for these days that you have spent here consoling my Heart and the Heart of Jesus, and giving us your affection and your love. Upon you now comes down a copious shower of blessings. And above all, upon you Marcos, the hardest working and most dedicated of My children."
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