Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Message From Our Lady And Our Lord Jesus Christ - 387th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Our Lady): "My beloved children, today you are commemorating Here the Anniversary of the Apparition in which I gave My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, for the first time the Crown of My Tears, which My Son Jesus had already given her partially, previously giving her the prayers.
And on this same day, today, I have completed the revelation of My Son by giving you this prayer that is all powerful, because with it you can achieve everything that you ask for through the merits of My Tears.
The Rosary of My Tears is all powerful, because you ask My Son Jesus for the graces you need through the merits and the value of My Tears shed for Love of Him throughout Our Life, and especially on Calvary.
These Tears have a great value for My son Jesus! One single Tear of Mine is worth much more than the Blood of all the martyrs and righteous ones shed on Earth for the love of God. That is why My Tears are so powerful! And if you invoke this power every day by praying the Rosary of My Tears, great miracles and graces will be poured out upon you, My children. And truly, your life will be flooded with God's grace.
Yes, My children, I love, I love each one of you, that is why I speak to you in this very intimate way, so private, so close to touch your hearts. Pray the Rosary of My Tears, pray it, pray it every day. And you will see, dear children, how many wonders I will do, how many miracles and conversions I will do, even within your families.
The devil runs away from where this rosary is prayed, because you don't pray it enough, Satan enters your families and causes all kinds of trouble and disorder. Pray My Rosary of Tears more, and you will see, little children, how Satan can do nothing.
Pray for your family members to pray, because when they all pray, Satan can no longer make any trouble, any disorder, any evil in your families happen.
Pray the Rosary of My Tears, and make everyone pray it, especially the young people. Because in the young people who pray the Rosary of My Tears, Satan cannot touch them, he cannot do anything against them, Satan has no power over the young people who pray My Rosary of Tears. Therefore, I want you first of all to teach the young people to pray this Rosary, which is very powerful to free them from the forces of evil and to inflame their hearts little by little with love for Me.
The Rosary of My Tears is all powerful, and it can even stop wars, stop floods, earthquakes, and all the evils that Satan has introduced into the world, such as communism, spiritism, atheistic socialism, and all the other forces contrary to the Catholic Faith: protestantism, revolutions.
This Rosary is all powerful against evil. Pray it, pray it, and make many prayer groups everywhere to pray it. Where it is prayed, Satan will not have the final victory. So My children, take the Rosary of My tears and pray it this year, pray it from now on with a fervor, with a perseverance and a love like you have never prayed it until today.
The Rosary of My Tears is all powerful, and when the Heavenly Father sees you praying the Rosary of My Tears, He looks at Me, He sees My Tears shed for love of Jesus during all My life, and especially on Calvary. And the Father cannot help but be moved at the sight of My Pain and My Tears. And so He grants you everything you ask for, because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit cannot resist My Sorrows and Tears.
And when I offer these merits of My Tears to Them in your favor, They cannot resist, because they love Me so much, and therefore, They grant you all the graces you ask for through My Heart.
The Rosary of My Tears is powerful, it is all powerful, and it is through it that I will accomplish My great Triumph throughout the world. The more you pray it, the faster My Triumph will happen, My Plans will all be realized, the Secrets that I have entrusted to My little children Marcos, to My little children of Medjugorje will be fulfilled and a New Time of Peace will come to the whole world, it will be given to you My children and the power of Satan will finally be crushed and annihilated. And the whole earth, which now groans under his paw, will finally be liberated and will know a new era of holiness, purity, justice and peace.
You will see, little children, this world full of adultery, of treachery, of fornication, of wars, of killings, of injustice and violence, will disappear before you as the mist dissipates in the morning sun.
And you will see, My children, a New Earth, the Earth that I am preparing for each one of you, day after day in the silence and prayer of My Immaculate Heart. And this New Earth will come, and every tear from your eyes will be dried up, and you will never cry again.
Trust in My Immaculate Heart, believe in My power! I am the Virgin who, already at the first instant of My Immaculate Conception, crushed Satan's head and humiliated him, beginning to exist totally free of his diabolical power.
Over Me he never had any victory, not even the victory of original sin. So, little children, soon I will crush him, he knows that his time is coming. So now he has become more aggressive and has redoubled his attacks against the world and also his temptations against you to lead you into sin and eternal damnation.
But I am not asleep, I am watchful, vigilant and alive, and I know how to defend My children. The only thing I want is for you to be persevering and vigilant every day in prayer, especially My Rosary, the Rosary of My Tears, and the prayers that I have asked you to pray here.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, who will soon, by the power of My Tears, overthrow the infernal empire and raise the Empire of Love, the Empire of the Heart of My Son and of My Immaculate Heart.
Trust! Forward! I am with you and I will never, never leave you. I love you and I do not want you to suffer in the future, so convert without delay.
I bless you all with Love together with all the Saints devoted to My Tears, especially My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, from Campinas, from Montichiari and from Jacareí."
(Our Lord): "My beloved brothers and My little children, I, Jesus, Son of Mary, Son of the Eternal Father come today to tell you: I love you!
I love you with all My Sacred Heart and it is this Love that sent My Mother to your country almost 100 years ago to give you the Crown of Tears of My Blessed Mother. This treasure that I kept in My Sacred Heart for 20 centuries, I gave it to you, to this country, to this nation first and then to the world to show how much I love you, how much I want to save each one of you and all of you together.
Truly I tell you, I tell you all: On that day when My Mother left My right hand and traveled to this country to give Our Little Daughter Amalia the Rosary of Her Tears, My Sacred Heart pulsated violently with Love for humanity. And then, My Love, combined with My Mother's Love produced this marvel that you now have in your hands, the Rosary of Tears of My Mother.
This Rosary, that you can get from My goodness, from the goodness of My Heart, anything you want, as long as it is not contrary to the will of My Father and My Will. As long as it is not harmful for your souls and is good for your salvation.
Anything you want, just ask Me through the Tears of My Blessed Mother and I will grant you everything, and when I say everything, I mean really everything! Any grace, any favor, any miracle, no matter how humanly impossible, if you ask Me with confidence through the Tears of My Mother, I will give it. For I want through these Graces and these Miracles to glorify the Tears of My Mother and exalt them and put them on an equal footing with My Most Precious Blood.
Devotion to My Most Precious Blood already existed in the world, but there was no devotion to the Tears of My Mother, not even they were on the same footing as My Most Precious Blood. I want to exalt the Tears of My Mother and put them on an equal footing with My Most Precious Blood so that the whole world will understand, that it has been redeemed not only by My Most Precious Blood, but also by the Blessed Tears of Blood of My Blessed Mother.
The world was saved not only by the Redeemer, but also by the Co-redemptrix, the one that the Father gave Me as a Coadjutrix and as My all special, unique, pure and holy Collaborator to accomplish the salvation of the world. Therefore, in making My Mother's Tears shine and be recognized before mankind in Their value. I am actually glorifying and exalting the privilege of the Coredemption of My Blessed Mother Mary.
I want Her to be recognized as the Coredemptrix of all mankind, so that the whole world will recognize that it has been saved not only by My Blood, but also by the Sorrows and Tears that She shed in communion with Me.
Yes, the world was also saved by Her who worked with Me for the rescue of all of you, My children. I want the Tears of My Mother, therefore, to be recognized and to be loved and treasured as much as My most precious Blood is. And if at Fatima I wanted to put Her Immaculate Heart on an equal footing with Mine as the Corredemptrix who died a mystical crucifixion with Me.
Here, in this place of My Apparitions in Jacareí, I want to put the Tears of My Mother on the same footing as My Most Precious Blood, so that they are loved and venerated alongside My Most Precious Blood. And may the souls receive from My Mother's Tears along with My Precious Blood graces of love, mercy, and salvation of every kind. So that the world may believe that it truly owes My Mother, the Corredemptrix, not only the grace of the Redemption, but all the graces of this copious Redemption that I pour over the whole world even today.
This is why My Mother appeared so close to here in 1930 to give the Rosary of Tears to My daughter, Sister Amalia. And that is also why My Mother appeared so close to Campinas, because it is from here that the Tears of My Mother will be known throughout the world. It is from this region that the Flame of Love of this Devotion will come forth, and will set the whole world ablaze and lead the whole world to know the wonders of My Sacred Heart performed by the power of My Mother's Tears.
From Here I will begin the great work of liberation and purification of the whole world, of conversion and salvation of humanity. Therefore, you who are the Apostles of Our Hearts, must take the Devotion to the Tears of My Mother to the whole world, forming the Prayer Groups that She has asked to pray this Rosary. So that all humanity will know the power, the effectiveness of this prayer that can do everything with the Father, with Me.
Truly I say: the Rosary of Tears does Me loving violence, because by asking Me for graces through the Tears of My Mother, you practically become thieves of My Graces and assault Me with an argument that I cannot refute, because I love My Mother more than anything. I love My Mother with My own glory.
And if you ask Me for the Tears that She shed for Love of Me, for the Sorrows that She suffered for Love of Me, I cannot, I cannot deny anything, anything, anything that you ask Me. Because I love My Mother and seeing My Mother suffer for Me, throughout My life, My Heart has trembled in such a way, of Pain and of Love for Her that because of this Pain, this Love, this Gratitude that I have for all that She has suffered for Me, I cannot deny anything, anything that She asks Me on your behalf for Her Tears.
Yes My children, you must go, go and take the treasure of My Mother's Tears to the whole world. For this treasure will truly make the poor and indigent rich, the destitute of grace. Making sinners truly rich in My grace.
This treasure will give those who already have My grace even greater spiritual wealth making them supremely rich, millionaires of My graces and gifts. And those who are begging, those who are already practically in spiritual agony about to die for living in so much sin for so many years. This Rosary will bring them back to life, will bring them back to that life of grace that I will give to everyone, to all who ask Me for salvation through the Tears of My Mother.
I love you very much, and that is why I have made known to you the treasure of the Rosary of the Tears of My Mother, because I want to save you first, and then through you I want to save the whole world.
Go and take this treasure to the whole world, I will go with each of you touching the hearts of all through this rosary and causing hearts to open and turn to Me as I want through My Mother's Heart, which is the sure way that leads all souls to the Father through Me.
Convert, convert without delay! My Mother has been telling you here for many years that time is running out. Look at the signs of the times, look how the days are speeding up and have been running faster.
This is the sign I give that the day of Justice is approaching, and the day of Mercy and chances for salvation is ending.
Convert without delay! Don't put off your conversion until tomorrow, because from one moment to the next the blue sky will tear open and the Son of Man will appear before each one to begin the examination. And woe to those who are not wearing the white garment of sanctifying grace.
This garment that I gave to each of you, My children, when you came out of the baptismal fonts, and that you have stained every day with sins and more sins disfiguring and staining that original beauty that I gave you.
Yes, convert and wash, purify, whiten your souls with more prayer, more sacrifice and more penance. And, above all, open your hearts to the knowledge of the truth. Do not be attached to your way of seeing and analyzing My Words. But rather, be docile, docile to what My Mother teaches you Here because She does possess the truth in all its fullness and She knows how to lead you, how to lead each one of you to My Heart.
Come, come to Me through Me, Mother, and I will not reject any of you! Cry out for My Mercy through My Mother's Heart and I will give each of you a super abundant measure of My Mercy.
Continue to pray My Mother's Rosary every day. The souls I love the most are the ones who pray My Mother's Rosary with their hearts.
Pray the Rosary of Tears of My Mother every day and may it also be prayed here daily at least twice a day. May the Rosary of My Mother's Tears always be in your hands, and I promise that at the last moment I will save you and all your loved ones.
I bless you all now with Love, from Dozulé, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Tuesdays through Fridays at 10:00pm (follow announcements from the Cenacles)| Saturdays, 3:30pm | Sundays, 10:00am
Weekdays, 10:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:30 PM | On Sundays, 10:00AM (GMT -02:00)