Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Message From Our Lady- 384th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace!
I came from Heaven to Jacareí, I came from the Kingdom of God, I traveled from the Kingdom of God to Jacareí to call you to conversion, prayer and peace of heart. Which you can only have who truly says 'yes' to God's will, seeks to do it at every moment of your life with the sole and pure intention to please and love God.
Do not remain My children saying that My Messages are repetitive and only ask to pray. Do not be proud, do not be haughty My children. For if I do a close examination of your life, I will see, I will discover that not even the basic Messages I gave in the beginning you are able to live.
Do not be proud. Don't say: 'Our Lady is always asking me for prayer, prayer, prayer, and she tells me nothing new. She tells me nothing about the end times, or the punishments that I want to know what they will be like."
This is a vain and morbid curiosity My children! When I see fit to speak of the Punishment I will. For now you cannot bear these things. When I say that there will be the Warning and the Punishment many of you are already afraid, because your conscience is full of sins and debts to the Justice of God.
If I were to reveal to you the horror and severity of the Punishments that will fall, many of you today would become discouraged. That is why I tell you to pray so much, because only through prayer you will be able to purify yourselves and be prepared for when the hour of Divine Justice comes.
Be humble and accept My direction the way I lead you here, like the Mother who teaches her child to take the first steps well, because from these first steps well taken, the child will learn to take the big steps throughout its life.
That is why I tell you: Pray with the heart, try to learn to pray with the heart, because until today you do not know how to do this. Try to pray with your heart, opening your soul to the Lord, trying to thirst for God in prayer, trying to understand God's will in your prayer.
Sing, meditating on each word you are singing. Pray, meditating on every word you are saying, try to have a frank and sincere dialogue with My Son Jesus in prayer. So that your prayer may truly be alive and lead you to improve every day and to love God more with a more inflamed love every day.
May your prayer be deep and truly be a prayer made in My presence and in the presence of My Son Jesus.
Do not hurt Our Hearts any more with your sins and with your cold and loveless prayers. But rather, console Our Hearts and warm Them with the warmth of your living, sincere Prayer, made with love and made with a true thirst to love God more and to fulfill His Will more.
I, I am your Sorrowful Mother, suffer with your sufferings, and I do not want you to suffer in the future My children. Therefore, I tell you: Convert yourselves without delay! Understand this time of conversion of Lent, that sin is an infinite offense, it is an infinite ingratitude to God, after He has created you with so much love, has endowed your body with so many talents, with so many organs that function in a wonderful way.
After having endowed you with intelligence, with the will, and with so many, many talents that the Lord gave you at birth. After He gave you such a beautiful world to be your home, gave you such tasty food, such refreshing water, gave you the sun that illuminates and warms you. The moon that illuminates your night, the stars that embellish the sky so that you can sleep with tranquility and joy.
After having given you the wind that relieves your heat. After having given you the fire, the water, the earth and all its fruits. You still pay for God's immense Love with sin. This is an infinite ingratitude that makes people and living beings rebel against you. That is why nature punishes you, the cataclysms, the floods, the earthquakes, the prolonged droughts, because nature cannot accept, nor understand your ingratitude towards the love of your Heavenly Father.
So, it acts as the Justice of God, punishing you for so much ingratitude and evil. Repent, and nature will stop punishing you! Repent and stop hurting the Heart of the Lord with your sin, and nature will again be pleased and be your friend. Giving you water so that you don't die of thirst, giving you coolness when you are scorched with heat, giving you also warmth when you are freezing with cold. Finally, stop offending the Heart of the Lord, and nature will stop punishing your crops by making them perish in drought or prolonged cold; it will stop afflicting you with this suffocating heat.
The world, the Angels, nature cannot understand your ingratitude to God by paying so much Love with sin. The Angels are horrified when you pay for the immense Love of My Son who shed even the last drop of His Blood for you on the Cross, with the horrendous sins that you do not renounce and that you commit again and again.
Repent My children! Repent, lest you be punished in this world by the Justice of God in nature, and in the next by the fury of demons.
Yes, My Children, for it will be horrible to fall into that lake of fire and be tormented there for all eternity. I do not want you to suffer forever, so I have traveled from the kingdom of Heaven to Jacareí, to tell you: Convert! Pray My Rosary, because with the Rosary you will be able to overcome any evil, any sin, anything that wants to hinder your salvation.
With My Rosary I will give you all the graces! And that is why necessarily the devotees of My Rosary always get saved, because they receive from Me graces very great, very abundant, very numerous to come to their senses about their sins. To weep for their sins sincerely and to do penance for them, renouncing them from the heart.
In this way, these My children will quickly climb the high mountain of holiness and reach its summit as quickly as did My favorite little children: Bernadette of Lourdes and My Three Little Shepherds of Fatima.
You are still celebrating the Feast of these My little beloved children. Yes, they reached a high degree of love for Me especially because they were deeply devoted to My Rosary. I communicated to them torrents and more torrents of graces every day because they prayed My Rosary faithfully, perseveringly and with love for Me every day of their lives. This is why I was able to act powerfully in them, why I was able to accomplish great things in them.
Pray My Rosary with love, meditating on every word, and I will also shed upon you very great lights from My Immaculate Heart. And you will know things about the Lord, about Me, about the Mysteries of the Rosary that even if you traveled all over the world studying you would not know.
I, above all, will make your souls strong towers, ivory towers, against which the furious waves of My enemy's temptations will crash there, the raging waves of tribulations will crash, but they will not be able to shake you, they will not be able to topple you, because your strength will be Me living and acting in you through My Rosary.
The Message of Lourdes, the Message of Fatima, the Message of Jacarei is: Pray the Rosary, and you will be saved. Because only to the devotees of My Rosary do I give the full graces of My Heart, the full graces of My Heart. And therefore, necessarily those devotees of My Rosary who pray it with love every day will surely be saved.
Love for My Rosary is a sure sign of predestination, and contempt for My Rosary is a sure sign of damnation. Pray, pray, because I want to transform you into other Bernadettes, other Jacintas, other Lucias, other Franciscans in terms of their burning love for My Son Jesus and My Immaculate Heart.
Here, I am truly cultivating My Garden of Mystical Roses of love. Be docile roses that allow yourselves to be pruned by Me, that allow yourselves to be cultivated by Me, that truly allow yourselves to be fertilized by Me, so that you may become lush and fragrant roses of great virtues for the Lord.
Do not be roses that bruise My Hands with the thorns of your rebellion, your stubbornness, your hardness of heart. But rather, deny yourselves and your will so that this Lent I can truly lead you, from the death of sin to the glorious resurrection of the life of grace with My Son Jesus.
I love you very much My Children, and I squeeze you all with Love in My Immaculate Heart!
Come to Me that I have opened the way to Heaven for you. Come, I want to take you all to the kingdom from which I have traveled here, to tell you that I love you with all My heart, and I want to lead you to the happy homeland of Heaven.
I bless you all with Love from Lourdes, from Fatima and from Jacareí."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
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Weekdays, 10:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:30 PM | On Sundays, 10:00AM (GMT -02:00)