Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 12, 2015
St. Eulalia Day - 07.02.2007-Message From St. Eulalia at the Apparitions in Jacareí

(Marcos): "Princess of Heaven, are you Saint Eulalia?"
"Dearest brothers, I Am Eulalia, handmaid of our Lord Jesus Christ and of Mary Most Holy. I love you too.
I love you very much and for a long time I have desired to come here at the Apparitions of Jacareí to speak to you, to bless you, to give you My Peace, to extend My hand to you, to offer you My help to assist you on the path of sanctification, of love, of fidelity, of obedience to God and the Mother of God.
I am close to you, I also dwell here in this Holy Chapel, in this Holy Place, and I help you even if no one knows it, I help all those who come here truly thirsty and hungry for the Messages of the Mother of God and of Our Lord.
I am your sister, I want to help you very, very much! Know, My brothers and sisters, that I have endured a hard martyrdom for love of Our Lord and His Mother, but I have not renounced my faith and my fidelity to them.
I advise and tell you the same: Be faithful to Our Lord, even in the cross, in the suffering, in the pain, in the sickness, in the persecution and in the incomprehension that you suffer because you follow and obey the Messages of the United Sacred Hearts.
See that here in this Holy Place, the Mother of God has given you incomparable treasures, most beautiful and elevated Messages, most powerful and most effective prayers, portentous and marvelous signs, capable of transforming even the roughest stone into the holiest, highest, most pious and faithful Seraphim in Heaven.
Oh yes! How the Mother of God worked wonders without equal here. Do not be unworthy of Her. Do not be unworthy of these Messages, do not be unworthy of these incomparable treasures.
Do not be unfaithful, cowardly, false, hypocritical, lazy, ill-willed. Be faithful! Be worthy of the Mother of God and of God who descends Here in this Holy Place. Don't be unworthy, be faithful!
This is My task, to teach you to be faithful. To teach you to be obedient to the Mother of God, to teach you to be docile, to be worthy of the Mother of God and of the Lord who descend Here to communicate such high riches and such ineffable and high sacraments of His Love and of His Grace.
I, Eulalia, promise to be close to you, especially when you read the Messages here to help you understand the meaning, the heart and spirit of them.
I promise to help all those who disseminate these Apparitions and Messages, who make and disseminate the Hour of Peace, St. Joseph's Meditated Rosary, the Trezena the Setena and everything else that the Lord and the Blessed Mother have given you here.
I promise to be for you a lamp in the dark night of this world. I promise to be for you a path always paved, straight, direct and certain to lead you to the Sacred United Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I promise to be for you always, the arrow that indicates the true path and that will not allow you to get lost in the false shortcuts and wide and spacious paths that the enemy opens before you in the middle of the journey to deceive you, to snatch you from the Sacred Hearts and lead you to damnation.
Marcos, how I love you, how well I love you and protect and defend you, My brother. How I watch over you when you sleep and when you wake up, when you lie down and when you work, when you pray, when you read, when you meditate. I am beside you daily, and I do not move away from you for a single moment, I work together with you, I give you strength, I encourage you, I enlighten you, I encourage you, I support you when you need Me.
Yes, I promise to give My help to all those in need who come here in search of the Messages that save, that lead to Heaven.
I will always, always be at your side, just think of Me, and I will immediately come to your aid and help you.
I swear by My holiness in Heaven and by My perpetual happiness in Paradise. I swear to you Marcos: I will not rest until I bring you to My side in Paradise.
February 12 - Saint Eulalia
Eulalia, was born in the vicinity of the city of Barcelona in the year 290. She belonged to a family of Spanish nobility and her parents lived on a vast estate on the outskirts of that busy court. They showered Eulalia with love, affection, and pampering, almost suffocating the little girl, whose character already shone at a tender age.
Humble, wise, prudent, and very intelligent, she was charity in person. She had an extreme love for Jesus Christ, for whom she spent many hours of the day in virtuous prayers. She used to stay in her modest room, gathered with her little friends, singing songs and hymns of praise to the Lord, then they would go out to distribute their best belongings to the poor children of the neighborhood, who always knocked at her door.
He entered adolescence at the age of thirteen, at the same time that news arrived in Barcelona of the return of the terrible persecution against Christians, decreed for all the domains of the Empire. When the bloodthirsty Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian learned of the rapid and swift spread of the Christian faith in the distant Spanish lands, where until then this faith was rare, they decided and sent the most cruel and ferocious of their judges, named Dacian, to put an end to this "superstition".
Fearing for Eulalia's life, her parents decided to take her to another property further away, where she could stay away from the soldiers who roamed the streets hunting the denounced Christians.
Eulalia considered it cowardly to run away from the power that was exterminating her Christian brothers. So, late at night and without her family knowing, she ran away and spontaneously presented herself as a Christian to the feared judge. She is even said to have said: "Do you want Christians? Here's one.
As she wanted, in the impetuousness of adolescence, she was brought to trial. They again ordered her to worship a pagan god, giving her salt and incense to place at the foot of the altar. Eulalia instead knocked over the statue of the pagan god, scattering the grains of incense and salt away. Her refusal to offer the sacrifices made Dacian furious, who had her whipped until her whole body was bruised and bleeding. Then she was burned alive with the torches of the executioners. It was February 12, 304.
Her body was buried in the church of Santa Maria das Arenas, later destroyed during a fire. But her relics remained intact and were hidden during the domination of the Muslim Arabs, when Christian worship was forbidden.
The cult of Saint Eulalia was maintained mainly in Barcelona where it is very old. From there it spread throughout Spain, crossing borders, beyond France, Italy, Africa, and finally reaching all the Christian world, eastern and western. She is usually celebrated in the diocese of Merida on December 10, the city of her martyrdom. Saint Eulalia is the co-patroness of the city of Barcelona, together with the Virgin of Mercy.