Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Message from Mary Most Holy

My beloved children, today you celebrate the Anniversary of My Appearance in Pontmain as the Virgin of Hope to the four children chosen from My Heart, and I want to say on this day of My Feast: Trust and Hope in My Maternal Love! Just as I saved My little children of Pontmain who were in such danger and could do nothing against an enemy much greater than themselves, so I will save you My little children, so threatened by demons, that every day they plot your doom and rage against you.
I will also save you from this corrupt and corrupting world that drags and seduces so many souls into impurity, lies, violence, dishonesty, and all kinds of sin that lead thousands and thousands of souls to hell every day.
I will protect you, I will save you as I saved My children of Pontmain. Have confidence because I have conquered the world together with My Son. Jesus' victory over the devil, sin and death with His Passion and Resurrection is also My victory.
And so it is written of Me already at the beginning of the Book of Genesis: I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your descendants and Her, She will crush your head.
My victory is in the Name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. My victory is in the Name of the living God and as long as God is His Word He remains alive, effective and valid. And it was He who decreed that in the end I will triumph over Satan. So, little children, do not be afraid! For I am with you, just as I stood beside My little children of Pontmain, who needed Me more than ever on the day of My Apparition. And I heard their prayers, I heard their cries. I did not abandon them, I was not insensitive to them, and likewise I will not be with you. The only thing I want from you and ask of you is: prayer and faithfulness like that of those children of Pontmain.
Pray with love, with confidence, with simplicity of heart as they prayed and persevered in prayer. And then, I promise to protect you from wars, from violence, from the sin of this world that now dominates everything.
I will not allow evil to prevail against you. Therefore, little children, advance with me on the path of prayer towards victory, for the Rosary we will win! And just as with the small number of the faithful I defeated the powerful army at the time of My Appearance in Pontmain, also now with a small number of children faithful to My Heart, consecrated to My heart, I will overthrow and annihilate all hell and My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I bless you all from Pontmain de Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".
"Dear brothers My, I, Lucia of Syracuse, Luzia, rejoice in coming today with the Mother of God to tell you: Hope in your heart!
Hope because you are not alone, you are not orphans, the Mother of God is with you, We the Saints and the Angels, all Heaven is with you. And as long as you do not want to return to the life of sin, We will never leave you alone or at the mercy of sin, demons and the world. We will always be at your side, we will protect you and give you strength to reach Heaven which is your prize, goal and inheritance.
We love you very much and we have a much greater care for you than your mothers have. You cannot imagine what we are capable of doing to save your souls from sin. Therefore, trust us always, pray us always because we are very attentive to the voice of your prayers and in the time fixed by the Lord all your prayers will be answered, all your hopes will be fulfilled.
Hope in your heart! Because each day you are closer to the New Heavens and the New Earth with the Triumph of the Heart of Jesus and His Mother throughout the world. And this Kingdom of love and happiness, of purity and grace is ever closer to you. Prepare for it by converting, purifying and sanctifying yourselves with fasts, penances, prayers and renunciation of yourselves, of your will. So that you may truly be worthy to enter the New Heaven and Earth.
Hope in your heart! For your Mother who said: 'At last my Immaculate Heart will triumph. It is the same Lady who said in the book of Genesis: 'She will crush your head. She will crush Satan's head. She will crush her hellish empire, she will crush every evil that the demons have brought into this world, and you will see how completely the earth will be purified and your eyes will be delighted at the beauty and the Time of Peace that will be given to men.
God will wipe away every tear from your eyes and the time of purification, this time of so much suffering, will revert to you in a time of indescribable joys. And just as a mother, after giving birth to her child, forgets everything she suffered in childbirth to give birth to her baby, so too, in an instant, as the mist dissipates in the morning sun, all your sufferings and torments will be dispelled and you will have the new time of glory, holiness, harmony and peace that will be given to the world.
But be converted, for just as nothing impure can enter Heaven, nothing stained can enter the new Heaven and Earth, the Kingdom of the Mother of God, the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus. Therefore, purify yourselves, sanctify yourselves.
I am with you and I say to you: persevere in the prayer of the Rosary, in the Rosary of Tears of Blood and in all the prayers that the Mother of God has given you Here, because with these prayers you will have the strength to free yourselves from all sin, you will obtain all the graces for your sanctification and you will be worthy one day of the Crown of Eternal Life.
I lovingly bless you all from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".