Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am your heavenly Mother who always repeats the same song, the same song of Pain and Love: I love you and I do not want you to suffer in the future.
So I ask you: Convert without delay! Because the time given by God for the conversion of the world is very short now. Reform your life, converting sincerely and seeking your conversion with commitment every day before it is too late.
The great Punishment will come without warning and most human beings will be caught in sin. And then the Wrath of God will strike the Earth, rays will strike many, fire will devour cities to their foundations and reduce them to ashes. Only the righteous will be protected and live.
Repent and truly make your hands clean from sin, your hearts clean from blasphemy, vanity, and rebellion against the Lord. And may your life every day be filled with the fruits of prayer, sacrifice and penance.
The world was not prepared to receive My son the first time. And so now it is not prepared to receive him either. And just as the first time My son came into this world he was preceded by John the Baptist, now again he is preceded by the new John the Baptist of recent times, Who Am I with My Seers, calling the whole world to conversion and penance like John the Baptist in the Gospel.
The world is not ready to receive him, it hates the truth. Truly I say, if My son were to return to the world again, he would be killed again, he would be crucified again when he speaks again of purity, when he speaks again of conversion, when he speaks again of keeping the Ten Commandments of God's Law.
This world that has not changed anything in these two thousand years is still the same, rebellious to God, enemy of the Commandments of God, enemy of the truth. That is why the world will be punished, because God cannot bear so many more crimes that are committed on the face of the Earth, little children killed in their mothers' wombs by their own mothers. Brothers who kill brothers, wars, violence, cruelty, sins of impurity, sins of blasphemy, idolatry of pleasure, sex, money and power, vanity and sensuality on all sides.
God can no longer bear so many sins and will cleanse the Face of the Earth. It is your prayers that hold the great Punishment, it is the righteous souls chosen by God, chosen by Me that are delaying the Punishment with their prayers, with their sufferings, with their groans carrying the cross.
Yes, continue praying that at least a rosary of humanity be saved. What my little son Marcos said, I repeat: Make the Prayer Groups everywhere, wherever you can, with whom you can and when you can. Because these Prayer Groups are the last hope of the Earth and they are also the last hope of My heart. Do not wait any longer, do not leave them until next month or next year. Start now to pray with your friends wherever you can. For only your prayer can still achieve the salvation of so many in the power of Satan, blinded by mortal sin, so that they may see the truth and be converted before it is too late.
Proclaim My Message of La Salette, because My Tears Fallen in La Salette, the Message and the Secret I gave there, are now fulfilled in the world and in your life. And My children are lost because they do not know the dangers that threaten them. Warn everyone by communicating My message of La Salette as soon as possible to all My children, because I want to save everyone and I don't want anyone to get lost.
I came here to offer my love, but it has been betrayed and despised by many, My friendship and my predilection have been trampled on by many, who have exchanged my love for the love of unworthy and sinful creatures. For them, God's abandonment is all that remains, since they preferred themselves, the creature, to the Creator.
Be converted! Pray, pray the Rosary because only the Rosary can save the world, it can save families, it can save humanity, it can save your souls!
Truly I repeat the promise I made Here: My true devotee, the true devotee of My Rosary, who prays My Rosary with sincere love every day, will not be lost forever because I will seek all graces so that he may be converted and have eternal life.
I love you all! I love this place in a special and very precious way because Here in the life and work of my little son Marcos, I am fully corresponded, obeyed, consoled, loved and served. And that is why I Here will make great graces for your salvation, for the salvation of Brazil and the world.
Pray, just as I saved the world through my little daughter Gianetta Vacci, in her time in Caravaggio, then because of my just daughter Mariana de Jesus Torres, I will save Brazil because of obedience and fidelity, love and affection for Me, my little son Marcos Tadeu.
Be faithful also My children and your faithfulness will save many souls who have been entrusted to your prayer.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, Montichiari and Jacareí".