Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Message From Our Lady And Saint Lucia Of Syracuse (Luzia) - 351st Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today My Immaculate Heart rejoices to see you Here at My Feet once again.
I am the Immaculate Conception! I come from Heaven to call you again to Holiness. The first Message I gave you here, was about Holiness. I want you to be Holy, I want you to be beautiful, I want you to be pure and immaculate in God's eyes as I, your Immaculate Mother, am. Let yourself be attracted by My sweet perfume of holiness, which emanates from My Immaculate body for all of you.
Follow My fragrance, follow in My immaculate footsteps by walking every day on the path of prayer, of penance, of renunciation to yourself and to the world. So that every day I can wrap you more and more in My immaculate light: of purity, of love, and of sanctity.
If your soul is stained with many sins, I can purify it with My spotless light. All I want from you is your 'yes', your prayer, and your perfect docility to My voice. By doing this, little by little My spotless light will transform you into white lilies and spotless sugar lilies like Me, for the greater glory of the Lord.
Continue to pray My Rosary every day, because the soul that prays My Rosary will not be condemned, and will also never stay long in the flames of purgatory, because I will raise this soul to a great holiness so that it will go directly to Heaven. This grace I only give to the most ardent devotees of My Rosary and who pray it with sincere love, fervor, and devotion every day.
Walk every day in My light, always seeking more and more what pleases God, to do God's will as I have done it. And at all times saying yes to God, joyfully enduring the sacrifices that your 'yes' will demand of you. For only in this way will you attain the Holiness that God expects of you.
I love you very much, and I do not want you to suffer in the future. That is why I tell you: Convert yourselves without delay! Because what I have told you in the past will now be quickly fulfilled, and the Punishments will come to punish this world that every day continues to crucify My divine Son Jesus Christ cruelly again.
Repent of your sins, do penance, God is with His Heart open to forgive and save you. If you want He will forgive you and your salvation, Heaven will be yours.
I, your Mother, want to lead you to a profound conversion in the Desta of My Immaculate Conception, so change your lives. Open your hearts and I will take your hand and lead you on the right road that will take you to Heaven.
To all at this moment I embrace and leave My peace!"
(Saint Lucia): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Lucia, Lucia of Syracuse love you very much and am overjoyed by the presence of all of you Here.
All of you are loved one by one by the Lord, by the Mother of God and also by Me. I see all your sufferings, I see your afflictions, I see your pains, all your groans are known to Me. Every day I present to the Lord My prayer and also My personal merits to ask for all the graces that the Father wants to accomplish in your lives.
Trust! Your Prayers will be answered soon! And the graces that many have come here to seek and to ask for will soon be realized.
I wish to tell you: Be immaculate, like Mary Immaculate, living completely for the Father for the Father's love, for the Father's glory and for the Father's will. Each day renounce more and more your will to do the Lord's will, to do what God wants to accomplish through you in the world.
Give your 'yes' to God, open your heart to Him. This is easy, an act of the will is enough. To love, to love God is this, it is to have the firm will to do His will even if it costs you sacrifice.
I loved God because I did His will, even when it cost Me pain, suffering, and death itself. Love for God is proven by works. This is what the Blessed Mother came to ask here, came to ask at Beauraing and in so many Apparitions.
If you love Her, then sacrifice for Her. Sacrifice yourselves for Her, sacrifice yourselves for the Lord by suffering for Them, by doing Her will, even if it costs you some sacrifice. Only then will God believe in your love and work His graces in your lives.
Be immaculate like the Immaculate Virgin, living every day as She lived: in humility, in prayer, in love, in grace, in friendship with God. Then your life will be transformed as Her life was, into what Her life was, into a luminous Sun that will dissipate the great darkness of sin, of evil in this world. And the light of the Lord will lead many lost souls back to the path of grace and salvation.
I love you very much and I don't want to lose you, I want to lead all of you to Jesus and Mary, and I don't want any of you to be condemned. This is why I tell you: give Me your "yes", open your heart to Me. Let Me lead you along the road that I have already traveled before you: the road of holiness, of renunciation, of sacrifice, of virtues and of love. So that then, I can also transform you into other immaculate lilies of purity, into other mystical roses of perfect love for God and His Mother. You must be other Lights, other lights like Me for this world.
Pray the Rosary, only by the Rosary can you enlighten the world and dispel the darkness of evil. Only by the Rosary, now you can achieve Miracles.
I bless you all with love with the Mother of God, of Catania, of Syracuse and of Jacareí."