Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Message From God the Eternal Father And Our Lady - Feast Of The Immaculate Conception Aarecida - Patroness Of Brazil - 333rd Class Of The School Of Holiness And Love Of Our Lady And Saint Lucia Of Syracuse (Luzia)

(Eternal Father): "Beloved children of Mine, I, your Father, the first person of the Holy Trinity, the Father of your Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ, come today once again on the Feast of the Mother of My Son, My most beloved Daughter and Princess of Heaven, the Virgin Mary whom I created free from the stain of original sin.
I come to tell you: Come to Me through Mary! Come to Me through Mary, who is the sure way that leads all of you to Me, who gives you more and more the possibility to receive My graces without being rejected by Me.
Through Mary, it pleases Me to give you everything you ask Me for, everything you need. And just as I sent My Son into the world only through Mary, because only Mary was worthy of My Son. So also, only through her and with her do I give you My graces, because without Mary, you are not worthy of any grace. But with Mary, you are worthy of all My graces, because, seeing the love you have for her, My Heart is moved, and I am pleased to give you everything you ask for through the Mother of My Son and My most beloved Daughter.
Come to Me through Mary because she is the channel of My graces. When your fathers sinned against Me, they rebelled against Me, joining the serpent to Me, on that day in Paradise. When I drove your parents out of the place of peace and joy, where they could see Me, hear My voice, look into My eyes, enjoy all the grace of My presence. When I cast them out and cursed and cursed the serpent, I prophesied: That this Woman, would be the one who would crush the serpent's head, and would be the one who would bring to you not only the restoration of the order of Grace destroyed by sin. Not only the redemption and reconciliation of all mankind with Me. But she would also be the only channel through which I, My Son, the Holy Spirit would give you all the present graces you need for your salvation.
Come, then, to Me through Mary, and I will not reject you, for he whom Mary presents to Me as her son, as her race, as her offspring. These I love, I receive, I forgive, I fill with good things and graces, I give whatever they ask of Me.
Come to Me through Mary, and then, I will see your humility, recognizing that you do not have the merits to be heard by Me. And, therefore, asking her who enjoys so much favor before Me. My heart will be moved by your prayers, and will give you whatever you ask Me for.
Do not be afraid to love this most beloved of My Daughters too much, because you will never love Her more than My Son Jesus has loved, more than the Holy Spirit has loved, and more than I have loved Her.
Do not be afraid to praise Her and exalt Her too much, because you will never exalt Her more than I exalted Her when through My Messenger Gabriel I greeted Her saying: Hail full of grace!
Do not be afraid to love Her and serve Her too much and to entrust yourselves to Her, because you will never trust Her more than My Son Jesus did by becoming incarnate in Her womb, by becoming Her Son, by letting Himself be carried by Her. And you will never trust Her more than I did, by giving to Her, by entrusting to Her My most precious possession: My only Son, My own Son.
And now I also ask you: Convert yourselves without delay! For My patience will not wait for those who play with My Mercy forever. Accelerate your conversion, pray with your heart, because those who pray with their heart as My most beloved Daughter has been teaching Here, they never stop on the path of their conversion. They go ever forward, ever closer to Me, ever more receiving My light and taking on the very likeness of My holiness and perfection.
Convert yourselves without delay, because soon I will tear the sky which will be red like blood, and I will make My Angels with swords of fire set the fire of My Justice on all the earth.
And what My dearest Daughter told you at La Salette will be fulfilled: All My enemies will be killed, and the earth will become like a desert.
Do not be among My enemies, that is, those who offend Me with their sins. But be of the number of My friends, My children, who never hurt Me, who never betray My love.
In truth I tell you: Even if you have been worse than the prodigal son, even if you have spent all My inheritance, that is, all the love I have given you, all the gifts I have given you: life, intelligence, beauty, youth, with sin if you have one single sigh, one single sincere thought of repentance and love, I will not expect you to return to Me. I Myself will set out to take you out of the pigsty of your sin and to lead you home again, where you will put on your hand the ring of My Friendship, the robe of My Love, the sandals of My eternal inheritance, and I will perfume you with My royal perfumes. And you will again become princes of the King of Heaven.
I tell you My children: Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as My chosen people did in the desert, who so often turned against Me and My holy servant Moses. Do not harden your hearts toward Me, nor toward My prophetess of the last times, Mary, nor toward My chosen servant Marcos Thaddeus. For I tell you: great is the grace I have given the world by sending My most beloved Daughter to this city more than twenty years ago to show you My Love, to show you how much I love you, how much I want your salvation.
Truly I have come to call the world with Her to conversion for the last time. After these Apparitions are over I will wait no more, and I will never return My Face to you to call you and to forgive you. Therefore, now that My Face is turned to you, not angry, but kind, merciful, benevolent, seek Me, open your heart to Me, give Me your yes, give Me your life, give Me your love so that I may act in your life and transform your life into a Heaven of peace, of grace and salvation.
Now My Face is turned toward you tenderly. Soon, when the apparitions of My Daughter Mary will end, here My Face will turn to this world, but no longer with Mercy, but with Justice, Wrath and Fire. And I will indeed punish all those who would not listen to My warnings, who would not heed Our calls.
Be alert, because I can come at any time, at any moment, without warning and like a thief, and if I surprise you in your hands full of sin. Verily I say unto you, My children: I will banish you from My presence, and I will not recognize you from My race, and I will banish you to eternal darkness, where your wages, the wages of your sin will be fire upon fire, pain upon pain, cry upon cry, horror upon horror.
Very truly I tell you: It will be horrible to be seized by demons and to be dragged into eternal flames. Many have already been because they did not heed My warnings. Do not be among these My children, these unfortunate ones. I do not want your pain, I do not want your unhappiness, I do not want your ruin and your eternal suffering. That is why I am now giving you a hundred chances every minute. If I see a sincere sigh of love and repentance in your heart. Oh, My children! I will come to you with an abundance, with a glory and a power far greater than the roll of flame and smoke, of clouds and smoke with which I came to My servant Moses and to My chosen people.
I will be your light, I will be your God, you will be My people, and I will open all the seas for you, that is, all those virtues that you do not yet have, I will give you. I will be at your side in your tribulations to give you strength. I will send you My Holy Spirit with His Gifts. Above all, of Wisdom to guide you in these times when you have to make difficult decisions, and you have to choose between good and evil, Heaven and hell, grace and sin.
I will open all the seas before you, and all those graces, all those virtues, all that strength you need to one day come to Me, I will give you. I will cross the sea with you and close it behind you to all your enemies, and they will not be able to reach you, the demons will not be able to overthrow you, the evils and sin of this world will not be able to seduce you, and you will reach safe and sound the glory that I prepare for you every day in Heaven.
See that I have given you the gift of life, the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat. I make your blood run in your veins, to keep you always alive, so that you may know My love and My goodness. And how do you repay Me, My children? Only with sin and more sin without end.
Why are you so cruel to a Father who loves you so much? What more could I have done for you that I did not do? What more do you want from Me, My children? I who offer you Heaven for so little, for just a drop of love I would be able to create for you, a new Heaven for you.
So little children, open your hearts to this Love of mine, so that I can truly heal you and save you from all sin, all evil.
I thank you for having left everything and for coming here today to celebrate the Feast of the Queen of Heaven, whom I myself have crowned, whom I myself have given the title Queen, Mediatrix and Advocate of all mankind.
She who is the stone, the most precious jewel of My Heart, My delight and My joy. When My Heart aches with sorrow for the sins of the world. When My Heart cries with bitterness for the ingratitude of My children, it is to Mary that I look, it is in her that I look for comfort, it is in her that I rejoice and forget the offenses of My children, and even cancel so many punishments with which I should punish your sins.
You owe your survival and the survival of the world to Mary, otherwise I would have already sent another Flood to erase and sweep so much sin, so much impurity, so much sin, so much violence, so much blasphemy from the reach of the earth.
My children, come to My Heart, you can feel My love if you wish. Open the door of your hearts to Me, and at this moment I will pour upon all of you My grace, My peace, and the salvation that through My Son I offer to every man who believes in Me and who comes to Me.
Upon all of you today, upon this place, upon this Image of My most beloved Daughter who is here with Me, I now pour My fatherly graces and I say to you: Your name is written in My Heart, in the Book of Life. Do not lose this grace through sin, be faithful to My Love, be faithful to My word. And I tell you: that one day I myself will be at the door of Paradise to receive you in person, to embrace you, and to call you My children.
I bless you all now with Love, I bless this Sacred Place that I myself have chosen to be My Throne of Grace. And each of you whom I Myself have personally chosen and called to be Here, I bless now with abundance of My graces."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, the Sign that I have given you today is the great Sign of My Love, I am the Woman clothed with the Sun, I am the Queen of Brazil.
And this Sign of the Sun, today indicates to you that your Heavenly Mother brighter than a thousand Suns together will triumph. Nothing is impossible for Me. If it is possible for Me to make the Sun rotate before your eyes, without leaving you blind, it is possible for Me to save Brazil, to save your souls, and to save your families.
The only thing I ask of you is prayer, just pray, and hope that the hour of My great victory is coming, and those who are faithful to My messages will triumph with Me.
I am the Queen of Brazil and I see how much you love Me here My children! I see how much love My little son Marcos has for Me, love that brings him to tears of love and tenderness for Me. For this great love that I have seldom found in the history of mankind, for this love that I went around the whole world looking for and did not find, but I found it in this My Son.
By this great Love I promise you: I will save Brazil, I will save your families, I will save the whole world, and humanity purified from sin and free from Satan's dominion will enter the new Heaven and the new Earth that the Father and I prepare every day for you. A time of happiness, love and grace, where no more tears of pain will fall from your eyes.
For now, little children, you still have a few more drops of the bitter chalice of the great tribulation to drink. Courage! Soon this bitter chalice will be transformed into a very sweet chalice full of the sweetest honey of the Father's love and of my love, which will be given to you in the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
I love you very much and I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I tell you little children: Change your lives today, so that I can act in your lives, transform you and take you safe and sound with Me to the new Heaven and to the new Earth that is coming, to the Paradise that awaits you, where all your labors, where all your pains will be rewarded generously by My son Jesus.
I love you very much, continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day for Brazil and for the salvation of the whole world.
In truth I tell you: Brazil, this Earth so loved by Me, but so insidious and tempted by My enemy, and which is now dominated by him, by violence, by impurity, by immorality, by dishonesty, by the wickedness of this Earth, will be transformed from a desert into a great green garden of love. Your eyes will see this miracle, your ears will hear the jubilant songs of the Holy Angels transforming the earth, and from your eyes will descend the most ardent tears of happiness and gratitude for seeing that the old sorrows will have passed away. And all is new, all is renewed by the blood of the Lamb and the Tears of the Mother of the Lamb and the Tears of the Mother of the Lamb. And the One who comes and who will come, the One who reigns, the One who will reign forever will be in your midst and He will sup with you and then great will be your joy at the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Go forward little children and do not be afraid, because I am with you, I have manifested Myself through My Image found miraculously by the power of the Lord and Mine in the waters of the Paraiba River, to tell you: I am your Mother, and I am near you, silent in this Image with my Hands placed like Queen Esther, continually pleading before the King of Heaven for you. And just as Esther obtained from King Ahasuerus the life of her people, I also always obtain for you every day from the Lord: life and life in abundance, salvation, grace and peace.
And I have come here, three hundred years later, in the same Paraiba Valley, chosen by Me for many centuries, for the fulfillment of My maternal designs. Through this privileged child, in whom I found so much love for Me, so much docility, so much obedience, so much trust, to tell you: I am with you! Just as I stood beside My Son on the road to Calvary, I am with you to help you carry the cross until you rise in glory with Christ.
Courage little children, Heavenly Mother covers you now with Her Mantle and says to you: Pray My Rosary. He who prays My Rosary will not condemn himself or his house to hell, because where My Rosary is prayed Satan flees, he only fears the Rosary.
And those who pray the Rosary, God the Father has decreed to be saved for the greatest humiliation of the enemy, glorification of His Name and exaltation of My Immaculate Heart.
I now bless you all with love from Fatima, Aparecida and Jacareí.
Each one of you has been chosen by My Immaculate Heart, do not lose this predilection that I have for you, preferring sin, preferring My enemy and creatures. Give Me your yes, little children, and I promise you that the river of My graces will flow over you from now on and carry you to eternity.
Peace My beloved children, peace to you Marcos, the most ardent, the most obedient, sacrificed and dedicated of My servants."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)