Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Message From Our Lady - 323rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I come to invite you to a greater, more scorching devotion to My Apparition and Message of La Salette and Fatima.
In these two Apparitions I revealed to you My great Plan for the Salvation of mankind, which will conclude Here. Therefore, you must now, more than ever, make My apparition at La Salette and My apparition at Fatima known to all My children. So that they will understand that the end times have come, and that you are already in the final stage of the great struggle between Me and My adversary, the red dragon, Satan.
And because of this, you cannot now look back, nor even drop the weapons I have given you: of Prayer and Sacrifice. Otherwise, you will be lost forever.
The soldier who now refuses to fight the good fight, out of selfishness, out of love for himself, will be struck by the enemy and will perish. He will fall into mortal sin and be lost forever.
Now is the time to forget yourselves, your corrupted and always opposed will, contrary to that of God. And make your thinking converge with the Lord's thinking, make your will, conform to the Lord's will. So that finally the Plan of Salvation of the world may be fulfilled in you, and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be realized on the face of the earth.
Make known My Apparitions of La Salette and Fatima to the world, so that My children understand the great danger they are in. First of falling into mortal sin and condemning themselves eternally, then of placing themselves in the hands of Satan, to be used by him as instruments to spread sin, destruction and violence in the world. And finally, the danger of a new and worse war that will end the days of human beings on earth.
You must warn all My children, that it is up to them whether the world will be saved or destroyed. Whatever they want will happen to them, you must tell them that they should prefer Prayer, the Rosary, Conversion, Love of God, Sacrifice, Friendship of the Saints. Because only then the world can be saved, and days of happiness and prosperity can come for the human race, for you My little children.
You must make My Apparitions of La Salette and Fatima known to the world more than ever. Teaching by your word and by your example that everyone must pray well, pray the Rosary with the heart, with love, certain that I am always alive, always present when My children are praying the Rosary. And so, you must pray the Rosary with love, recollection, devotion, piety, tenderness, and complete trust in My great power with My child.
You must teach everyone also to make sacrifices, because the Catholic Faith has weakened, and the Church has waned in the world, because sacrifice is not taught to My children as a good that they should seek and do for the Triumph of God in souls and in society.
Every day you can stop eating something that you like very much, you can stop doing something that you like, that pleases you very much. And you can offer this as a sacrifice to the Lord, for the salvation of so many souls that can be saved at the end of the day by your sacrifices offered with love, with true generosity.
Because the Sacrifice has been taken out of Catholic teaching, the Catholic Faith has grown so cold and wan so much until it has almost disappeared in many nations. And that is why Satan advances so much and gains ever greater ground. He can do nothing against the Rosary and the Sacrifice. If My children, if the Catholics do this the world will be saved. Because the shepherds have forgotten the Prayer and the Sacrifice, the wolf has attacked the flock and decimated the sheep.
Shout to all My children: Prayer and Sacrifice! Prayer and sacrifice if you want to save yourselves, if you want to save humanity. Only with Prayer and Sacrifice can you change anything on earth.
I come from Heaven to teach you the sure means to be happy, in this world and the next. These means are Prayer, Sacrifice, which leads to Conversion, and Conversion leads to Salvation. Therefore, little children: Pray, pray and pray, because there is nothing else more important to do. Pray and pray and pray, because there is nothing else more precious and valuable before God.
Make sacrifices and announce My Messages to everyone, offer the works and labors of each day, especially those works that cost you more as a sacrifice, because this will be the salvation of many souls.
I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation, so I warn you: Convert while God still gives you time.
I call you also today, to a greater and more fervent Devotion to the Archangels of the Lord. Tomorrow is the Feast Day of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. You must love the Archangels and the Angels in general with a true, sincere, deep and burning love.
Talk to Them, pray to Them, call upon Them to help you in your needs and difficulties. Ask for Their powerful protection at all times of your life, and especially when Satan's temptations to sin come to you, call powerfully upon the Archangels and Angels of the Lord. So that they give you the inner strength to renounce all evil. Especially St. Michael, will give you the strength to say in the face of temptation: 'Who like God? I will not disobey my God, I will not hurt my God. Rather, I will serve Him alone like the great Saint Michael.
By doing this, truly, you will be victorious from temptations. And St. Gabriel and St. Raphael will also strengthen you and pour balm on your souls, so that you may endure all the suffering, of this time of great tribulation, and come victorious to the great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
The Angels have the mission to heal your souls and comfort you in the trials that are never lacking in this time of great tribulation for you. They pour balm into your souls, so that you can overcome all the physical and inner suffering. And you can continue to fight as mighty warriors of Mine who march at My command toward the great victory. Therefore, Little children of Mine, now is the time for the Holy Angels, now is the time when They must and will act powerfully in your lives and in your families.
Invoke them with confidence, consecrate yourselves to them every day, because the soul that is consecrated to the Angels of the Lord, will not grow tired on the way, will not fall in battle, and will arrive victorious at the threshold of Paradise where it will be crowned as a brave combatant, worthy of the prize and of the eternal inheritance that the Lord prepares for all those who like the Saints, like the martyrs and the faithful Angels, have remained faithful to the Lord always until the end.
I love you very much and now I bless you all from La Salette, from Fatima and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)