Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Message From Our Lady- 318th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am the Lady of the Apparitions of Jacareí, I am the Lady of the Rosary of Peace.
I am She who comes from Heaven to give you the precious Gift of Peace. Today, as you commemorate here another month of My apparitions, I come again to call you to peace of heart, which only he who is in the grace of God can have. Therefore, renounce all sin, be converted! So that the Peace of the Lord may be given to each one of you and remain in you.
The world deceives itself by trying to make peace without God, men in their pride want to make peace without God, without God's commandments, thinking that by living as they want to live according to their disordered desires and their corrupted way of thinking, they will have peace.
But they are wrong, because all peace without God is false, and this will lead the world to ruin. Many times man has tried to make his peace and happiness without the Lord, and it all resulted in wars and more wars, suffering and more suffering, and bitterness upon bitterness.
Only in God can man have true peace that lasts forever and is never taken away, because only God is Peace, He is the source of Peace.
God is Peace, Peace is God. God is Love, and Love is God. So, if you want to have the peace of heart and the love that your soul thirsts so much for, come to God and He will give you Peace, come to God through Me and you will find Peace. Come to Me who am the Queen of Love, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, and I will give you Peace of heart.
Only in prayer with the heart as I have taught you here, can you have peace and find peace. So, pray, pray a lot, for only by living in great prayer will your soul have peace.
Even at work, at school, or at home, you can always be at peace, by keeping your soul united to the Lord and to Me, by a way of prayer that I have already told you about many times: That prayer of the heart that makes the soul always connected to God, doing everything for Him, everything with Him, everything in Him. Everything for Me, everything with Me, everything in Me.
If the soul has as its only objective to do the Lord's will and Mine, and not its own, it will be united with us
its own, it will be united with us all the time and this will be counted as prayer time. Then the soul will pray all day long, and then when it can stop work and go home, it will be able to do the vocal praying of the Rosary and other prayers that I have asked for.
This is how you should live all day long in this form of prayer, doing the Lord's will and not yours, doing Mine, not yours. Then, all the time you are doing Our Will will be counted as prayer time.
Pray, pray very much, because the world and Brazil have never been on the brink of such a great abyss of destruction as they are now. The sins of your nation cry out to Heaven for vengeance, humanity becomes worse every day, men become more and more perverse My children, they disobey more and more the Commandments of God, they fornicate, steal, adulterate, blaspheme, kill, steal, lie, covet, and every day more and more they turn away from the Lord.
Much prayer is needed to save these souls enslaved by Satan. Because without prayer nothing can save them, many souls are entrusted to you, they are under your responsibility, your prayer.
Pray, because the Lord will ask you to account for all the souls that have been lost, because you have not prayed for them.
Take My Messages to the whole world, so that the world may know My Love, God's Love, and thus in Love be saved by Love, souls be saved by Love.
Hasten your conversion, because the great chastisement is very near, it is at the door.
In truth I tell you: Fire will fall from Heaven as I said in Akita, and the burn it will produce cannot be healed by anyone, nor by any medicine, no remedy.
The suffering of sinners will be so great that they will want to die, but God will not allow them to die, so that the punishment will be worse. Then, when they have been well punished, the demons will seize them and take them with them to another fire much worse than the one that fell on them from Heaven.
If you don't want to be among these unfortunate little children, convert! Change your lives. What My servant John Mary Vianney said is true: to be saved is much easier than to be lost.
When you put the Rosary in your hands and pray it with love, renouncing the temptations of the devil, the evil thoughts he suggests to you, there your salvation begins.
The Rosary will give you the strength to do penance, and penance will give you the strength to renounce sin. Thus you will be converted, and you will arrive at salvation safely.
Therefore I say to you, My little children: Pray, above all, in spite of everything, and at every moment and place. Pray, live continually in the grace of God.
Now I solemnly bless these My Images that are here, perfect copies of My venerable Miraculous Image, from whose eyes I have made Tears descend so many times here, and manifested the prodigies of the miraculous oil and the phenomena of light. Wherever these Images go, I will be alive, bringing My graces, healings, peace, and the salvation of the Lord.
I now pour My solemn blessing over them. My little daughter Lucia of Syracuse, Bernadette, Philomena, Catherine Labouré and My Little Shepherds of Fatima together with My Geraldo Majella will accompany these images wherever they are and pray with special solicitude for those who kneel before them and honor Me with their prayer. Upon them now descend My Solemn Maternal Blessing.
I bless this Sacred Place of My Apparitions that I love and that is the apple of My eyes. I bless each one of you My beloved children, who always come here with such love to praise Me and pray for My Plans, for the Triumph of My Heart.
Each one of you is dear to My Heart, I clasp you to My Heart and give you now My Solemn Blessing of Fatima, of Lourdes and of Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, Peace Marcos the hardest working and most dedicated of My children."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)