Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 10, 2014
5th Message From God the Eternal Father - Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady Revealed in Her Apparitions - 311th Lesson of Our Lady's School of Holiness and Love

(Eternal Father): "My beloved children, I your Father, come again today with all My Love to tell you: I love you and I want your salvation. This is why I created the Heaven, the Earth, the Sea and everything that exists so that in everything you would see My Love and give glory and unite with Me by perfect love, by the union of your souls with Me by the perfect filial love that you must have for Me your Creator Father.
It was for your salvation that I created Mary, so that she would be your enchantment, so that she would be the Peace of your life, so that she would be the shining star that draws you all to Me and shows you the way to Me.
In Mary's sweetness you can feel My Paternal sweetness, because in Mary I reflect Myself completely and totally as the sun is reflected perfectly in the clearest of mirrors.
In Mary, in Her look, in Her kindness you can feel My Goodness, My tenderness, and My Love for you. It was I who made Her, who formed Her, who created Her, and endowed Her with so much beauty and My Love. So that by knowing Mary, by knowing Mary's goodness, you would know Me and My goodness, because Mary's goodness is Mine, Mary's gentleness is Mine, and Mary's beauty is My beauty. It was I who gave her this very beauty.
This is why I gave you Mary so that she would be a sign of My Love, and through her My Son would come into this world, to reveal My Face to you, to reveal My Law, My Will, which is always Love and Salvation.
When I tell you: Renounce sin, or I will send you to hell. I do this out of love, because I do not want your condemnation.
When I say to you: Observe My Commandments, I do it because I do not want to have to cast you later into the eternal flames.
That is why I tell you: Renounce sin now, keep My commandments, because this will be the way to happiness and salvation for you.
How often I warn sinners, I warn them to turn from the evil ways they are going. I warn them through the signs of nature, of lightning, thunderbolts, and storms. I warn them through accidents and painful events in their lives, I warn them through sickness and pain so that they will come to their senses, come to their senses, reflect on the evil ways they are going, and be converted.
But, all in vain, all useless, because many of them, despite having been warned so many times by Me, continue preferring sin, continue preferring the path that leads to damnation.
How great is the pain of My Father Heart to see that I have children who are crazy, crazy in sin, crazy for perdition, when I offer you such a beautiful life at My side, a life of grace, of holiness, of peace and of love. And all I ask of you is to accept this life, to accept My rules, and I will be your Companion, your Friend, your Kind Father who will never tire of filling you with eternal goods and rewards.
You see, the Father of the prodigal son forgave his son, but first he waited for the son to come and ask forgiveness on his knees at his feet. The same I want, I will forgive sinners, but sinners who on their knees repent of their sins and sincerely ask Me for forgiveness, willing to begin a life of conversion.
Pray, then, for your conversion. Pray for the conversion of sinners, because many of them will only come back to their senses, only fall back into themselves, with the help of your prayer.
Only the mystical supernatural power of your prayer can make them come to their senses and recognize the folly they have done in turning away from Me, from My rules, and preferring sin, the cruel master that is Satan. Who first demands all the efforts of his servants, enslaving them in pleasures, and then throws them into the eternal flames where he will torment them and pay them for all eternity for their services, with torments and pains so terrible that I cannot describe them to you.
Pray that sinners will turn to Me, that I am still with open arms, offering them forgiveness generously every day. I have decreed: that while My most beloved daughter Mary is appearing, I will forgive seventy times seven times a day the sinner who asks Me and repents.
But, woe to those who wait for night to fall. Woe to those who are waiting for night to fall upon them, to then look to Me, look to Mary, look to the warnings that we have given to humanity in these last centuries.
Truly, they will look for the light of the sun, but it will be too late for them, they will not see it anymore. You who are still seeing My light, you who are still seeing the way of salvation that I am offering you. Enter that way quickly. Because soon the night of the great Chastisement that I will send to the world will come, and then no one will be able to see My light anymore; for sinners it will be too late.
And let no one think that this Decree of Mine will only take place many centuries from now, because My cup is already overflowing. I am already saturated with so many sins and heinous crimes that I contemplate twenty-four hours a day, every time this Earth turns.
Yes, every time this world turns before My Eyes, My Heart breaks with pain, because I see that My Creation is all ruined, My Creation is all destroyed by the action of My enemy who has found in you useful partners and allies.
And that is why I am going to purify this Earth with a fire that you have never seen. And woe to those, who are waiting for night to fall to look for Me. They will look for Me, but they will not find Me anymore, because the time to look for Me is now.
Seek Me then, here in this Place consecrated by My presence, by the presence of My son, the Mother of My Son, and the Saints and Angels that I have sent here. So that truly your life will not be lost to My wrath when it comes, but rather that I will find you as good, sweet, and fruitful vines in My vineyard, in My harvest.
Oh, My children, how I love you! I have sent you Prophet after Prophet, Saint after Saint, Confessor after Confessor of My Law and My Word. And now I have sent you My most beloved Daughter, the very Mother of My Son, and I am coming down with Her to tell you: Convert, for now is the time for conversion!
Don't you see the drought, the rumors of war, the earthquakes, the hurricanes, the misfortunes that are happening over you? These are My warnings for you to come inside yourselves and reflect on the path of death and destruction that you are walking.
Convert! Come back to Me! He who prays the Rosary with true love every day, the Rosary of My most beloved Daughter Mary, that is Mine. Because the Rosary is also the Work of My Creative Power, it was I with Mary and with My Son Jesus, with My Holy Spirit who created this wonderful Prayer for you, which is the Holy Rosary and gave it to you through Our Servant, Dominic.
He who prays the Rosary every day, may be sure that he will be considered not only a true child of Mary, but also a true child of Mine. My children love the Holy Rosary, My true children propagate the Holy Rosary, My true children honor Me, honor Mary with many Rosaries every day.
Whereas the children of My enemy, of My adversary, of that serpent that I cursed and drove out of My Garden in the beginning. Her children hate the Rosary, despise the Rosary, persecute the Rosary, fight the Rosary, trample on the Rosary. For they are children of the serpent and not My children and I do not recognize them and will deny them for all eternity before My Angels.
If you do not want to be among these fools, these wretches, love My Rosary, the Rosary of My most beloved daughter Mary. And pray it every day, because he who prays it will never be abandoned by Me, and I will give him all the graces so that he will come to Me as a glorious child of Mine, as My Royal Son, as the Prince of Heaven, My offspring, and from Me, from My Hands, he will receive the eternal inheritance.
Pray all the prayers that Mary here has commanded you to say, because those who say these prayers grow before My eyes like fragrant, lush roses of virtue, holiness and love.
I know your pains, I know your sufferings, and I never abandon you. I do not always answer your prayers as you wish, because not everything that you want is good for you and profitable for the salvation of your soul.
I grant those graces which I believe do more good for the soul, than for the body. This is why I deny you so many temporal graces, but I will not deny you any spiritual graces, because it is My will that you be great before Me, great saints, true sons of Mine, My perfect image and likeness.
And this is why I tell you: whoever asks Me for graces for his soul will receive them all. For I am a generous Father, and nothing gives Me more pleasure and joy than to share My goods and My heavenly inheritance with My children. Nothing gives Me more joy than to enrich them, to embellish them with the royal robes and jewels that I have to give them, that is, My Divine Graces.
I love you so much! And I have chosen this Place since the Creation of the World, here to heal your soul from the disease of sin, to remedy your soul's misery with My graces and My blessings, to beautify you by taking away from you the ugliness of sin and giving you a new beauty, the beauty that I gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning and that they despised out of pride and disobedience to Me.
I come to give you this beauty, which I want to make grow more and more in your souls to fullness. All I ask and want from you is a true, deep, 'yes'. And I will transform you into such a beautiful work as there has never been since the beginning of humanity, after My son Jesus the Savior and after His Immaculate Mother.
Therefore, come, My children, give yourselves to Me, and today I will open for you a new road that will lead you to this wonderful new and divine life that I want to begin to make you enjoy already on this earth, and then to continue enjoying it for all eternity in a continuous and unceasing ecstasy in Heaven.
At this moment I say to you: Keep coming here, so that we can continue your conversion. I am happy with your prayers and sacrifices, keep going along the road that Mary, My most beloved Daughter and Queen, is taking you by the hand.
In October I will return again on Her day, to bless you again and to continue your conversion and your sanctification. For soon the wind of My Justice will blow, the hour will sound that My Angels tremble and wait with trembling in My presence. And then, every tree that has not produced fruit I will cut down and throw into the gehenna of fire.
So turn your hearts to Me now, because now is the hour when I want to lift you up and fill you with My graces of Love, Peace, and Salvation.
I and My most beloved Daughter, Mary, bless you all now and especially these Scapulars that I Myself ordered Her to reveal to you at Pellevoisin and as well as all your Rosaries and Medals, all the objects that you have brought.
Receive now My Fatherly Blessing that will continue with you until the end of time and that will also continue now with your body, with your soul and with the places where you go and pass on this blessing for all eternity.
I have already blessed you, My little children, never forget that I love you. If sometimes I speak harshly to you, it is to awaken your souls from the sleep of sin.
I love you, I love you, and I love you with Love without end! Continue in My Peace, follow in My Peace, certain that My Watchful Glance is upon you and never, never leaves you.
Peace My children. Peace Marcos, the most ardent devotee of Mary, My most beloved Daughter, the most ardent devotee and son of Mine."
(Marcos): "Until soon beloved Mother of Heaven. Until soon my Lord, my God and my All."