Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Message From St. Lucy Of Syracuse (Lucia) - 273rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

JACAREÍ, MAY 24, 2014
(Saint Lucy): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Lucy, Lucia, bless you again today and give you peace.
Look at Fatima, look at the Woman clothed with the Sun, who appeared brighter than a thousand suns put together to tell you: pray, convert, change your lives. The time has come, the Lord's return is at hand, He is coming to look for the fruits of holiness, and every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Just as in the Gospel He cursed the fig tree that bore no fruit and it withered, so will He curse every soul that has not borne fruit of holiness, that has not proved by its life of deeds its true love for God.
Woe to the barren fig trees, woe to the barren souls that have no fruits of holiness, and on top of that have produced only the poisoned fruits of mortal sins. To such souls the Lord will say: Cursed are you. May no fruit ever come out of you.
If you don't want to hear these chilling words of the Gospel, you must convert today, you must change your lives, abandon the works of sin and darkness, and truly begin to practice the works of light, of virtues, of goodness and of grace.
Operate, collaborate with the Holy Spirit, producing fruits of love and holiness, let Him lead you along the path of prayer, penance, repentance from your sins, purity, and love. Flee from everything that goes against the Holy Spirit, you are His temples and you must live as such.
I, Lucia, want to tell you once again: Look at Fatima. Look at the Woman clothed with the Sun on the Holm oak tree who asks you again and again, just as she asked the Blessed Shepherds: Do you want to offer yourselves to God? Are you willing to offer yourselves to God to love Him, to adore Him, to serve Him, all the days of your life?
Are you willing to offer yourselves to God to live a life in His presence according to His Commandments and in righteousness before His Most Holy Eyes.
Do you want to offer yourselves to God in order to be blameless and immaculate before the Lord and thus repair and atone for the sins of this humanity that is becoming more and more filthy and contaminated by the mud, by the deadly disease of sin?
Do you want to offer yourselves to God to be the comforters of Jesus?
Do you want to offer yourselves to God in order to be also the consolers of the Holy Spirit that does not find temples worthy of Himself in souls?
Do you want to offer yourselves to God to be the consolers of the Eternal Father who only receives grief and ingratitude from the children He created?
Offer yourselves to God with the Blessed Shepherds, offer yourselves to God with Me through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And then your life will again be hymns of praise to God, an eternal song of purest adoration to Him who deserves all your love, all your praise and all your life.
Give also to the sweet Lady clothed in the sun, the Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, your 'yes', so that She finds at least in you: joy, consolation, gratitude and reparation. She who only receives from Her children generated by so much pain at the foot of the Cross, only receives ingratitude, heartbreak and sadness.
Consol the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that He may truly triumph in you. Fight, warriors of the light! Go to all the ways, to all the places taking the word of the Heavenly Mother, taking Her Love, taking Her grace, taking Her Messages and these Blessed Rosaries, these Prayers that She has asked you here that save souls and overthrow the infernal Empire.
I, Lucia, am with you, I love you, I am beside the sick, the suffering, the persecuted, I am beside all those who suffer because of the Gospel, I am beside all those who suffer because of the Messages of the Mother of God, I am beside all those who carry the heavy cross.
Upon all of you now I pour the infinity of My heavenly graces and My blessings from Catania, from Syracuse, and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved friends. Peace Marcos the dearest of My friends, the most ardent of My devotees."
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