Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ And Our Lady - 250th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lord): "Beloved children of Mine, today I come with My Blessed Mother once again to bless you and to give you Peace.
I come to tell you: My Sacred Heart loves you, loves you with all Its strength and that is why I have been Here with My Mother for so many years in these Apparitions, to save you, to give you all the graces of My Heart and helps of My goodness, so that you may come to Me in Heaven and so that you may escape the nets of My enemy, of My adversary who wants your doom at all costs.
Oh, My little children, do not be afraid, My beloved brothers, because My Sacred Heart watches over you and is continually close to you. Even before my enemy can do any harm against you, I know everything, and I know how to defend you and help you.
Trust in My Sacred Heart, which is the Heart of a Good Shepherd, who cares for His sheep and watches over the flock given to Him by His Heavenly Father.
I have wonderful plans for you with stupendous graces, I need only your 'yes' to accomplish in you all that I want. My will to transform you into wonderful works of Holiness and Love is very great. I desire only your consent, and I and My Holy Spirit will accomplish in you such beautiful things that you will truly be ecstatic with love. And this ecstasy of love will be so great that it will almost make you die of joy and happiness.
My Sacred Heart has chosen you, you are My chosen ones, and you are here because I myself have willed it, because I myself have called you, and I myself desire to realize in you My Plans of Love.
My chosen ones, I have chosen you, and now is the time for you to choose Me. Renounce sin, do not want to return to the sin from which I took you. For I tell you: To take you out of sin the first time is easier than to take you out the second time. Not because sin is greater than Me, but because your hardness and your will will will be more hardened and obstinate than the first time, so My Sacred Heart will have greater suffering to bring you back to the path of grace.
Therefore little children, ask every day in your prayers, ask in the Rosary for the grace of your perseverance, of your faithfulness to My Grace, to My Commandments, to My Holy Will, so that truly you may always be in Me and I in you, always with Me and I with you.
Oh, do not give Satan the opportunity to tempt you, do not give place to the devil. Renounce him and everything that leads you to sin, so that truly in your heart there is only the presence of My Holy Spirit working wonders of sanctification and grace in you.
Continue to pray the Rosary of Mercy every day, for with it I will give you great graces. Continue to pray all the Rosaries that I have given you here, and especially the Rosary of the Tears of My Mother, because everything that is asked of Me through the Tears of My Mother I lovingly grant, I cannot resist those who ask Me in the name of those Tears that My Blessed Mother wept with pain and deep love for Me.
Therefore, whatever you ask for through the Tears of My Mother, My Sacred Heart will grant you, even if it is not today, but keep praying, because you do not know if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will give you My saving Grace, which in a single moment will transform all your suffering into hymns of joy.
I am here in these Apparitions with My Blessed Mother to tell you that the time is grave. Soon My Father is going to do great Justice, and He is going to send a terrible fire on Earth, which will truly burn all sinners and the evil deeds that come out of their hearts.
Yes, woe to those whose hands are stained with sin, those who are living in the lie of sin and who are every day renewing My suffering and the suffering of My Mother. For the sphere of purification will come and swallow into its interior those wretches, making them truly gnash their teeth in pain, dreadful cries of pain will be heard in the air because of this, and sinners will not be able to escape My Father's Wrath.
So change your lives now that I come to you as a physician to heal you, as a friend to reconcile Me to you, as a Father to forgive you, as an advocate to defend you, as a guardian to keep you.
Repent of your sins, change your lives, and follow the road of Grace, Prayer, and Love that My Mother and I show you here. See that the Affection and Love that I have for you is very great, by calling you Here I have given you the greatest proof of Love, because when you offended Me or did not know Me, I still loved you, called you, and drew you into My Heart.
Believe, therefore, in this My Love, and go ahead fulfilling all that I have told you in My Messages. Oh, also pray the Rosary of My Most Holy Mother, because the Rosary disarms My Justice, the Rosary moves My Hand to bless you. The Rosary opens the doors of My Sacred Heart to pour out upon you all the graces contained therein. By means of the Rosary you can truly stop My Justice, the Justice of My Father from punishing the earth, and on the other hand, also with the Rosary you can obtain from Me countless favors for your corporal and spiritual life.
How your Rosaries make Me happy, when you pray the Rosary with your heart it is not only My Blessed Mother with the Angels and Saints who come down from Heaven to receive your Rosary, but also Me and with each Hail Mary a great light comes out of your mouth.
So many globes of light go up to My Sacred Heart to pour graces upon you. The globes of light that you see here on many days of the Cenacles are not only symbols of the graces that I pour over you with My Mother, but they are also the symbol of your Rosaries and prayers that go up to Me and that I transform into grace for you. You must, therefore, continue to pray the Rosary and to pray all the prayers that I have told you to say here with My Mother.
You see, I sent My Mother and came with Her to your country in the 1930s to give you the Crown of Tears. When I gave you this Crown, this Rosary, I gave you an immense Gift from My Sacred Heart, with which you can achieve everything: eternal salvation, that you may be free from the fires of hell, you can also achieve cures, conversions, you can change everything that is difficult or impossible in your life into graces of Love, of Peace for yourselves.
With the Crown of Tears of My Mother you can remove the devil from yourselves, from your families, from the place where you work and live, and you can even stop wars, punishments and calamities. With the Crown, with the Rosary of Tears of My Mother, you can even achieve for yourselves the hastening of the Triumph of Our Sacred Hearts and the coming of the new Heavens and the new Earth. Therefore, while you can pray the Rosary of My Mother's Tears let no one be discouraged, not with himself, not with others, and not with the world. Because everything still has salvation through the Rosary of Tears of My Mother.
I, Jesus, clasp you to My Sacred Heart and now I want to pour over you the abundant graces of My Heart, I love you all, I cover you all with My Divine Mantle. I do not wish to condemn anyone, so accept My little children, My beloved brothers, accept the Love, the graces of My Sacred Heart.
Convert yourselves! Make an effort to convert, and at the same time ask for the help of My Grace, which will not fail you. And sooner or later, when you least expect it, I will visit you and transform your sin-stricken soul into a luminous soul brighter than the sun and filled with beauty, virtue, perfection, and love in pure transformation.
Follow My advice, pray, do not dwell on your weaknesses and miseries, pray, because with prayer you open for Me the possibility to give you all the graces and miracles to be saved.
Ask and you will receive from Me, knock at the door of My Heart through prayer, and I will give you everything. Seek grace in Me through My Mother's Tears, through My Mother's Rosary, and all the graces I will give you. For here I have come to build the Throne of My Graces, so that My Heart and My Mother's Heart may triumph in all of you, for all of you in the whole world.
I bless you all with love now, from Dozulé, from Plock, and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children. Peace Marcos, the most beloved and hardest working of My children."
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I come again with My Divine Son Jesus Christ to say to you, Peace, Peace, Peace! Through the Rosary of My Tears you will achieve Peace for your heart, for your families, for your society and for the whole world.
When you feel that the devil disturbs and causes disorder destroying Peace, pray the Rosary of My Tears, and you will see how immediately Peace will return to your midst.
With the Rosary of My Tears, you can achieve everything, you can achieve deliverance from any sin, from any curse, from any misery, from any difficult situation that you go through in your lives.
I gave this Rosary to My little daughter, Amalia Aguirre, so that she could give it to you, so that through it you would receive all the treasures, all the Graces and Miracles of My son Jesus, because to what you ask Me in the name of My Tears, through My Tears, My Son does not deny if it is just and if it is of His Holy Will. Therefore, trust little children, with this Rosary you will obtain enormous graces from Our Sacred Hearts.
See that I gave this Rosary when Satan's action in the world would become even stronger and fiercer. Truly, he relaxed the convents by throwing them into apostasy and even introducing sins inside these convents and seminaries to make rot the flowers of the souls consecrated to God. This is why you should pray the Rosary of Tears a lot to prevent Satan from continuing to do this by destroying the sanctity of the souls that God has chosen.
The devil has also introduced himself into the families, through the media and also through the mud of sin that more and more floods everything, and with his poisonous mud, he has destroyed the sanctity of the families, he has destroyed the unity of the families, making them, little by little, move away from God, taking the path of sin, of bad habits, of the unrestrained search for pleasure, of sensuality, of vain and material things that can in no way give you the same peace that God gives.
Therefore, I ask: May the Rosary of My Tears be prayed again in the families, so that they recover little by little that life of prayer, that life of love for God and union that existed before when families prayed at least the Holy Rosary.
The devil has caused the whole of society to make iniquitous laws contrary to the Laws of God, and to preach a way of living contrary to what God desires. And with this, My enemy has increasingly caused society to become pagan, idolizing pleasure, sex, honors, material things, atheism, causing it all, like a man who staggers and is struck down and wounded to death, to head toward the abyss of its total destruction.
And that is why I now desire that you return to pray the Rosary of My Tears everywhere, so that society as a whole returns again to God and to live according to God's commandments, so that it can finally find order, harmony, concord and peace.
The devil has also infiltrated within the church, as I said at La Salette, and from top to bottom he has obscured everything with his dark smoke. So he has obscured the intelligences of the pastors, of those who should lead the people of God along the path of holiness. And on the contrary, it now directs them away from God, from Me and from salvation by denying My Messages, diminishing devotion to Me, to the Saints and to the Angels, denying the truths of the Dogmas of the Faith, contradicting the Lives of the Saints, setting themselves against Penance, Prayer, the Holiness that God's Saints possessed, and even denying the truths contained in the Sacred Scriptures, causing ever greater numbers of souls to fall into apostasy, to lose faith, and thus to be condemned forever.
It is now necessary to go back to praying the Rosary of My Tears, the Holy Rosary, and all the Prayers that I have asked you for here, everywhere. To combat this dark smoke of My enemy and drive it out of families, society, the church, and hearts, so that the light of truth, the light of grace, the light of love, the light of purity will shine in them again.
How many pastors there are who deny sin, who say that nothing else is sin and that everything can be done, thus contradicting the truths of the Holy Catholic Faith, which tell you that sin is an evil that leads you to eternal damnation if you do not repent of it in time. Therefore, little children, I tell you: Do not fall into the hissing of the serpent, do not fall into the song of the infernal siren that tries to tell you that you can grant yourself this or that sin, because this will lead you to great mortal sins, which will lead you to damnation.
Flee from sin, pray, pray, pray a lot! Because he who prays a lot will surely be saved. I promise, that whoever prays My Rosary every day, whoever prays My Rosary of Tears every day, the Rosary of Peace, and the other prayers that I have given you here, that child of Mine will not condemn himself in spite of everything, in spite of all his pains, problems, or imperfections. Because I will lead him little by little along the road of self-improvement, of renunciation of self, of detachment from creatures and vain things, and I will make him truly love God with all his heart and receive from Him the grace of holiness and salvation.
See little children that I am here for so many years with you, to give you the remedy for everything you need. And I will not leave you until I can heal you of every spiritual disease and present you to God beautiful, luminous, spotless, perfumed by My grace, sanctified for the greater glory of the Most High. So look to Me, who am the luminous Star that shines in this place for you to lead you ever more along the path of goodness, holiness, prayer, and love.
I am your Mother and Teacher, and I Myself determine everything here in this Place, so I wish to tell you: Submit to Me out of love, because if you do not do it out of love My Son will make you submit to Me through pain. So choose the easiest and most meritorious way, by submitting to My Will out of love, and truly letting yourself be led by Me along the road of conversion, prayer, salvation, and peace.
I appeared to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre to give you an invincible weapon with which to overcome all the obstacles that the enemy would place in your way, which is the immense value of My Blessed Tears.
Take possession of this treasure that I give you, and with it pay all your debts to the Justice of God, asking God every day for forgiveness through My Tears, offering also the value of My Tears for your conversion, your improvement, your final perseverance, and at the same time so that you will not continue to renew all the sufferings of My Son and Mine, and so that you will never be Judas children and Judas traitor souls.
With the value of My Blessed Tears, you will truly obtain from God and from Me all graces, so: Pray, pray, pray. And every time that My enemy wishes to come and confuse you, saying that you should not pray, because your sins are too great or because you have no way to free yourself from them. Put the Rosary of Tears in your hands and pray it, and you will see how I will give you inner peace again, the assurance of God's grace, of God's forgiveness, the peace of God's forgiveness. And I will also give you all the graces so that you can from now on be true and better children of God and Mine.
Practice penance in this holy season, doing many times acts of humility before God, acts of love, acts of contrition, acts of hope and acts of purpose to truly convert and be better than you have been until now. I promise to take those souls who do these acts and lead them all down a new road of grace, beauty and love.
Little children, My Jesus and I love you very much, and when We chose you to come here, We manifested to you the greatness of Our burning Love for you. Accept it in your hearts and let Us truly work in you, tearing out from your hearts everything that opposes Our Will and Our Grace, so that in you there may be only what Our Sacred Hearts desire.
Convert yourselves without delay, do not play games with Me, nor with My Son Jesus, because the Eternal Father is about to do Justice soon. The sphere of purification will descend, it is already approaching, and it will persecute all those who are not in the grace of God, all those who live in lies or double life pretending to serve God, while in truth they serve themselves and seek only to satisfy their inordinate passions and desires. It will also pursue all the blasphemers, all those who have allied themselves with the serpent, Our enemy, to spread the poison of their deadly perdition throughout the whole earth.
This sphere will not be stopped by anything, and woe to those it sucks into it, for right there in mortal flesh they will begin to burn as in hell, to continue burning forever and ever in the infernal flames. Pray very hard that you will not be of the number of these unfortunates, and take advantage of the time God gives you for your conversion now, to truly change your life.
What I said at La Salette and El Escorial will come to pass, God will draw His Sword, and when it vibrates, woe to Earth and its inhabitants. Woe to those who have risen up against the Most High, or who have deliberately offended Him with their sins. The sword is hanging over your heads, and you must now be truly converted, for when God strikes His fulminating blow of Justice, even the mountains and many lands will be moved out of their place, for His blow will be fulminating, and no one will be able to escape it, no one.
You see God is good and has been Here for more than twenty years through Me giving you every chance, warning you, calling you, but your hearts are still so hard.
Convert, little children! Pray, by prayer you will be guided by Me and My Angels to perfect conversion.
Do not look back, do not look down, look to Me and pray, pray and pray, without getting discouraged. And above all, trust in Me that I love you so much, that I carry you in My arms and will never, never let you fall, nor abandon you. Because My Love for you is so great, that even if you could understand it a little on this earth, you will never understand it all, because only in Heaven will you be able to feel all of My Love and understand all of My Love. And much more than you want to be saved and desire your salvation, much more do I want your salvation.
So trust Me, leave your salvation in My Hands, and do only that which is incumbent upon you and which I ask you to do: Pray, pray, pray! Renounce sin, walk on the road of grace and My Immaculate Heart will work so many miracles for you that you little children will arrive here in Heaven truly triumphant at My side.
I bless you all now with Love, I bless the Medals of My Tears that you have with you and all the others, all the Scapulars, Rosaries and Rosaries. So that you may carry all these signs of My presence and My grace wherever you go. I bless the Images and I also bless you and your family members by pouring upon you the copious graces and blessings of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all now from Fatima, from Casanova Staffora and from Jacareí."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)