Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Message From God the Eternal Father - 229th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "My Lord and my God, my creator and my all, I love you with all My Heart. I ask You to increase even more my love, and the love of all who are present here, for You so that We may be Holy in Your Eyes. And that our hearts may love You and serve You every day of our lives in holiness, in faithfulness, and with all the love we are capable of, so that in this way, O Father, Your Will may be done in us, and we may be that which You wished us to be from the beginning when You created us. The reason of my life, the reason of my being, my origin, my God. The One from whom I came, from whom I came, I love You and adore You and I give You now my heart and the yes of this heart that desires nothing more than if not, to love You.
May I ask for anything I want? Then I ask you for the eternal salvation of all who are Here today.
Thank you Lord, I will tell everyone that if they do not sin, that if they do not go against your will, that if they do not spoil everything with sin, they will have all the graces they need for their salvation and they will certainly be saved.
Yes, I will say, I will say that you will give Special Graces to those who are Here so that they will be saved."
(God the Father): "Beloved children of Mine, I, the FATHER, your Creator rejoice to be with you once again and give you My third Message and My third Blessing.
You cannot imagine how much I love you and how dear you are to Me. You are My chosen ones, chosen to be here in My Hour.
In truth I tell you: My Hour has come, and that is why I am coming to Jacareí to tell you that I love you and I want your salvation no matter what the cost. I come not to condemn you, but I come to help you. I do not come to throw your guilt in your faces, although it would be right and just to do so. But I come only to extend My Hand to you, and to tell you that Heaven is open to you, that salvation has now come near you, and that you can reach it with your own hands.
All you have to do is to give Me your 'yes', all you have to do is to give Me your heart, and I will transform you into that masterpiece, perfect and wonderful that I so desired man to be from the beginning, a work that was spoiled by sin, ruined by Satan, My enemy. But that in the Virgin Mary, My most beloved Daughter and Mother of My Divine Son, I have restored, I have created perfect and beautiful, splendorous and glorious so that all of you may see in Her, the beauty, the glory, the perfection and the holiness that I desire from all of you.
Come to Me, and I will sanctify you; what is impossible for Me, I who am God, who opened the Sea before Moses and the chosen people? What shall be impossible for Me, I who am God, who caused water to come out of a rock to water My people? I, who caused Manna to fall from heaven to satisfy the hunger of My chosen people, My children? What will be impossible for Me, I who made the oil of the widow of Zarephath never run out through the Prophet Elijah? I, who truly am God of the Impossible, can sanctify you with just a breath of My Mouth.
I want to do it, but I want your 'yes' and your cooperation, you must resist sin and cooperate with grace. This is the condition for man to be saved, I do not demand that you do great deeds, only that you resist sin and collaborate with grace.
If you renounce sin and accept My Grace, striving each day to live according to My Will, the rest I will do. For it is not in your power to defeat the devil and sin alone, but it is in My Grace. And My Grace I will give to the one I see willing, desiring My Grace, and collaborating with this Grace so that it may triumph in his heart.
This is all I desire: docility to My Grace. It is not impossible, nor is it difficult. Do not say that what I ask you is too high for you, because I have never asked impossible things of man, I only ask him for docility to My Grace and the rest this Grace will do.
I love you so much, and I want your conversion today. Do not be recalcitrant as were My chosen people following Moses in the desert. Those people recalcitrant against everything that I did good for them, if I sent them Manna, they complained, if I sent them water from a rock, they complained. And nothing satisfied them, nothing satisfied them, and for nothing did they give Me honor, glory and praise.
My Words were rejected by them, My commandments were rejected by them, to the point that My servant Moses threw the Tablets of Commandments at them.
Do not be hardhearted, do not be hard-hearted, do not be hard-headed like those people. But have in your heart the docility that I seek, the obedience that I seek, the cooperation and correspondence that I seek.
I am tired of looking everywhere on earth with Mary, for collaboration, love, obedience, and I cannot find it. At least here in you, may I find in you the 'yes' of Mary, present all the time, being given to Me all the time with Her, through Her and in Her, for that is all I seek from you, your 'yes'.
Do not be like those chosen people of the desert whom I loved so much, but who continually pierced Me with their rebellious words, their stubbornness and their disobedience that made them so unworthy of My Grace.
Renounce that evil nature, that corrupted nature, that nature similar to the one I cast out of My presence in Heaven, and transformed into the most abject of all beings in the universe, the rebel from the beginning.
Do not resemble him, no! Resemble Mary, she who is the one I have always found: love, collaboration, the yes. She, on whom I could count at all times for everything I wanted to do. Be like this, so that I can truly fulfill My Will in you.
Come to Me and do not be like those people who killed My prophets. I sent Prophet after Prophet, Messenger after Messenger, and what did those sons of Mine do? My chosen people? They killed them one by one and silenced My Voice in them one by one, so that they could live quietly in peace with their sins.
This generation of yours does the same to the Prophets I send to you, My beloved Angels, My chosen Angels, Mary's Seers, My Seers, this son of Mine Marcos Thaddeus.
Your generation kills them with their unfounded criticism, with their vile and crude attacks, with their verbal and physical aggressions, with their debauchery and their deafness to their voice. This generation truly kills them with its indifference, its coldness and hardness of heart.
How many shake their shoulders saying, 'What do I care if God is speaking for this one or that one, it doesn't matter to me, God is dead, He doesn't exist and doesn't rule anything anymore. We should expect nothing but a short life, so let us enjoy and experience all the enjoyments, pleasures and sins because we will soon die.'
Oh foolish generation! Oh satanic generation! Who told you that I am dead? I am alive, and even here I showed you on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, of the Mother of My Son, the Miracle of the Sun before My Appearance to show you that I am not only alive, but that I have never been so close to you as now.
I did that great prodigy so that you would be convinced that not only am I not dead, I am alive, and that I have never been so close to you as now in these Apparitions.
Therefore, only he will not be saved who truly stands before Me like an insensitive block of stone, who is as bad as a demon and when looking at Me has no sigh of love. Because for everyone, for everyone I come here to extend My Hand and offer the opportunity for salvation.
You see, I could come here to punish you as your sins deserve, even now with one wave I could make all your hearts stop beating. And thus you would be punished in My presence. But I do not want to do this, for I am not God of the dead, but of the living. I want you to live in Me, and I live in you. I want you to be united with Me by the indestructible bonds of Love; it is this Perfect Love that I want from you. And that is why I come to offer you all the graces and aids of My right hand through Mary, so that you may be saints and true children of Mine.
Come to Me by sincere prayer. Come to Me by continuous Prayer. Come to Me by simple Prayer like that of My son Marcos, like that of the Little Shepherds of Fatima, like that of My little daughter Bernadette of Lourdes, like that of the Little Children I have chosen to be the spokesmen before the world.
Simply come to Me and I will truly come to you and remove all the darkness that obscures you and fill you with light.
You cannot imagine with how much Love I have created you, with how much Love I have woven every organ, every part of your body. And even when you were not even conscious, I already loved you from your mother's womb, and I already predestined you to be here in My presence, in Mary's presence, so that here you would receive every grace and every good from My Hands.
You also cannot imagine from how many dangers throughout your life I have freed you, from how many snares of My enemy I have delivered you and preserved you.
You cannot imagine how many graces I have given you every day, from sunrise to sunset, from waking up to going to sleep. And the greatest of them all is this here, that you are alive to be here in My presence today listening to this song of Love that comes out of My Heart for all of you.
This song of Love I have been chanting Here in this Place for twenty-three years through the Mother of My Son, My own Son, My Spirit, My Angels and My Saints.
But unfortunately in your ears there is a stone, in your ears there is a stone of unbelief, of hardness of heart, of skepticism, of satanic indifference and coldness, which prevent you from hearing this Love Song, from understanding this Love Song, and from corresponding to this Love by singing this same Song with Us.
That is why today I call you to true conversion, to true return to Me, so that you may sing this Love Song with Me, that is, so that you may be Holy as I am Holy, so that you may be pure as I am pure, so that you may be full of Love as I am full of Love.
This is why I have come here to call you and to draw you closer to Me, so that no one is afraid to come closer to Me, because I am your loving Father, I am also Just, I punish the sins of obstinate sinners in this life and in the next, in this life with sufferings, in the next with the fire of hell.
But I apply the punishment only after all My attempts, all My efforts to make the sinner reconcile with Me, have failed.
I want you to be reconciled to Me, I am your Father, the Reconciler. I want you to be reconciled to Me through Mary, the reconciler of sinners. I want you to truly surrender yourselves in My Arms so that I may pour over you the Ocean of My Graces. And thus walk in holiness on Earth every day, keeping My Commandments and living right before My Eyes.
Your families have become dens of sin, dens of demons, nests of infernal serpents. They are completely devoured by My enemy, because you have banished Prayer from your homes. And you have put in its place only indecent programs and music, immoral readings, games, and everything else that can distract you and keep you away from Me, who Am the only Source of Peace for you and your families.
Come back to Me because I want to restore your families, I want to heal them so that they become holy, beautiful, full of love and peace, of unity, and your families become what I wanted them to be when I created them: gardens of love, of holiness, that offer Me souls full of love in which I can do wonders.
I want souls full of Love, I want children, young people, pure children full of love for Me so that I can work My wonders in them and through them show the whole world My Face full of Love and the desire to save everyone.
You yourselves have often despised My Love, you have despised the inheritance that I had given you since your baptism, you have despised all the sublimest goods that I offered you when I took you as My children. And you despised the Heaven that I prepared for you, to accept the nefarious and impure offerings of My enemy. For a few moments of pleasure, of sin, for a filthy little satisfaction, you exchanged the whole inheritance that I had prepared for you. You spit in My face with contempt, despising My Love, and rejecting Me from your lives.
And I, with My Heart broken and crushed for you, wept for you, and even when I wanted to condemn you, to send you a sudden punishment for your ingratitude, I could not do it. Because Mary, your Mother, your advocate, stood weeping tears of Blood before Me and begging for you, pleading for your salvation, asking that I would then unload My Just Wrath upon Her, but spare Her ungrateful Children. And I then, forgave you with a Heart full of Love for Her.
See how much She loves you, and see also how much you have pierced Her with your sins, how much you have made Her suffer. Do not be ungrateful dogs anymore My children, because all those who are ungrateful dogs will be banished from My Kingdom, will be banished from My Table, and will not sit with My Elect in My Kingdom to taste the Eternal Banquet that I prepare for you all.
Be faithful, be thankful, and in every time and place give thanks to Me, to Mary, because We have had for you an almost unlimited and almost infinite Mercy, and you neither do, nor have taken notice of it. Now is the time to show with deeds that you are recognized.
I want you to go out, I want you to travel all over the world carrying Our Messages, taking to every family My call to conversion that I am making to you here. Call everyone, call everyone to come and know My Love, to know Our Messages given here, because I want to save everyone. And because the time I have given you for your conversion is now truly at the last grains of sand, almost all falling away. And soon My Mercy will give way to My Justice to put a brake on all the sins that these deranged men and friends of My enemy now commit without ceasing.
I can no longer bear so much iniquity, My Patience is exhausted, I can no longer tolerate so many cruelties committed against Mary, against My Son.
I can no longer endure so many betrayals, the Truth revealed through My Son, through Mary, through the Apostles in My Church.
I can no longer bear the betrayal of the very shepherds I chose, of the people I loved, consecrated through My Son.
I can no longer tolerate the betrayals of the people redeemed by My Son.
I can no longer tolerate so much iniquity, so many sins, and so many transgressions of the Commandments that I Myself have given you.
My Law is trampled underfoot, and My Name is blasphemed, insulted, and even cursed every day. Therefore, I will come to put the final brake on all these barbarities, and I will purify the face of the Earth with My fire, and after it, it will be a Land of Peace, a Land of Love. And you who are faithful, you will enter this New Earth, you will enter this new world, My world, Mary's world. And then all your tears will be wiped away, you will never again suffer, you will never again be harassed by My enemy, nor by any physical or spiritual harm. You will experience a very long, very great, very beautiful and very intense time of happiness, of holiness.
There will be no more sin, impurity, laziness, lewdness, greed, pride, wars, violence and every kind of evil will be banished with its author to the flames from where they will never come out again.
And you will live the true life in Me, in all its fullness already in mortal flesh as the blessed live with Me in Heaven. You will experience delight in your hearts, when you pray you will feel My presence in a way never before experienced in humanity. You will experience a union with Me similar to the union that Moses and My prophets experienced. I will be in you and you will be in Me, I will live in you and you will live with Me, I will guide you as I guided My chosen people in the desert.
So will your life be with Me after Our Triumph, so strive My children to renounce sin and be converted, for you cannot imagine the wonders I prepare for you in the life to come and in the wondrous grace of the New Heaven and the New Earth that I am preparing and will bring to you soon.
Each one of you who are here have been elected and chosen for this grace, do not spoil it all with sin, now that there is so little time left to get to this Promised Land that I am preparing for you, to this wonderful life with Me, to this time of Holiness and Peace.
Love Mary's Rosary, because those who love Her Rosary, as well as all the Rosaries and Hours of Prayer She has given you, bear on their foreheads Her Sign and My Sign. I recognize you as My chosen ones wherever you are and wherever you go, and My Glance is continually fixed upon them to guard, enlighten, protect, defend, and deliver them from all evil.
In your tribulations and sufferings do not say, 'God does not exist, God has abandoned me, God has allowed me suffering because He is no longer here.' Oh no! When you suffer, I suffer with you. When you weep, I pity you. And when you are crushed under the cross I lean over you to comfort you as I leaned over My fallen Son on the road to Calvary. And just as I leaned over Him to comfort Him, so Mary also leaned over Him to comfort Him. And She also bends down to comfort you in your suffering. We are not far from you in your suffering, though we remain silent.
But We are there with you, and you will be able to feel Our Love, if with Faith you will be firm, resist, have patience, and understand that certain crosses that I allow you, I allow you, not because I hate you, but because I love you, because it is the only way to purify you from sin and draw you closer to Me.
Believe this, and suffering will cease to be an enemy and become a bridge that will bring you closer to Me.
I love you very much, I want your salvation whatever the cost, do not kill My prophets anymore as the people of the Old Testament did, listen to what My Messengers, the Messengers of Mary tell you in My Name.
Follow the road of Prayer, of Renunciation, and of Penance, which through them I have taught you and shown you, because this is the only road, a narrow road that leads to life, and few of you enter by it, or want to go by it. But do not be deceived, because behind the wide and spacious road of worldly pleasures that My enemy offers you is his number '666', the number of the beast. And those who go this way take this sign on their foreheads, and these I reject, because they are reprobates, they have betrayed My Love, and they did not want to come to Me by the royal road of the Holy Cross: of self-denial, of patience in suffering, of faith in Me above all pain, above everything.
I, the LORD, love you and now I want to bless you by MARY, with MARY and in MARY.
I bless you all, your relatives, your goods, your homes, your cities, your lands, your plantations, your businesses and your works, so that in everything My Blessing may be present and lead you to do everything with Me, for Me, and in Me, and lead you always further along the road to sanctity and to the perfect fulfillment of My Plan of Love that I have for you.
I bless you now with Love pouring over you all My graces and Fatherly Blessing."