Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, February 7, 2014
Message From Our Lord - Our Lady And The Holy Spirit - 226th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Our Lord): "My beloved children, I, Jesus, the Son of God rejoice to see you here today on the Anniversary of Our Apparitions in Jacareí, where We have so enriched you with Our Grace, Our Love and Our Peace.
Our Sacred Hearts have truly loved you here exceedingly, with blazing, burning Love. And Here in all ways and with many signs We show you how much We love you, how much We desire your salvation, and how important you are in Our Plan for the Salvation of mankind.
My Sacred Heart has triumphed Here in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the hearts that love Us, obey Our Messages, do all that We have asked of them, and renounce sin by living a holy life.
My Sacred Heart triumphs in you, when you renounce sin, when you say no to satan, when you banish from your hearts all inordinate love of yourselves, all inordinate attachment to pleasures, to creatures, when you banish from your heart every kind of contact or alliance with satan and his sinful works.
When you say no to sin My Sacred Heart triumphs in you, and you cannot imagine how much joy He feels. The thorns that you once drove into it with your sins all disappear, My Heart stops bleeding and in their place you put a crown of fragrant roses, which brighten My Heart, which delight My Heart.
Renounce sin, so that My Sacred Heart will no longer suffer for you, and in you it will rejoice, in you it will be pleased.
My Sacred Heart triumphs in you when you courageously renounce the vain things of the world, when you set aside everything that takes you away from Me, that distracts you from My Will, from the Plan I have for you, and concentrate on fulfilling Our Messages with Love, on bringing Our Love to all other souls so that with it, other souls may truly be converted and saved.
My Sacred Heart triumphs in you, when you, forgetful of yourselves and of your will, so often contrary to mine, desire sanctity, follow the path of Sacrifice and Prayer, seeking in everything to please Me, My Mother, My Holy Spirit, and to be signs of My Love, of My Grace, of Sanctity on earth.
My Sacred Heart triumphs in you, when you, despite your weakness and your defects, still strive for your betterment and for the salvation of souls.
When you unite with My Sacred Heart, truly trusting in Me, loving Me, and having no other desire but to please Me, give Me joy with your holy way of living.
Conquer me souls, give me souls, because I thirst for souls! Take My Word to them all, take Our messages and Our love to them all, so that My Sacred Heart may triumph.
I am most pleased with you, with your prayers, your efforts at conversion, your sacrifices made for love of My Mother and of Me, and all that you have done to make Our Messages known. For through them I will renew and prepare the face of the earth for My Second Coming that is near.
Prepare yourselves because I have already set My Foot on the way back, and soon I will suddenly appear before you. And then I will begin the examination of you all. And blessed will you be if you meet My Mother at My right hand, in the light, having always done works of light, holy works, because for you I will be giving on that glorious day a crown of immortal glory that nothing and no one can take from you.
I now open My Sacred Heart to you and I enclose you in it blessing you generously from Paray-le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí.
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, here today you are commemorating the 23rd Anniversary of My first Appearance to My little son Marcos in the distant year 1991.
Since then I have come continuously with My Messages to save you from the scourges of Divine Justice, which the world has deserved with its sins, and to lead you all along the road of Conversion, Purity, Prayer and Peace.
I am the Messenger of Peace, so I keep telling you: Peace, Peace, Peace!
May Peace dwell in your heart, may it reign in your heart and be your greatest treasure. Pray to have Peace, pray to keep Peace, pray to be able to give Peace, and to transmit Peace in this restless world without Peace.
I am the Messenger of Peace, and that is why I continuously come from God to call you to Peace of heart, which can only be had by those who have a clear conscience before God, who have a straight, just, pure conscience. This one can have Peace, this one can enjoy the Peace of Paradise already on Earth, and only he who has such a conscience and a pure soul can transmit peace to all those around him.
You can all have this Peace, renounce everything in your conscience that you know is contrary to God, to His Love, to His Word, to His Commandments, so that God can truly give you an upright, pure conscience and deposit His peace in it.
Live in Peace with God, with yourself, and with your fellow man, so that all your actions will transmit Peace and give Peace.
I am the Messenger of Peace and as such I come to tell you that Peace is increasingly threatened, the danger of a third world war looms over you and has not been fully averted. So you must pray for Peace, for the Peace of the world, also for the Peace of the families where satan is causing serious disorders, because families don't pray anymore. And because God is no longer the center of the family, God has been driven out of the families and the devil has entered them, divided them, destroyed them by introducing adultery, separation, the perdition of young people and children. And so humanity itself in its initial cell is now at great risk of disintegration.
Let prayer return to your families, so that they may have Peace, and so that the Peace of the world may be assured to you.
I am the Messenger of Peace, and as such I come to tell you that because of the Apostasy, the loss of the true faith of Christians, Catholics, bishops, priests, religious, and the rest of the faithful, the world has no Peace. The absence of Peace in the world, the explosion of violence, and all the evils that happen, are Punishment for your sins, which together attract the scourges of God.
Pray, do penance, because God can no longer bear so much sin, so much evil, so much iniquity on Earth. Unite with Me in the Prayer of the Rosary, in Penance, and in Sacrifice, so that together we may achieve God's Mercy and a new time of Peace.
I am the Messenger of Peace, and as such I come to tell you: that I am very happy with all of you, My instruments and messengers of peace, who have spread the messages that I give you here, who have made the Cenacles with My Pilgrim Images, who have spread My daily apparitions and the transmissions of these Cenacles that My little son Marcos makes, and which are a sweet, pleasant and gentle love song to My ears.
You who spread all this are the messengers of Peace and help Me to establish peace in a world where Satan rules. Together every day we are destroying his power on Earth a little more. Soon as if by magic he will find himself with nothing, and it will be the hour of My great Triumph. In a way that no one expects, that no one thinks of, in a way that no one thinks of, I will triumph, and I will make all of society, all of humanity return to their God of Love.
It is very true what I said, that not all will be saved, because not all will manifest their will when She manifests and convinces everyone. But most of My children who ignore Me, who do not know My Love, who are in darkness, because no one has ever given them My Light. For those, a great Light will shine in the darkness, and they will be millions and millions and millions. And they will come to Me, all so that I may lead them to the God of Salvation and Peace.
Then, My Heart will triumph, and Satan, who believed himself to be the absolute victor, will be cast into the depths of hell with all his henchmen. And the Earth, after the three days of darkness and the fire that will fall from Heaven to purify it from the impurities of men and their sins, will finally enjoy a long, great and immense period of happiness, holiness and Peace.
Yes little children, prepare yourselves because time is running out, My Appearance Here is the last call to all mankind for Conversion. If you do not strive to convert now, in the future you will weep bitterly, and you will be struck by the fire of God's Justice.
I am your Mother; I do not want to see you suffer in the future. That is why I tell you: Today, decide for God, for conversion, for Heaven, and for sanctity. All the graces you need to do this are here, in My Hands, and I offer them to you at every moment. Ask Me for them with confidence, and let yourselves be led by Me on the path to holiness in Peace.
Here today, My Immaculate Heart feels extremely glorified, consoled, loved, and responded to. First of all for My little son Marcos, who has given Me all his life from the beginning, and in this total giving he has persevered. Even carrying a very heavy cross, imposed on him by the wicked and sinful humanity. But which he carried courageously and patiently for Me, thereby attaining great merits of sanctity, as well as still finding heroic strength, making heroic efforts to record the Meditated Rosaries, the Holy Hours of Prayer, the Videos of My Apparitions and of the Saints as I sent him.
In it, My Heart today is glorified and exalted and shines with all Its Power. I am also glorified and exalted in My Slaves of Love who have given their lives to Me here with My son Marcos so many years ago and who serve Me in obedience, poverty, chastity and love every day.
And finally, I am glorified and totally loved by all My faithful children who have answered Yes to Me from everywhere, who are always here with Me, who struggle with Me, who suffer with Me, and in whom I always find an ever greater availability, surrender, love, and docility.
I am with you and bless you today for all that you have done for Me. I will continue to guide you along the path of holiness. But you must know that My time is short, and is almost over here with you. Accelerate your conversion, walk quickly because night is approaching and no one will be able to work for your conversion anymore. Now is the last hour. Work, therefore, for your salvation and that of the world, and I promise you a reward, an immense reward on the day of the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you here. Be saints! Be united to my Immaculate Heart, live in it, and it will live in you.
I bless you all and cover you with My mantle of Love, blessing you from La Salette, from Montichiari and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos the most obedient and hardest working of My children who never let Me down, and never hurt Me."
(Holy Spirit ): "Beloved children, I, the Holy Spirit, God of Love, rejoice that I can be with you today and bless you once again.
You are My seed, I am your Origin, I created you, no one understands and comprehends you like I do. No one knows how it is, how it lives, how your soul behaves like Me. No one knows, no one knows the weaknesses, feelings, strengths, qualities and defects of your soul like I do.
Come to Me and entrust all this to Me, ask for My grace, because My grace is abundant and I offer it to you at all times without reserve. Even if you do not have the merits to ask Me, have recourse to My Saints, have recourse to My Divine Bride, asking Me for their merits, and I will give you My graces, all of them, without exception, all My gifts, producing in you all My fruits of holiness.
Oh, do not run away from Me, do not run away from My Love that runs after you, that seeks you every moment and every moment and always. Do not listen to the temptation of My enemy who always tells you to run away from Me, because if you do, it will be your death and your spiritual ruin. Run to Me as I run to you. Walk to Me as I walk for you. Come to Me as I have come to you.
Here in these Apparitions I do not cease to come to your rescue, opening your eyes to see your sins, to see the temptations of Satan, to see the seductions that every day My enemy puts in your way to separate you from Me, to deprive you of My grace.
Renounce everything he offers you, so that in you I will always find the door of the heart open to pour out all My blessings.
Soon I will come on the Second Pentecost, I will make My Mystical Light, My Divine Light shine in Heaven, in the Heaven of souls and in the Heaven of this world, and all souls will see their whole life lived with Me or without Me. Those who have lived with Me will rejoice that they now finally have the full and complete union with their longed-for Divine Spouse.
Those who have not lived with Me will feel great inner remorse, will feel great pain, great terror in their conscience, for having been so wicked, so obstinate in their sins, so hard of heart.
I will show them the truth, I will show them that all that was written was true, I will show them that all that was prophesied was fulfilled, I will show them My holiness, I will show them My divine splendor, I will show them My righteousness and My justice. And they will then see themselves as Cain: disgraced, in death, they will see themselves, as if shackled to Satan and sin.
And then, sin, this serpent which is nestled in the hearts of many, will revolve, and the pain and terror it will provoke will be so strong that it will cause death in many. And others, even having seen the truth and even having been convinced by Me of the Truth, convinced that sin is My greatest enemy and your greatest evil, will still prefer to nest the serpent of sin within themselves and continue to be fed by it and feed it with more wicked deeds.
Then these I will cast out, turn away from My Face, because they have despised Me, because they prefer sin, My enemy, and have loved themselves more than Me. And then I will command My Angels to sweep them out of My presence, and they will be cast into the lake of fire of which My little son Marcos told you, where they will never come out again and will be tormented for all eternity.
Yes, I will be just with those who are obstinate in sin, and I will be kind and compassionate to those who strive for their conversion. I only want your conversion, because I love you and because I do not want to see you suffer in the future. I do not want you to live separated from Me, away from My Face for all eternity.
That is why I say to you little children: Be converted! Lift up your heart to Me!
Have I, your God, created you with the Father and the Son, given you life, sanctified you, and filled you with so much good. Do I not deserve your love, do I not deserve your yes, even if weak and inconstant? I want you to still give your "yes" to Me, so that I can make it strong, pure, and true.
See that these times were prophesied by My Prophet Joel, as My little son Marcos has often told you. At this time I give the visions to the seers of My divine Spouse Mary, I give the outpourings of My Spirit, I give the outpourings of Me to everyone who wants it. That is, to everyone who wants the Truth, to everyone who wants My Gifts to overcome sin, to everyone who seeks Me by renouncing sin and himself having no other scope but to live in Me.
To these I bow down, I pour Myself out like an abundant summer rain that washes the earth of all filth, that floods and fills the streams and rivers and makes fertile the lands and deserts.
I will pour Myself on you like a prodigious rain, and I will make your soul from one moment to the next become holy, beautiful, attractive, and pleasing to Me.
Let no one be discouraged because of his sins, because of the time he fights and battles and cannot overcome himself. For just as I, suddenly came down upon the Apostles who were with Mary in the Upper Room and transformed them from dust and misery into the unshakable, unbeatable columns of My Church, of the Holy Catholic Faith. So too, suddenly I will come to you, transform you, merge you into Me, and make you so full of Me that you will change the face of the earth as the Apostles changed it.
Come! Come to Me, for I am like this, I do not always respond immediately to the groans of your hearts, to give you a little more purification, to give you a little more deserving of suffering. But I will never, never fail to listen, or to answer a soul that groans asking Me for its conversion, its sanctification, its fusion in Me.
I will come, wait for Me. Just as the sun suddenly rises and puts an end to the night, so will I put an end to your night, the night of your sin and misery, and transform you into a bright day: of grace, holiness and joy.
Come to Me, all of you, for I now receive you all with Love. I am blowing powerfully here in these Apparitions, before My Hour ends. The Father has now come to give you His Messages, His Hour has sounded, it is the last Hour, the last Hour, the last Hour of Heaven, the last Hour of mankind, it is the Father's Hour.
You can no longer postpone your conversion, nor even think of turning back, because what awaits you behind is not happiness, but hell.
Go forward! Go forward, because for those who persevere I am preparing a great reward that will give them transfiguring beauty and will make them truly recognized as My seed and as My true children.
I bless you all at this moment with Love. I am happy with your Prayers and sacrifices and all that you have done for Me, for Christ, for Mary My Chaste and Divine Spouse. I am happy because in your hearts, although I still see many imperfections, I also see the sincere desire to know Me, to love Me and to please Me. And this is enough for Me. It is enough for Me to love you, enough for Me to seek you, enough for Me to pour Myself into you.
Continue with My Hour every Monday, continue with all the Prayers that have been given to you here, because through them, I will transform you into the perfect reflection of Me.
Here today, on this Blessed Day, We give you a Most Special Blessing, along with another Special Grace, and We pour out an abundance of Our Graces of Peace, Salvation, and Love.
We bless you from Nazareth, from Jerusalem, and from Jakarai.
We bless you all now with Our Special Blessing which should remain with you throughout your life and which you should pass on to all whom you meet."
(Marcos): " See you soon, My Lord and my God and My beloved Mother."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
On Sundays, 10:00 AM
On Sundays, 10:00AM (GMT -03:00)