Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Message From Our Lady - 222nd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Live

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today you contemplate the Anniversary of My Apparitions to My little daughter Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in the City of Quito, Ecuador, four centuries ago, to call you to true conversion that pleases God.
I descended from Heaven in Quito as the Lady of Goodwill, to warn My children who would be living in the twentieth century, this century, which spiritually and culturally you are still living. To warn you of the snares of satan, the errors, the sins, the darkness of death that satan would introduce into the world so that you could recognize the works of satan, the works of darkness, and you could flee from them by staying in the grace of God, in the love of God to be saved.
I have come down from Heaven as the Lady of Bonsuccess, to put you on your guard against the apostasy that Satan would bring into the Church. And that it would corrupt the souls of many bishops, priests, monks, nuns, religious, turning them into those agonizing rachitic doves that I showed to My little daughter Mother Mariana. They would not only be walking towards spiritual death, towards eternal death for their sins and unruly passions, but they would also lead other souls to the same eternal death with their bad advice and bad examples. Thus, causing countless souls to be eternally lost, and My enemy to boast of dragging after himself the whole Church and all mankind into the abyss of eternal damnation.
I have come to prevent you from this, and to prevent you from becoming those stunted doves, so I have come down to Jacareí to give you My last and vehement appeal for the conversion of the world, to give you My meditated Rosaries, My Holy Hours of Prayer, and all the other Rosaries that I have given you here. So that you can escape from this spiritual weakness and ricketyness, so that you can stop being those rickety doves to be those holy, pure, immaculate, ardent doves of love for God that I desire you to be.
I come here to give you all that I have given you through My little son Marcos, so that all your souls can be souls strong in the love of God, strong in the Virtues, strong in the practice of good, in the renunciation of your unruly passions, of sin. And so you can truly be as My little daughter Mother Mariana was: Holy, friend of God, true daughter of Mine, My pride, My holy pride and My joy.
I came down from Heaven as the Lady of Bonsucesso, to warn the families of this time, of the evils that Satan would introduce in their midst, through the media. Yes, the sect, through them, has corrupted the innocence of children, of young people, has caused families to abandon prayer. And because of this Satan with his smoke has entered the families, divided them, weakened them, and thus obtained in the families his greatest triumph.
I come with My Heart crushed by pain, contemplating what your families have become, ruins where there are only serpents of sin and demons controlling your families, the children, the spouses, and turning everything into a quagmire of slime.
In truth, because of the sin that has entered families, because of the immorality, the indecency, the libertinage that has entered families, many spouses and even many children have inside them serpents of impurity, serpents of adultery, serpents of love for the vain things of this world, of materialism and even enmity toward God and Me and hatred for all that is holy, pure and beautiful.
The demons have nested in the hearts of many, because the Rosary has been banished from the families and there are only immoral, scandalous programs and even pornography in them leading My children to perdition like a torrent that nothing can stop.
Renounce all this, fight for the salvation of your families, preserve your families from this river of mud that penetrates every day inside, with no one to put a barrier to it. Come back with the Prayer of the Rosary in your families, and soon hearts will become pure again, innocent. Spouses will become faithful, God's grace and His blessing will descend upon families, and they will finally have unity, concord and Peace.
I have come down from Heaven as the Lady of Goodwill, to give hope to My children in these times of great tribulation. The enemy does everything to destroy mankind, and uses all his power to destroy the world. And meanwhile you remain sleeping unconscious, not imagining the Chastisement that is coming to you, not imagining what Satan is also planning for you.
I have come to awaken you from this dark sleep and to put you on your guard against Satan, and also to hasten your conversion, which is the only way to avoid the great scourge that the Justice of God will send upon the whole world, to punish and cleanse it of its crimes, disorders and sins.
You must now hasten your conversion, so that then My Success, My Triumph, will also be hastened, and I will deliver the world from Satan's dominion. And so, you can enter a long new period of peace, holiness, beauty, love, and total worship of God. That will cause you and the elect to finally live in lasting peace, the peace of God, and no evil will ever threaten you again, ever come to cause you suffering.
Pray that I may soon triumph over satan, each Rosary you pray greatly hastens My Triumph in the world, converts many sinners, destroys many works and snares of satan, and causes more and more good to triumph over evil, grace over sin, light over darkness.
I came as the Lady of Goodness so many centuries ago, to give you hope, to give you the assurance that I four centuries ago, before you were born, already knew everything that Satan would do now in the time in which you live. And that I already know the way to stop it, to crush it, to annihilate it, and to make My Immaculate Heart triumph at last.
The end of the war is already known to Me, and the victory is already Mine, because now My times have come. And so, on this final stretch of the road to My Triumph, I will increase My graces upon you even more as the sufferings increase and the darkness of sin envelops all things.
Trust me your Heavenly Mother is no fool, your Heavenly Mother is no fool who doesn't know how to fight the infernal dragon. I have known it since it was already in God's thoughts, I have known it since I was conceived, I know how it acts, and I know how in the end to destroy its maneuvers.
In your littleness, in your nothingness I will show My strength and overthrow My proud enemy.
Pray, trust, hope. Obey My Messages is all I ask of you, renounce sin, your unruly passions, give Me your 'yes', give Me your heart, and My wonders will begin to happen in your lives, and through you I will convert a multitude of other children of Mine. And so My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Today on the Anniversary of My Apparition to My little daughter Mother Mariana, when Heaven and Earth rejoice and sing My praises, I bless you with love from Quito, from La Salette and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace to you Marcos, the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
(Marcos): "Dear Blessed Mother I present you this small poster of your daughter Maria, from São José dos Campos, who made it to spread the Thousand Hail Marys, which she is going to do in her house in your honor. Please bless, bless her and bless all the people who will pray there together with her.
See you soon dear Blessed Mother."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)