Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 12, 2014
2nd Message From God the Eternal Father - 203rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Eternal Father): "Beloved children of Mine, I, your FATHER, come down again today from the Heights, to bless you and give you My Peace.
I am your FATHER, I am your ORIGIN, you are My seeds, you are My offspring. I Myself wove your being, your body in your Mother's womb. I created your soul and breathed into it My breath of life. I created every cell of your body, every tissue, and I know you one by one as you are.
I know you inside and out and probe your thoughts and your kidneys even when you are asleep. I know you all and I know you all how much, how dear you are to Me.
I am your FATHER, who wants your salvation whatever the cost, that is why throughout history I sent you so many Prophets, so many Holy Men to call humanity back to Me.
In the fullness of time I sent My Son, My only Son, JESUS, so that He, through His life, works, works, passion, death and resurrection, would redeem you, repair the offense done to My Divine Majesty by your first Fathers. And He then, redeemed and freed you from the slavery of sin and Satan.
You, truly, were bought by the price of My Son's Blood. And as if that were not enough, I gave you the Mother of My Son Jesus Christ, My most beloved Daughter, to be your Mother. So that She would take care of you, watch over you, protect you, and teach you what pleases Me the most, what is holy and pure in My eyes. What is right, just and right in My presence, for of this She has always been the Teacher and can truly teach you that which pleases Me, that which is right and holy in My Eyes.
Yes, in the way Joseph the Adoptive Father of My Son Jesus Christ, in the way he protected and guarded My Son, you can have an example of how much I love you, how much I protect you, and how much I want to save you whatever the cost from all evils, especially the worst of all: sin and eternal damnation.
I, your FATHER, truly want to sanctify you, I want to dwell in your heart, I want to be your FATHER and I want you to be My children. But, with sin, none of you can be My true son. Because sin makes you belong to the descent of the infernal serpent, of My enemy, of the rebel, and with sin you lose all resemblance to Me.
I prefer those children who strive most to be holy, pure, conforming to My commandments, conforming to My will. Those who do not condescend to evil and sin. Those who every day strive to be holy like the Saints. Those who strive to walk in righteousness and justice in My presence. These are the children I most prefer, though I love all men and want the salvation of them all.
I prefer those who have true love for Me. And what is the true love for Me that I want from you? It is the love that makes you fear, to commit even the smallest sin in order not to offend Me, not to hurt Me, not to make Me suffer your loss. This is the love I want, this is the love I seek in My children, and do not find.
I have traveled with My Son Jesus and My most beloved Daughter Mary, the Mother of My Son, I have traveled the whole world looking for ten such souls, and I have not found even ten.
Because men have their hearts dominated by sin, the poisonous serpents of sin are nestled in them. And whenever I approach them, all I find is sin, sin, sin. Lovelessness, lovelessness, lovelessness. Impurity, impurity, impurity. Lies, crimes, hatred, violence, and all sorts of sins that offend Me. Sensuality instead of beautifying the bodies, adorns them, adorns the souls before Me. The pride of the flesh, the arrogance of life, concupcence, fill the hearts of men and transform them into a completely ruined image, totally disfiguring that beautiful, pure and holy image that I had given to man when I created him.
Come to Me, My children, come to recover that destroyed image, come to Me so that by uniting yourselves with Me you may recover innocence, purity, humility, love and virtues, so that you may again resemble Me.
With what sadness I see how far you have strayed from Me, how different you are from Me, no longer resembling Me.
And now is the time to come back, to regain the holiness that makes you like Me and My true children.
Yes, I stand with open arms, like the Father of the prodigal son, to welcome you back.
Come to Me, and I will give you again the garment of purity, which will take from you the ragged, dirty, stained garment of impurity.
Come to Me and I will give you again the ring of holiness and perfect love, the sandals of justice and righteousness giving to you who now have an appearance destroyed by sin, by the devil, the cruel master, giving you a new beauty, a new beauty and I will truly recognize you as My children and will truly make you heirs of all My goods, of all My possessions.
Come to Me, My children, but do not come haughtily as so many today pretend, thinking that I receive them if they come to Me directly with pride, pride, and haughtiness, not seeing their miseries, their sins, and their faces soiled by their sins.
Come to Me through MARY, My most beloved Daughter, the Mother of My Son. Come to Me, and I will receive you, because if you come to Me for Her, if She asks Me for you, then I will receive you, embrace you, and restore to you the beauty you had before you ruined your souls with sin.
In truth I tell you: The sinner who comes to Me proudly without MARY, that one I reject, I repel, I turn My face against him. But he who comes to Me through MARY and with her, to him I will look with pity and love. Whoever I truly see striving, making an effort to convert, to follow Mary's advice. Whoever I truly see following the examples of the Virgin Mary, trying to follow those examples, to imitate her virtues, in spite of still having weaknesses. I will receive him, I will forgive him, and I will give him all the graces he needs to turn from his sin and be holy.
My eyes are upon you now, My chosen and beloved people, how long I have waited for you here. Yes, you were in sin, lost. And My Love together with Mary, with My Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Our Love planned your conversion. It planned your salvation, and in a thousand ways Our Love drew you here. Our Love in mysterious designs of Love made you finally know of Our Coming Here in this Sacred and Chosen Place. And Our Love Here has drawn you, Here has forgiven you, Healed you, uplifted you, beautified you and perfumed you with Our Graces, with the Virtues that are so dear to Me and with all the anointing of My Spirit.
Yes, here truly My Fatherly Love has manifested itself to you in all Its splendor, in all Its strength, and in all Its power. You will not be saved unless you want to be saved, because on My part, here, I have never denied anyone My help, My grace, and My protection.
Therefore, today I say to you: Come to Me while I still let Myself be found by you. Come to Me while I am still near. Come to Me while I still allow Myself to be touched by you. So that truly your soul may come out of death and sin, and may revive just as in that vision I gave to My Prophet. He who saw a field full of bones, the bones of the dead. And I breathed My Spirit on the bones and the bones created flesh and tissue and nerves and organs and skin. And those dead came back to life to praise and bless Me.
Yes, that is what I want to do with you. So come to Me while I am still near you, and let Me be found.
Come to Me determined for your conversion, for those who decide for their conversion I give My Mercy to. But those who want to keep in a secret part of their heart sin and secret sinful affections. These I reject, and with these I cannot unite, because their hearts are occupied by My enemy.
Come to Me, for I want so much to love, save, and lift you up.
Be careful, because My enemy, the devil, is lying in wait for you. He is ambushed, studying your weaknesses, studying your behavior day by day, plotting a perfect plan to make you fall precisely into those weaknesses that you still do not want to renounce. So that you do not fall into their clutches, into mortal sin, and so that you do not lose My grace, My love, and salvation, I ask you: always watch and pray, meditate on the commandments because I gave them to you through Moses, so many thousands of years ago, so that they would be the light of your eyes, of your heart, and the signs that show you, that indicate the right path.
They make you see all that you must renounce and also the good works, the virtues that you must have and practice in order to be pleasing and holy in My sight.
Follow the life of the saints, imitate their virtues, so that the devil is truly paralyzed before you and has no breach through which to penetrate your souls and blind you with his smoke.
Pray the Holy Rosary every day, because it is the prayer that, through My most beloved Daughter Mary, I most want to save you in these times. I gave the Rosary through Her and My Son Jesus to the world in the Apparition to My Dominic, so that through the Mysteries of your salvation, you could have the powerful shield against all the darts of Satan. You could have the inner strength that gives you love for holy things and contempt for all sins and worldly things. I gave you the Rosary so that it would be the light that would always illuminate, enlighten your heart and your soul, banishing all spiritual blindness from your eyes, from your heart. I gave you the Rosary so that it would be the powerful means to banish all the vices and bad habits from your life.
And that is why I tell you: Whoever prays the Rosary will never perish. Whoever serves Me by serving Mary, My most beloved Daughter, by praying the Rosary every day, will not fall into mortal sin, and if he does, he will soon come out of it, he will see his sin, he will truly be converted, crying sincere tears, and he will truly return to the path of virtue.
Whoever serves Me, serving Mary by praying the Rosary every day, will not do the works that the devil likes, but will only do the works of salvation that please Me so much and that are so perfect and beautiful in My Eyes.
Whoever serves Me, serving Mary by praying the Rosary every day, will not do the works of the flesh, but will truly do those of the spirit, producing many holy works for the salvation not only of himself, but of many, many souls throughout the world.
Truly I tell you: Here in these Apparitions, I have proved to you My Love as I have never done before in all of human history, since I sent the Word, My Son, and He became incarnate in the Womb of Mary, becoming man, God, for your salvation.
Yes, truly Here My Love is poured upon you like a flood and no one can complain about Me, nor that My grace has been lacking, at any time during these twenty-two years, almost twenty-three of these Apparitions.
Here, through My most beloved Daughter Mary, My own Son Jesus, the Angels and the Saints whom I have sent here, I have given you grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing, wisdom upon wisdom, light upon light. And if anyone has been blind, if anyone has fallen, if anyone has been unfaithful, it has been because of his wickedness, because of his weakness and unfaithfulness, not for lack of My help.
I, truly Here in the person and in the work of My little son Marcos have reflected over the years My holiness, My divine perfection, My righteousness, My justice. And I have shown you all the works that please Me and those that displease Me, the way that pleases Me and the way that displeases Me. And I have taught you to be true sons of Mine, holy as I am, like Me.
Yes, I came here for My Son Marcos, it was his works that attracted Me, it was the merits of these works that he did for Me, for My most beloved Daughter Mary, for My Son Jesus, for the Spirit, over all these years, that attracted Me to you. It was his love for Me that drew Me here and that made Me come here in the first place to sanctify him. Secondly to sanctify you and now truly finish what Mary has begun in My Name. And thirdly to prepare in you, for Me, a holy people, for when My Son returns on the clouds of Heaven and He then hands you over to Me as His firstfruits, as truly a precious gift, the fruit of the redemption accomplished by Him for My honor, glory and praise.
Yes, I have come here for My little son Marcos and in every work he has done over the years, in each of the more than three thousand Cenacles he has done for My Love and Mary's sake. In the videos of the Apparitions of Mary that are the magnum opus of these last times, that I perform for your salvation, also in the lives of the Saints, in the beautiful Rosaries that so enchant and console My Heart. In the Hours of Prayer they made, and in everything else. Yes, in those Hours of Prayer, in those meditated Rosaries that enchant Me, that console Me, that cheer Me so much when I am sad.
Yes, when I look at the sins of the world and My Heart is saddened and I feel a great sorrow for the wickedness of man. I turn to this place, I turn to you, and as I listen to the meditated Rosaries from here, the meditated Rosaries that you pray, My Heart rejoices again. I forget the sorrows that sinners give Me, I forget the grief that My children give Me, and My Heart is glad and rejoices. And even more, My Heart rejoices when I see My little son Marcos working and making these Rosaries, these Hours of Prayer, these videos of the Saints and the Apparitions, which please Me so much. For I see that I truly have a faithful servant on Earth, I have an obedient son, I have a soul that is truly zealous in the fulfillment of My will, that occupies itself with My things, and that does not have the pride of the flesh, the vanity, the concupcence, the haughtiness of life.
Then My Heart rejoices, My heart exults, and when I see you praying these Prayers as a family, you dry the tears that sinners make Me shed, and you remove from My Heart the swords that they drive into Me with the grief they give Me for their daily sins.
Truly, you console Me, and that is why, here I am so lavish with you, I bless you more and more.
And today, now, I bless you again by pouring upon you My Holy Spirit of Love and truly saying to you: I love you, My people, I love you generation, and in you I seek only sincere love. Come to Me with this love and I will pour upon you the abundance of My Peace, My Grace and Mercy.
All of you at this moment I bless, through Mary and with Mary with all My love and all My Grace and Mercy."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)