Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Message from the Angel Saint Mariel

Dear brothers My, I, Mariel, bless you today and give you peace.
Pray more, pray more in this new year that is born. May prayer be joy for you. May Prayer be life for you and may it really be your life.
Whoever prays a lot is saved, whoever does not pray is condemned.
Pray more, pray with the heart so that truly God may pour out His grace into your lives.
Renounce more and more all sin, because it separates you from God, makes you lose your salvation and Heaven and throws you into the eternal flames of hell.
Hasten your conversion, the time left for humanity is short. Humanity is finishing to fall into the abyss of its sin, its rebellion against God, its commandments and its refusal to turn to Him. Now the Great Punishment will not be long in coming.
Therefore: Pray, be converted, hasten your conversion so that at the terrible moment when Divine Justice manifests, you will be found innocent before the Lord. And thus you may be protected by Us, the Saints and Angels from all the Punishments that will fall upon sinners, especially upon those who have lived in sin, certain that they would never be caught by the Justice of God.
I, Mariel, am with you at every moment of your life. I bless you, I cover you with my wings and I protect you from all evil.
I do not want you to suffer in the future, so I say to you: Repent, that you may be declared innocent the moment the Justice of the Lord manifests itself against this world rebelled against Him and friend of Satan and sin.
To all of you at this moment I lovingly bless Marcos, the most ardent and dear friend of the Holy Angels".
(Marcos): "See you soon.