Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Message From Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 150th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today I again bless you, give you the peace of My Immaculate Heart, and once again I tell you: Follow the road of holiness that I have pointed out to you here. In this month that began with the Feast of All Saints you are all called to holiness, you are all called to reflect that all of you through baptism are called to be saints.
You must live a pure life before God, a righteous life, a holy life, so that He may be pleased with you, and so that through you He may radiate His Love, His Grace, His eternal Light to all His children, especially those who do not yet know Him, so that they may know Him, love Him, and truly reach Heaven, salvation.
Be Saints, therefore, witnessing with your life that God exists, that God IS, that God is true peace, that only God can give true peace to the heart of man, that material things and even the love of creatures cannot fill the whole heart of man, only God can. So, with your lives, show all My children how much they are on the wrong path and how much they owe their lives, turn their hearts to God who is the only true source of peace and who can give them peace.
Be saints, witnessing with your actions that God is Love, that God wants to save mankind, that God sent Jesus, His Only Begotten Son to redeem mankind, and that God still today offers salvation through His Son to all creatures, but they only respond with ingratitude, with the hardness of their hearts and with their refusal to accept God's Love and His Law of Love. With your life, keep showing everyone how sweet and gentle God's Love is, how beautiful God's Love is, and how worthy that everyone should serve Him with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their being, by giving Him their whole life, and then God's Love will radiate through you to the whole world.
Be Saints, by living a life of deep intimacy with God, through deep and heartfelt prayer, by reading and meditating on His Word, on Our Messages, on the Lives of the Saints which are the Word of God transformed into deeds, translated into concrete works.
Be Saints, living a life of intense sacrifice, that is, offering every day small sacrifices in expiation for the sins with which God is offended, and also to beg for the conversion of so many sinners, who without your help, without your sacrifices, without your prayer, without your 'yes', will never be able to be converted or saved. You can open the door of salvation for many of your brothers, you can do just that, just that which My little son Marcos with his 'yes' has done, he has opened the doors of Heaven and of salvation for many who have already come here and thanks to My apparitions have found the life of grace, of conversion, of prayer, of faithfulness to God and to His commandments. Without the 'yes' of this little son of Mine, who is the beloved of My beloved ones, salvation would not have reached many, many of My children, it would not have reached you, and you would be irremediably lost, because in these evil times of the great apostasy that now rages in the world, souls one by one are being carried away, dragged by the waves of errors, of sins, of the wickedness that covers the face of the earth, of sensuality, of violence, of sins that increase more and more each day in gravity and intensity, and you would certainly be among these unfortunate ones. Therefore, it was the 'yes' of My Immaculate Heart, it was the 'yes' of My little son Marcos to My Heart that opened for you here the possibility, the road to salvation and you can also do this to many other souls, to many of My children by giving your 'yes' to My Plan of Love, to My Messages, by making My Messages reach My children so that they can be consoled, protected, converted and transformed by Me.
I want you to be My living reflection to this world that has become a swamp of sin, My light through your souls should reflect off this swamp until it turns back into a lush green garden. That is why I want you to be crystal-clear mirrors that perfectly reflect My light without stain, without spot, without distortion. So, My little children, give Me your 'yes', decide today to be holy, and so I want you to truly follow Me along the path of love, the path of obedience, of faithfulness, of true love that pleases God.
I want you this month, as soon as possible, to read the lives of the saints, especially of My little daughter Edwiges, whom I want you to strive to imitate with great love, with great attention and care, Her virtues, Her love for God, Her faithfulness to God, Her burning love for Me, Her faithfulness to My Immaculate Heart, and the perfect imitation of My virtues that She practiced so well. I want you to follow in Her footsteps by loving God and working for the salvation of souls with all your love, with all your heart.
I also want you to redouble your love this month for My Medal of Peace, which was revealed to you here 20 years ago exactly on November 8, 1993, when, inflamed with love and no longer able to contain within Me My Flame of Love, I revealed to you the Medal that is a source of grace, protection, and constant help from My Immaculate Heart. What happened to that most beloved little daughter of mine in the city of Franca, the automobile accident from which she emerged without any fractures, was truly a great Miracle of My Immaculate Heart done by means of my Medal, to show you that by means of this Medal I do not only defend your souls, but I also defend your bodies, and I do not only defend you from temptations, from the insidiousness of Satan, but even from every type of accident and illness in your body.
I truly want to spread My Flame of Love all over the world through My Medal of Peace, so I ask you: Wear My Medal of Peace, carry it lovingly over your heart and I promise to guard you, to guard your bodies and your souls from all evils, from all dangers. Also wear My Miraculous Medal that I revealed through My little daughter Catherine Labouré and to whose Feast you are so close, so that truly by covering it with your very powerful shields that I have given you in all My Apparitions, through you, I may work wonders and above all reach My children who are farthest from Me and most sinful, so that the graces of God may reach them, because I am the Mediatrix of all graces, the Messenger of Peace, the true channel of the Mercy of God, and I want to help, alleviate pain, protect, and save everyone.
Continue with all the prayers I have given you here, open your hearts to God's love, God loves you so much and has shown you His Love beyond measure here, choosing you, attracting you, and calling you here to fill you with graces of peace, of love.
Let your hearts be open to God's Love, because when the soul opens itself to this Love and feels this Love, it feels transported by Him, it feels a flame within the heart, that burns, that burns within it, and that leads it to accomplish even that which seemed impossible for God's sake. The soul is lost in the immense sea of God's Love, and the more it drinks from this sea, the more it drowns in this sea, the more the soul desires to drink and to lose itself in this immense sea of Love.
So open your heart to God's Love, because the measure you receive will be the measure you open your heart to this Love. In many souls, God's Love cannot be poured out because they are vessels full of earth where the water of God's Love finds no room, therefore, empty the vessels of your hearts by putting away all the earth, that is, all that is 'earth', all that is still purely earthly so that truly in your heart there is room for God's Love to enter and act.
Convert without delay, the time for conversion is running out, you have seen the typhoon that devastated the Philippines, all that happened because they did not obey years ago the warning I gave them, the Message of Prayer and Penance I gave them in Lipa through My daughter Teresita and now they suffer the consequences of their sins. Man is not sorry to offend God, the world is not sorry to crucify My divine son again with their sins, so the Justice of God allows man's sin to be washed away in his own blood and that is what happened there and if Brazil does not convert and do penance it will also be punished soon, tornadoes will increase here, earthquakes will spread, droughts will continue, diseases will resist, famine, famine and then you will do penance by force for hunger, since for love you did not want to do it when I asked you.
Penance, conversion, change of life, banish all sin from your life, and then God will remove from you the punishments of His Holy Justice and shower His infinite mercy upon you. Conversion is what I ask of everyone because Chastisement is at the door, and there is no more time to waste with useless hobbies and attachments.
I bless you all now, and again I say: Pray the Holy Rosary every day, whoever serves Me through My Rosary will not perish, and neither will his family and loved ones.
I bless everyone from Fatima, Lourdes and Jacarei.
Peace my beloved children, be in the peace of the Lord. Peace Marcos, beloved of My beloved ones and the most obedient of My children, continue to do My Meditated Rosaries and everything else I have sent you, so that My grace may reach every heart in the whole world."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)