Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Message From Our Lady And Saint Teresa D'avila - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 143rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Holy Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today again I come to give you My Message, to give you My peace, and to bless you with all the generosity and Love of My Immaculate Heart.
Each one of you who are Here, each one of you who hear Me now, you have not met My Apparitions Here by chance, but I have chosen you, I have called you, I have brought you Here because I love you so much, because I want your salvation at all costs and because I want more and more to unite you with God, With Myself, doing one thing with you in Love, transforming you into one flame of Love so that you can truly have true life in God, live the heavenly life already Here on Earth enjoying all the peace and all the happiness that friendship with God gives you.
Yes, I love you, I have loved you with all My Heart even before you were born, I chose you already in the womb of the Mother, I loved you with a love of predilection without measure, and I have brought you here to know the Love of God, to know My Love through My Apparitions, so that I can transform you into true children of God who live in His grace and in His friendship, and through you I can transmit, communicate My love to the whole world to all My children who do not know Me.
I chose you even before you chose Me, I loved you, I called you from all parts of the world to enter here in My great army of prayer, of grace, of holiness and peace to lead you all to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart that is very close to you, a time when I will finally give peace to the earth, peace to families, peace to hearts, peace to nations and you will then truly experience and live a joy, a happiness, a peace that you have never had before.
Yes, I have chosen you to be the generation of My Immaculate Heart, that generation that imitates My virtues, that follows in My footsteps, that obeys My Messages, that prays much, that lives more and more in Love and intimacy with God and that truly is like Me, loving God as I have loved, doing the will of God as I have done, giving yourself totally to God as I have given myself.
I chose you from all parts of the world and I loved you before you loved Me so My children, I who loved you first and who chose you to be completely Mine, I give you every day more extraordinary signs of My Love, of My presence, of My maternal protection and no son of Mine can complain about Me, can complain that he has been abandoned by Me, helpless and has never experienced the proofs of My Love. Only the hard hearts that do not want Me, that reject Me, that push Me away, do not experience the proofs of My Love. You are free to love Me or to despise Me, to want Me in your lives or to cast Me out of them, whatever you choose will be given to you. If you choose to love Me, if you choose to live with Me, I will fill the days of your existence with so many signs, with so many proofs of My Love, that you will exclaim in tears: My God, how happy I am to have a Mother who loves Me so much.
But if you choose to despise Me and expel Me from your lives I will be forced to abandon you, to distance Me from you and then you will fall into confusion, into spiritual blindness, into mortal sins and finally you will fall into the clutches of Satan and into the fire of hell and I will be unable to do anything because those who go to hell have freely chosen during their lives to despise Me and to despise God, preferring sin, preferring the devil My enemy the cruel boss, the rebel from the beginning.
So My children, accept My Love because I stand before so many hearts offering My Love, but they do not want it. Pray hard that the world will accept My Love, if you accept this Love My son Jesus will bless you, give you His love, His peace and His grace and truly recognize you as His true brothers, My children and true children of the eternal Father redeemed by His blood on the cross. As My daughter White told you here these days and as My daughter Lucia repeated to you yesterday: It is because you do not have faith that God's will is the best for you that you continue to think that your evil will, that your evil inclinations, that your rebellious will to God and His commandments is the best for you and as long as you remain obstinate, hardened like this, God's plan will not be realized in your lives and your souls, your families, society, nations will continue in continuous disorder, in continuous anarchy, in continuous violence, in continuous upheaval that will eventually lead you to complete destruction.
So My children, renounce your evil inclinations, renounce your corrupted evil will, and have faith that the will of the Lord, that My will which is one with God's will, is the best for you. Follow this will, do this will, and you will find perfect happiness already Here on earth, you will begin to feel the joy that the Saints feel in Heaven, and your life will then already be a beginning of Heaven, and your death will be so soft, that it will be like sleeping Here and waking up already in My lap, in Heaven, in the Arms of the Eternal Father in Heaven, where you will be happy forever and ever.
What I ask of you is not much, I only ask for good will, begin to pray the Rosary, the meditated Rosary that My son Marcos makes for you here, and that is what pleases Me the most, pray all the prayers that I have given you here, begin little by little, and you will see how everything I am telling you will be realized in you, you will begin to feel the Love of God, My Love, Our presence, you will begin to receive continuous signs in your life, in your daily life of My Love, of God's Love, and then you will feel a happiness, a contentment and a satisfaction that you have never felt before.
Convert quickly My children, for time is running out, the great Chastisement is approaching, and woe to him who is not in friendship with God. The Angels with Their flaming swords will redden Heaven with the fire of God's justice, and all those who preferred sin, who preferred the devil, who preferred to live without God, will know eternal fire that will never be extinguished. As I said in El Escorial, the Punishment will be much worse than forty earthquakes put together, the whole earth will shake, many cities will be destroyed, a flaming sphere, the fire of Heaven will fall on all those who are not in the grace of God, that is, in mortal sin, all those who are not in friendship with God will perish in one moment. I do not want to scare you but to open your eyes, to take you out of your spiritual blindness, and to show you that the end of sinners will be the saddest My children, and I do not want to see you suffering in the future. So I ask you, change your lives, convert without delay, this is the message of these wonderful apparitions of mine here.
I love you very much, I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to suffer in the future, so stay with the Lord, stay with Me, pray, convert! I am very happy with you, very happy with so many countries that today are listening to Me through this wonderful and extraordinary means that I have given you, this means of communication that is My TV that takes My word to the whole world. Through this Cenacle, through the word and example of My little son Marcos, I bring to all My children throughout the world peace, light, and hope, and I call all My children also to come closer to Me, to enter into My Immaculate Heart, to feel My Love in order to be saved.
To all of you, today with great Love I bless generously, I bless all My children from all the countries who are listening to Me now, I bless all of you who are here in the Chapel and who are the precious diamonds of My Immaculate Heart for whom I exchange kingdoms, I exchange worlds if necessary so as not to lose a single one of you My children.
I bless you all at this moment from Lourdes, from Quito, and from Jacareí. Peace My beloved children."
(Marcos): "It is you! Oh, yes, we, yes!"
(St. Teresa D'Avila): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Teresa D'Avila, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God rejoice to be able to come here today for the first time, to give you my Message, how I love you, how well I love you, how I defend and protect you. You know that I have been pierced by the flaming lance of Divine Love, and it is also to give your heart to this love and to let yourself be pierced by this Love that I come to invite you today.
Let yourselves be pierced by the spear of God's Love as I have, opening your heart to God, loving the Lord with all your strength, living to please Him, to praise Him, to console His Heart for so many children who only give Him grief, living to make Him better known, loved and served as I have done. And then truly your heart will be pierced by the spear of perfect Love for God, and truly God will accomplish in all of you immense wonders of His Love.
Let yourselves be pierced by the spear of Divine Love like me, by giving God your yes, because what He wants from you is your yes, it is your heart, it is your life. If you give your yes, if you give God a chance, if you open the doors of your heart even just a crack, God's Love will show you His sweetness, His gentleness, His beauty so much that you will be so delighted, so full of this Love that you will no longer desire any sin, no more carnal pleasure, because your heart will be so full of divine Love that it will feel completely happy, completely fulfilled, completely loved.
It is because you do not have faith in God's love that you are so sad, so discontent, dissatisfied with yourself, with your life, with your family, with your work, with the person you are. This sin hurts the Heart of the Lord very much, so, from today on, believe in the Love of God because believing in the Love of God is this, it is giving your heart to the Love of God, it is letting this Love enter your heart, it is preferring it to every other pleasure. When a soul believes that God's Love is much better than the illusory love of the world and of creatures, the soul gives itself to God's Love without difficulty. It is because you do not believe that the Love of God is better than the love of the world, is better than pleasures, that you do not give your heart to God. And because you do not give your heart to God, God also does not give His Love, does not give His peace to you.
So, open your heart to God, let this Love go through your heart, fill your heart, inflame your heart as it did mine and you will truly be so happy in this world that you will practically no longer experience that beatitude, that happiness that We have in Paradise and you will even no longer know if you are still living on earth or if you are already living in Heaven.
I, Teresa, will help you to attain this Love if you ask Me, if you pray much to Me for this grace. I will inflame you with this Divine Love so strong that you will want, as I do, to immediately free yourself from the prison, from the chains that bind the soul in the body to go and unite forever with this Eternal Love, with this supreme Love in the glory of Heaven.
To all of you at this moment I bless with Love, generously, I love each one of you who are here. I bless your Medals, Rosaries, Images, objects of devotion, everything that is with you beside you now is blessed by Me and the Queen of Heaven. I bless your families, jobs, businesses, ventures, decisions and desires so that all will be done as the Lord wills."
(Marcos): "Thank you most beloved Teresa. Come back soon yes! See you soon. See you soon dear Heavenly Mother."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)