Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Message From Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 140th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, as you are celebrating another Monthly Anniversary of My Apparitions Here in Jacareí in your midst, I come once again to tell you: I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am She who brings you the Peace of the Lord, She who grants you Peace, She who protects your Peace, She who conserves your Peace and She who increases more and more the Peace of your heart until it reaches the fullness desired by the Lord.
If men would renounce their will, if they would accept My will I could give them peace, I could give peace to the world, I could give peace to all nations. Because man does not have faith that My will is the best for him, he remains hardened in his personal will, he does not renounce it, he does not give up his will, nor his evil inclinations. That is why I cannot give him peace, because in such a closed heart, in such a heart full of pride, full of self-love, disordered and self-worship, I cannot give peace, I cannot put peace, I cannot pour out My peace.
Let the human being renounce his corrupted will, his evil inclinations, let him renounce his hardness of heart, his resistance to God's will and My will, and then I can give him peace. If human beings renounce their will and accept Mine, finally My plan of love will be realized in the lives of all My children, the world will be transformed from a swamp of sin, from a hell of hatred and violence into a garden of grace and holiness, and finally My Immaculate Heart will triumph. If human beings had already done this, if they had renounced their will and accepted Mine, truly believing that My Will is the best for everyone, this peace that I come to bring here in My apparitions would have already been given to the world many years ago when I began My apparitions here. But because the human being in his freedom remains resistant to My Will and attached to his own, My Plan of Love is not realized among the people of nations, of society, and of families, because not all hearts renounce their will to accept Mine.
I come now to call you finally to give Me the yes from your hearts that I have been waiting for so long and that I have desired for so many years, to finally give course to My Will, to My Plan of Salvation and to realize in you and through you My maternal design of Love in the whole world. Therefore, raise today with Me the vibrant cry of your heart 'yes', giving your yes in My Yes to the Most Holy Trinity and then, She will favorably reap your yes and unleash Her great power to transform you into those Apostles of the Last Times, into those great Saints of My Immaculate Heart who will scorch the whole world with My flame of Love, with the flame of the Holy Spirit transforming the whole world into a great burning furnace of love for God.
Today, you are also commemorating the Anniversary of the great Signs that I gave you on November 7, 1994, here in Jacareí. It was truly an important day, it was a decisive day, it was an eternally memorable day in the history of My Apparitions Here, because I showed you resounding Signs that demonstrated to you in every way that it is I, who is My son Jesus, who is the Angels, the Saints, who is My most Chaste Spouse Joseph, also My Divine Spouse the Holy Spirit, it is We who are Here calling you to conversion, calling you to return to God, before the time of Mercy ends and the time of God's great Justice begins.
After these Signs no soul will be forgiven for not having had faith in Our Apparitions, for not having renounced his will and accepted God's Will and Mine, for not having adhered with all his love and his heart to My Plan of Love, to My Design, to My Will. Therefore, hearts hardened in sin, in their evil inclinations, in the evil desires of their hearts, will not be spared on the Day of Judgment. And also after these signs have been made known by My little son Marcos on Video to all My children all over the world, no one will be able to claim any justification on the Day of Punishment, on the day of God's great wrath.
Blessed are those who have seen these Signs and have truly said yes to Me, obeyed My Messages, persevered in this obedience to this day, and continue to live with Me and for Me for the greater glory of God. Blessed are those who did not even see these signs, but then saw them on video and opened their hearts to Me, because they will have a redoubled reward in the Kingdom of Heaven, and blessed are those who did not even see this on video, but believed and gave Me their yes, because through these My children together with all those who witnessed My Signs, I will bring My great Plan of Love to its perfect fulfillment, to My complete Triumph, and great will be the reward of all who obey Me, who spread My Messages and serve Me with love in this life.
Here, where I have accomplished great portents of My Immaculate Heart, I will accomplish many more wonders for the salvation of My children. Give Me your complete yes now, open your heart to Me, obey My Messages, practice all the virtues that I have sent you here, follow the path of holiness that I have indicated to you, and you will still see wonders of My Power and My Love in your lives and in the whole world.
Today, I bless in a special way all those who obey Me, who love Me, who serve Me, and I also especially bless My little son Marcos, who on that day, November 7th, 1994, saw his great suffering being converted into immense joy, and saw his tears being transformed into great graces and portents seen in the eyes of all, had his heart so consoled by My Heart, and on which that day and through which I showed My great power to all My children, I manifested My glory before so many thousands of hearts and truly showed what My Love is capable of to save My children and how determined I am here in Jacareí to save you all and lead you all to Heaven.
To this My child through whom on that unforgettable day I performed wonders and prodigies before the eyes of all My children and to all of you who listen to Me now I solemnly bless with love, from Lourdes, from Medjugorje and from Jacarei.
Peace My beloved children, be in the peace of the Lord."
(Marcos): "Thank you most beloved Mother. See you soon."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 2:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 02:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)