Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Message From Our Lord Jesus Christ And Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 129th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Our Lord): "Beloved children of Mine, today My Sacred Heart blesses you and gives you peace, I come with My Most Holy Mother to tell you: My love for you is great and this love has chosen you from all parts of the world and called you to be Here in the School of Holiness of My Most Holy Mother and My Sacred Heart, where We form you in true love for Us, in holiness, righteousness and justice that pleases My eyes.
This Love of My Sacred Heart ran in search of you, traveling the lost paths where you were, and from everywhere called you and brought you Here. This Love sought you out in the swamp of sin where you were bogged down, from there it pulled you out almost ready to die and exhale the last breath of your soul and brought you Here to heal you, regenerate you, purify you, strengthen you and form you in the true love and holiness that pleases My Sacred Heart and that pleases My Mother. So that through you I reveal My power, the power of My Sacred Heart, My Grace and My Mercy to the world radiating My love through you.
My love for you is great, and He ran after you in the spiritual blindness where you were before, in the apostasy, in the lack of prayer, in the inner desert to which your souls were reduced. And My Sacred Heart brought you here to transform these deserts of your souls into verdant gardens of grace and holiness for My greater glory and the greater Triumph of the merciful Love of My Heart.
My Love for you is great and Here has forgiven you of everything, of all your betrayals of My Love, of My Mother's Love, of My Eternal Father's Love. And Here My Sacred Heart has given you new life, for in your mouth a new song, it has taken you out of the swamp of sin where you were and truly placed you on a firm rock, which is My Blessed Mother. On this rock and in the truth that She holds, in the truth that She communicates and transmits to you Here in Her Messages you are truly strengthened, purified, sanctified and in you and through you I can truly build My citadel in your souls and in the souls of the whole world with whom you communicate.
My Love for you, which has been so great, has transformed you from a heap of dust full of sin into true mystical stones and diamonds of love that I polish ever more every day to give even greater perfection, finishing beauty to your souls. So that they may truly delight the eyes of My Father, the eyes of the Holy Spirit, My eyes, the eyes of My Mother and of all the heavenly court, and through your beauty and spiritual radiance I may radiate the light of My divine grace in this world so adorned by sin.
Come to My Sacred Heart which is your burning furnace of love, where I desire to purify you even more of your miseries, of the stains of your evil inclinations, of your sins, of your imperfections until I give you the purity, the value and the beauty of the purest and most refined gold.
My Sacred Heart is the furnace of love where I want to refine you, where I want to melt you as gold is melted in the mystical flames of My Love, of My righteousness and justice. Until I remove from your souls every stain of sin, every stain of corruption, of evil inclination, of disordered love of your own self and of your will until I give your soul the purity of the purest gold and silver, so that your soul will have great value before My Father, before Me, and also before the world. The world must see your perfection, your holiness and beauty so that it then sees the ugliness of its sin, sees the misery, the poverty that it has inside, in the souls, and so the whole world also wants souls to come close to My Sacred Heart to also be purified, refined and transformed into pure gold of love.
I truly desire that your heart come to My Sacred Heart, because only in My Sacred Heart can your coal, elevated to the high temperatures of My Sacred Heart, of My Love, of My holiness and of My power, be transformed into a diamond of great beauty, of great value, of great brilliance. So come to Me My children, for My Sacred Heart has called you here to transform you into diamonds of holiness. If you allow Me, if you are docile to Me, if you are obedient and cooperate with My grace, I will transform the poor carbon, the poor coal of your souls into diamonds of great value that I will encrust in My royal crown, to shine before all My Angels and Saints in Heaven.
Come to Me, obeying all the Messages that I have given you here, praying all the Hours of Prayer that I and My Mother have given you here, doing everything that in Our Messages We have taught you here, because only the obedient, only the striving, only those who sacrifice themselves will reach glory. Remember what My servant Marcos told you all these days, and which is an eternal truth of My kingdom: "No sacrifice, no glory. All My saints have sacrificed themselves, all the Martyrs have sacrificed their lives for Me, in order to be recognized by Me before My Father and to have access to Paradise, which for them, for the blessed, was created from the beginning of the world. So, if you also want to achieve glory, sacrifice yourselves. What My Mother has said here and said in Beauraing so many times I repeat to you: 'Do you love Me, do you love My Mother? Then sacrifice yourselves for Me, sacrifice yourselves for My Mother. Love proves itself in sacrifice, in obedience, in effort, in struggle for conversion and to truly conform your will to Mine and to fulfill My will.
Make your thought converge with My thought, your will with My will, and I will truly transform you into new creatures, I will transform you into the perfect God-realized humanity as My own Blessed Mother is in person. Come to My Sacred Heart all you little ones of spirit who love Me and who love My Mother with a love, with a desire, with a thirst so sincere believing lovingly in Our Words. Come to Me, for yours is My Sacred Heart, yours is My Mother's Heart, yours is the kingdom of Heaven. Come to Me and I will give you extraordinary and stunning beauty and transform your souls into the most luminous diamond, refulgent and dazzling with grace, beauty and holiness.
I bless you all at this moment from Paray-le-Monial, from Poitiers and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos the most obedient of My servants, the most striving and obedient of the children of My Blessed Mother."
(Marcos): "Yes. Even the Lord found it funny and liked that is it? Agreed, I will do that yes. no, no, no problem. Yes, I'll record yes, yes, yes. Yes, I'll do it this very week. Presto!"
(Our Lady): "Beloved children of Mine, today I ask you along with My son Jesus, to hasten your conversion, because the time given by the Lord for the conversion of mankind is now shorter than ever.
What I told you in the past is now coming true, you see how the days are passing faster, you see the great destructuring of all humanity, of families, of countries, of nations. The perdition of youth in sins and vices is now general, not even childhood escapes, the children are all already poisoned by the deadly poison of Satan offered to them in the pagan education, in the media that injected in them the poison of sensuality, of sin, of Satan's diabolical malice. Causing the flowers, the lilies of purity that once so enchanted God, so enchanted the Saints in Heaven and Me, to be transformed into veritable withered flowers where Satan truly reigns and dominates as a sure lord. But soon, My Immaculate Heart will triumph and take these souls that he has imprisoned from his clutches and lead them back to My divine son Jesus Christ.
Yes, by a great miracle of My Heart, everything will be regenerated and restored, and at last the kingdom of the Lord, the kingdom of God, My kingdom will be established in the whole world, and the kingdom of the devil, proud and cunning, the enemy of God, who believed that his harvest was certain and secure, will find himself with nothing from one moment to the next. But until then we still have a hard road to travel, in the midst of this great tribulation that you are still going through, only the souls full of great valor, courage, strength of spirit, of character will be able to stand firm until the end without falling into discouragement, despair, sadness, or else, without falling into apostasy and general perdition that now submerges all families, all nations and all humanity. This is why I tell you My children, have a brave spirit, have a strong faith, have an iron will* to continue on the path of prayer, on the path of penance, of obedience to My messages, because I tell you: the soft, the languid will not be able to reach the end, and whoever does not reach the end will be condemned.
In Heaven only the brave enter, only the courageous enter, only those whose will to overcome, whose will to be saints, whose will to reach Heaven is iron, is harder than rocks, and is more fiery than the flames of the furnaces. In truth I tell you: In Heaven the timid, that is, those who do not have the will to fight for God, for Me, for their holiness, will not enter. Therefore, walk, work, pray, carry My messages, read the lives of the saints, cultivate your spiritual life as My dearest daughter Mother Inez Del Sagrario has well advised you. Cultivate your spiritual life with many meditations, with many reflections and spiritual readings so that your nature does not decay and so that your soul remains elevated in the love of God, in Prayer, in My Love, in Our service.
Now that the great Feast of My Medal of Peace is approaching, the Anniversary of the revelation of My Medal, which this year is of even greater importance, because exactly this year will mark twenty years since the eternal and memorable day when I here in this place first revealed, first gave My Medal of Peace to My little son Marcos. Through it I have saved so many lives, saved so many souls, converted so many sinners, destroyed so many works of satan, caused such an abundant shower of graces to fall over the whole earth, saved so many places and people from the punishments of Divine Justice, which they well deserved for their sins, and only I have not done more wonders than I have done throughout these years, because the faith of souls and people in My Medal of Peace is little and almost null. Therefore, this year I invite you: Renew your love for My Medal of Peace, spread It, spread It with renewed ardor, with a renewed will and commitment to make all My children of the world wear It, have It. So that the copious influence of the Holy Spirit, which in it descends from My Immaculate Heart in a little Pentecost, may also descend upon them, upon all the souls who accept it and wear it with love.
I count on you, My Apostles of the Last Times, My missionaries and messengers, to bring to all My children My Medal of Peace, on which the salvation of many souls depends. Because many souls that were destined for hell, will be delivered from it, will be free through My Medal of Peace. Therefore, go and take My Medal, which is a sure means, which is a sure weapon of salvation and protection for all My children.
The Mother of God in person, the one who as My dearest Antonio Maria Claret, My Alfonso Maria de Liguori told you very well, I, the Mother of God, the one who can do everything and who does everything I want, has given you this Medal as the most precious gift of My Immaculate Heart for these last times. Take advantage of it, use it as I have commanded you, so that truly my Immaculate Heart may triumph in souls, in families, and in the whole world, hastening the hour of the great worldwide Pentecost that I am preparing every day with the Holy Spirit for all of you.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I have given you here every day, because through them I will transform you always more into beautiful and true diamonds of spiritual love, holiness, and faithfulness to God.
I love you very much, and I have chosen each one of you to be here, to know My apparitions; this is the greatest proof of how much I love you, and how much I desire your salvation. I have predestined you for Heaven, I have chosen you, now all that is left is for you to choose Me too, and to say yes to My Love, to My call, to My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all with love, and especially this place that consoles Me so much, where I am most loved, glorified, obeyed, exalted, delighted, and corresponded to.
I bless all of you who hear Me now and who fight for Me, and I also bless you My dearest Marcos, the hardest working and most dedicated of My children."
(Marcos): "Yes. See you soon. See you soon My Lord and My Mother."
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