Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Message From Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 77th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love


Moment of ecstasy of the Seer Marcos Tadeu at the Apparition.





(Marcos): "Yes. Yes. Yes, My Blessed Mother I will."

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today I invite you again to open your hearts to the immense love of God, who chose you and who brought you here to My Apparitions, so that you would be converted and know the way that leads to Heaven.

God's Love has looked upon you with such benevolence, and in His divine benevolence it has pleased Him to give you His great grace. Open your hearts to this great Love, which loves you so much and wants your salvation, no matter what the cost.

I am your Mother, and I never tire of showing you how great is God's Love and My Love for you. Yes, My children, with each apparition that I make here, I give you more and more My Flame of Love, which desires to inflame you, and through you, to inflame the whole world.

Give Me your yes, the yes to My call, to My Plan of Love, so that through you My Heart may accomplish the great grace of conversion, of the whole world, scorching all hearts, all souls with Love for the Lord.

God's Love for you continues to be so great each day, that He continues to send Me here with My Messages, to save your souls, in this life, from the Punishments of Divine Justice, and in the next life, from eternal Punishments in the fires of Hell.

Oh, My children, see how great this Love is and give your yes to this Love, embrace this Love, welcome it into your life and then pass it on to all the souls you can.

I invite you again today, to have more love for My Holy Medal of Peace, for the Medal that My Spouse Joseph revealed to you Here, for My Grey Scapular and for all that I have given you Here My children, because these Sacramentals will help to protect you from all evils and dangers, and will give you the grace to be less influenced by the devil in his temptations, which influence your evil inclinations, and will give you the grace to have the influence of the Divine Holy Spirit increased in your soul, with His good inspirations making you tend toward Goodness and Holiness.

Love more all these precious Gifts that I have given you, because through them you will obtain many graces, you will be defended from many evils, and you will attract to yourselves the blessings of God and the blessings of My Heart.

Love more also the Rosary Crusade that I have asked you here, do it, so that truly your nation and the world may be saved from the great danger that threatens them. Pray, pray, pray the Holy Rosary, by making this Crusade you will be able to achieve true miracles of conversion in your salvation and in the whole world, and you will succeed in frustrating many Machiavellian plans of Satan.

I, your Mother, will descend from Heaven with the Angels and Saints to collect the Rosary of your Crusade and to offer it with Our merits to the Holy Trinity, to obtain for you: grace, pardon, salvation, and mercy.

Finally little children, I beg you; Keep coming Here, so that Our Sacred Hearts may continue your conversion. Continue to come Here, where I am present day and night, and where I never tire of receiving My children to fill them with My Love, with My graces and blessings.

Come and drink the water from My Fountain with Love and trust, those who take it with faith, I will give great graces from My Heart, I will give great graces from My Heart, true miracles of grace and mercy. And to all those, who trust and love Me, and who come here to console Me, I promise to pour upon them very special graces from the Sacred Heart of My Son and lead them on a safe road to Heaven.

Be My diamonds of perfect love, living in God's grace, fleeing from sin and seeking ever more Christian perfection. Banish from your soul all laziness, banish from your soul also all pride, because laziness deprives you of the merit of many good deeds that you could have done if you had not been so indolent with yourself. And pride deprives you of the aids with which God could help you, but that you because you don't think you are in need of God's grace don't ask Him, don't look to the Lord, you think you can do everything by yourself and that you can reach the summit of Heaven alone. This pride, this haughtiness, especially wounded pride after you have committed sin, this pride that disguises itself under the appearances of remorse, of being ashamed of God after you have sinned, this pride deprives you of the help with which God could help you. If the sinner instead of being proud after his sin, not wanting to get closer to God because he has sinned, if the sinner instead is humble, recognizes his fault and acknowledges that without God he is incapable of being good, and thus the sinner seeks God, seeks prayer then God will give him the necessary means to correct himself, amend himself and be Holy.

Renounce, therefore, the pride that prevents you from truly growing in holiness and in the love of God. Renounce the laziness that makes so many of your actions unworthy, do everything with love, everything with zeal for God's glory, for My glory, and for the good and salvation of souls.

I love you very much, and I do not want to see you suffering in the future. That is why I tell you little children: convert without delay, so that the Great Punishment that the Justice of God is preparing to punish this world for its sins does not take you by surprise. The moment everyone thinks: God is dead, God no longer exists, God no longer rules anyone, God is no longer in anyone's heart. The great Chastisement will fall, and God will then say to men: Fools, I am still here, I will never die, God does not die. And then, He will purify this world with the fire of His Wrath, and finally, the good, the righteous will be free from all the suffering, which is caused to them by the wicked, by those who do not love God and who do not obey His Commandments.

I bless you all at this moment with Love, and especially you My little son Marcos, who with the Meditated Rosaries and other Prayers you make for Me, with the Videos of the Lives of the Saints and My Apparitions, give Me so much glory, consolation and love, and do so much good, incalculable good to the souls of the whole world. And to all of you who from near or far are Here and have come to Me, at this moment I bless abundantly from La Salette, from Lucca and from Jacareí."

(Marcos): "Yes. See you soon Lady."


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