Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 18, 2013
St. Helena's Day - Message From St. Helena and Film of Her Life

Jacareí, June 14, 2009
Marcos: Beautiful princess of heaven, who are you?
"-Marcos, I am Helen, Saint Helen! Who came today with the Blessed Virgin to bless you, to bless these My brothers in faith and in the Grace of GOD, and to pour upon you all, the greatest and most immense favors of the Most High! You know that I was the one who searched for the Holy Cross of Christ in Jerusalem, who recovered it, and who recovered so many of the places where Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin lived and thus, offered to all Christendom the Relics of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.I want to engrave in your hearts and in your souls the Cross of the Lord! This Cross that I have loved so much and that I have not rested until I found it! I want to engrave this Cross of the Lord in your hearts and in your souls, so that the love of the Cross may be in you, and so that you may be able to resist the seductive temptations and suggestions of the enemy of the Lord, who in these times seeks at every moment to call you and to invite you to follow him along the wide and spacious path, which is easier and more convenient, but which does not lead to GOD, but to the abyss of eternal torments! It is the way of suffering, yes, in this life; endured with patience, hope and trust! It is the narrow way, which few choose to follow, but which is the only way that leads to heaven, that leads to the Lord, that leads to salvation! The enemy of the Lord tries at every moment to offer you the glories and vanities of this world, disguised as an apparent good; but behind these appearances of good, he hides his fatal poison, with which he wishes to poison your souls and make them perish with the rest of the world that he brings after him, all poisoned, spiritually dead, and spoiled! I want with My Mantle, I want with My Love to guard you from this terrible temptation and guide you each day more along the path of GOD's True Love, which is expressed: in the Cross, in Pain, in Suffering, in Trust, in Hope and in the total Consecration of oneself to the Love of the Lord...The Lord desires nothing more from you, than your Love!
See how His Sacred Heart is ablaze with Love for you! How He has waited for you until this day here! How He has had the patience to wait for your response, your YES to His Love, and how much His Sacred Heart has had to suffer because of your selfishness, your hardness of heart, and your slowness to respond to His Love.
See how the Heart of the Blessed Virgin suffered and was covered with deep Wounds, caused by your hardness of heart, your wickedness, and your refusal to correspond to Her Love and obey Her Will!
How often have you heard the Messages colder and harder than rocks and drier and more arid than deserts! And yet, this Heavenly Love for you has waited, for you has kept fighting, for you has kept seeking every day of your life...Delay no longer! Surrender to this Love with deeds, with the total consecration of your life, with the renunciation of your will and with the perfect fulfillment of the Divine will! It was these same weaknesses, that made Those Most Sacred United Hearts of JESUS, MARY and JESUS, continue to travel the earth and seek your hearts minute by minute, with such passionate love, and it was these same miseries that made Their Hearts beat aflame with Love on fire and full of Mercy, with the desire to save you, to help you and to free you from so much destitution and spiritual Misery! It was your nothingness that attracted Those Hearts to you, not your virtues. Oh, no! It was your misery, it was your lowliness that drew the Gaze of those Sovereign Kings of Heaven, and made Them wait standing at the door of your hearts, for so many years waiting for them to open! Give Them not a guest place in your life. Oh, no! Don't give Them a guest room, give Them the main room, the main room of your lives, so that They become like the people in your family; people who truly live with you and with whom you are truly united! Give them your YES, not this petty and selfish YES that gives them the leftovers of time, of youth, of strength, of love. Oh no! Give them all your life, all your love, all your affection and all your heart! And then, you will live a true life in GOD, a true life in the United Sacred Hearts and you will know the happiness of loving Them and of being loved by Them with a Love of special predilection!The measure of your love for Them will be the measure with which, They will communicate to you His Love, His Grace and His very Life, the Heavenly Sap; so that your souls can then feed on the sap of the trunk and produce the fruits of holiness that the Lord expects of you!
You must have a mature faith! You must have a manly faith! You must have a resolute faith, a ready and energetic faith! This virtue that I have possessed to a heroic degree, I want to communicate to you each day in Prayer if you ask Me, if you turn to Me!
Just as I have spared no effort to recover the Lord's Cross and the Holy Relics of His Passion. Just as I have spared no effort to make the Catholic Faith the Official Faith of the Empire of My son Constantine, and until I have seen this Faith triumph, I have not rested; neither can you rest until you see the Holy Catholic Faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ triumphing on earth and see the Kingdom of His Most Sacred Heart established in this world with the Kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Joseph!
Be valiant workers for the Faith!
Be valiant agents of Faith, Peace, Love and Salvation!
Do not sleep now while the sun is shining... Work, work without rest! Work without ceasing! Pray constantly without ever interrupting your supernatural and spiritual union with GOD, keeping your hearts united to GOD; by the mystical union of your souls and by the prayer that springs from life itself, that springs from the depths of the spirit well immersed, well grounded in GOD!Soon night will come and you will no longer be able to work.... The time given by the Lord for men to know Him, to love Him, to work for His Glory and for their own Salvation, and to work for the salvation of the world, will end. Then The Boss, The Lord will call each servant of His and give payment, each one, to each one according to his works, according to what he has done and what he has earned.
And woe to those who have sat idly by while others were working!
Woe to those who have sat idle and idle while others worked the earth of this world and of their own souls; planting the seed, watering it, fertilizing it with prayers, sacrifices and good works, and making it grow by defending those plants; the plant of the soul and personal sanctification from the weeds and pests that the enemy sows in the midst of the Lord's field. And thus producing the most beautiful and tasty fruit to please the discerning and very keen palate of the Master, the Lord!
Woe to those who have been idle! These He will send to His taskmasters, who will bind them hand and foot and throw them into the eternal flames, along with every straw and weed that has grown in their field, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for ever and ever!
If you My brothers, do not want to have this sad fate, be the industrious bees, be the swift hares that do not cease to run on all sides. Be the brave and ardent laborers of the Lord's Vineyard who go, who labor and who do not rest until they produce the most beautiful fruit from the Lord's field, to deliver to Him when He returns...
You will be judged according to the talents you have received from the Lord; whoever has received more will have to repay more, whoever has received less will have to repay less, but he will have to repay, for this Lord will ask for an account even of the fields where he has not sown and even of the Vineyards that he has not planted. How much more you, you will not escape accountability to This Lord, who has given you so much and who has favored you so much in this Most Sacred Chosen Place of these Apparitions, which is dearer and more dear to GOD and His Mother than all the rest of the world.
I, Helen, extend my Hand to you! I cast you my ropes, my anchors; that you may hold on to them. And thus, well united, well tied to Me, you may follow the path of holiness, which is difficult for those who do not have the Saints at their side, but which is accessible, easy and certain for those who have Us at their side; for those who copy Our examples and virtues, for those who give themselves to Our protection and direction, and for those who live very well united to Us through true devotion: to Us, to the Blessed Virgin, to St. Joseph and to the Lord!
I, Helen, pray the Holy Rosary with you every day! It is I Myself who collects each Hail Mary that comes out of your mouth, each luminous glob of Hail Marys that come out of your mouth, I bring these globes to the presence of the Lord and the Blessed Mother; to present them more luminous, more refulgent, more brilliant, by contact with my own sanctity and personal merits, to obtain from you more effusive and more abundant Graces: of love, of salvation, of sanctification and Divine help for your souls...
Pray to Me, I will protect you! I will especially protect the concrete Works you do for the Lord; for I am the Patroness of all those who build for the Lord, who build concrete things for GOD and His Mother on this earth, for those who truly strive to build the Kingdom of the Lord on this earth, as He is in Heaven, as He exists and is in Heaven!
I will help you, I will bless your hands so that your work, so that the fruit of them will be more perfect, will be more effective and more lasting.
As Patroness of all GOD's workers and laborers, I will make your works, be works of life, works of love that will remain forever as long as GOD is GOD!
I, all of you at this moment, bless you abundantly..."
Saint Helena
She was queen, and the mother of the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great.
It was Constantine who promulgated the Edict of Milan. Thanks to this decree Christianity was considered a religion that had the same rights as other religions. It was the first step for, years later, another emperor, Theodosius, a convert to Christianity, to make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.She was born in Britynia and married a Roman general Constancius I Chlorus around 270. He soon divorced Helena and married the daughter of the emperor Maximilian. Constantine became emperor in 312 soon after the victory of the Milvian Bridge and Helena was named Augusta or Empress. On one of her trips to the Holy Land, she reportedly had visions, which helped her discover the cross on which Jesus was crucified. She seems to have died in Nicomedia. Her remains are in a sarcophagus in the Vatican Museum. In the church liturgy, St. Helena is shown as an emperor, holding a cross.
Her feast day is celebrated on August 18
Still on St. Helena:
The cross was found in a cistern on May 3 east of Mount Calvary. The story of St. Helena finding the cross is the subject of a much celebrated poem called Cynelwulf's Elene.In 395, 65 years after Helena's death, St. Ambrose of Milan gave a sermon in which he said that Helena had found the cross where Jesus had been crucified, but had also found the one who had been killed there, namely Jesus. She, said St. Ambrose, had worshipped not the wood but the King who had hung there, and that she had thus found immortality. Helena's discovery is also attested to by Rufinus and Sulpicius Severus in the 4th century.Part of the cross remained in Jerusalem and part was taken to Rome and some fragments were distributed to a large number of churches. This indicates that St. Helena wanted the cross to belong to the whole Church.St. Helena is not a saint just because she found the cross of Christ. She loved the poor and dressed modestly and humbly. Euzebius wrote that Helena spent her last years in Palestine, continually worshiping and venerating next to everyone in church, humbly dressed, just like the other women who were there praying.In addition to this, she adorned the churches with ornaments and decorations not forgetting the simplest chapels and small villages. She built basilicas on the Mount of Olives (The Eleonah) and in Bethlehem, traveling throughout Palestine, and was known for her kindness to everyone, poor, soldiers, and prisoners, and many miracles were attributed to her. When she died her body was solemnly taken back to Rome. The Atlantic island called St. Helena is so named because Spanish sailors found her on her feast day.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
It was in the year 335, on the occasion of the dedication of two Constantinian basilicas in Jerusalem, that of the Martyrium or Ad Crucem on Golgotha, was built on the Mount of Golgotha, and that of the Anastasis, that is Resurrection, was built on the place where Christ Jesus was buried and was raised by the power of God, and the feast in honor of the Holy Cross was celebrated for the first time, these basilicas were built in Jerusalem by order of Constantine, son of St. Helena. When the Holy Cross was exalted or presented to the faithful. Found by Saint Helena, it was stolen by the Persian king Cosroe Parviz, during the conquest of the Holy City and from the 7th century the recovery of the precious relic by Emperor Heraclius in 628 is commemorated. Historians tell that the emperor carried the Holy Cross on his back from Tiberias to Jerusalem, where he handed it over to the patriarch Zachariah on May 3, 630, and that the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was also celebrated in the West. The feast reminds Christians of the triumph of Jesus, conqueror of death and resurrected by the power of God. Christ, incarnated in his concrete human-divine reality, voluntarily submitted himself to the humble condition of a slave (the cross was the torment reserved for slaves) and the infamous torture was transformed into perennial glory. Thus the cross becomes the symbol and compendium of the Christian religion
(Saint Helena): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Helena, am happy to come once again today from Heaven to bless you all.
My brothers, what a joy to be able to find you Here with the Mother of God so far, praying and truly giving her the warmth of the love of your hearts.
Be torches ablaze with love for her, living every day a life of true prayer, affection, love, giving and serving her and the Lord as I myself have lived.
Although of great age, as you have seen in My life today, I have served and worked much for the Lord and for My heavenly Mother. Neither age, nor weariness, nor weakness of body could stop Me from doing great things for God. And this, My brothers, God did in Me, to teach you that for Him, for Him you must give everything, you must serve all the days of your life, and never, never regulate your love for God.
Neither age, nor weakness, nor weariness, nor anything can be an excuse for you not to serve the Lord, nor the Mother of the Lord.
Even at an advanced age like Me, even if you are poor or unknown to the world, which was not My case, you can do great things for God.
Each one of you today in these evil times in which you live can truly do great things for God and save many souls. Pray, pray, pray, and the Holy Spirit Himself will show you through all inspirations and ideas what you should do for the salvation of many souls.
Powerful and effective means are the Prayer Groups that the Mother of God has requested, do them and you will see how many souls you will save for her and how much you will contribute to the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
Don't you see My most beloved and dearest brother Carlos Thaddeus, father of My most beloved Marcos Thaddeus. Don't you see the wonders that the Mother of God is doing through him there in his city, through the cenacles of prayer?
Well! This is what the Mother of God wanted to do everywhere, if she could find hearts open, dilated, docile to Her flame of love. He is an example for all of you, of donation, of dedication, of effort, because even though he is tired, even though he suffers, even though his cross is heavy. He never stops serving the Mother of God, never stops, never allows himself to be paralyzed, never allows himself to be truly caught in the nets of discouragement and spiritual paralysis.
You must follow his example, for he like, My beloved Marcos will one day be looked upon and seen by many as an example of true Flame of Love for the Lord, for the Mother of God, for Her appearances here.
And truly, I am also with him, where he goes I, Filomena, Domingos, Luzia, Geraldo, Eliel, are always there to help him in his mission, because in My time I had the mission to build physical churches, for the Lord and for the Mother of God.
And today, My beloved Marcos and his father Carlos Tadeu have the mission to build mystical churches for the Mother of God in the hearts.
So, I am with them in this great work of building living shrines in the souls, in the hearts, in the families, and then the physical churches built Here will only be the reflection, the material image of the shrines already existing in the hearts.
I love all of you so much, My brothers, and that is why I say: be burning torches of love for the Mother of God, unceasing torches of love, making your life a continuous giving of yourselves to Her, as My life has been. So that truly thus, through you, today, once again, the Catholic faith will triumph over this world full of wickedness and sin.
In My time with My 'yes' I made the Catholic faith triumph over the paganism of the Roman Empire. Today with your 'yes' you are called to triumph under the new paganism of these last times. These times when this humanity has become pagan again after 2,000 years from the first announcement of the good news.
You are called to overcome the neo paganism of these times, with the holiness of your lives and by being courageous witnesses like My beloved brother Marcos Thaddeus and his most beloved father Carlos Thaddeus.
Yes, if you do this, then faith will triumph, God's grace will triumph. And then, a new and lasting period of Peace will dawn for the world.
I am near you at every moment of your life; when you suffer, I am closer to you, My brothers, than the wind you feel on your face. Yes, I am closer to you My brothers than ever before, call on Me and you will feel My presence comforting your heart, giving you strength and often even performing miracles for you, for you.
I love you so much! Always wear the Holy Cross of Our Lord, for just as it was always the key to My victory and the victory of My son Constantine, it will also be the key to your victory, your defense in all dangers, and your light.
Continue to wear the Medal of Peace and all the others that the Mother of God has given you Here, for in My time victory came through the sign of the Cross, and for you victory comes through these Sacred Signs that the Mother of God has given you Here through which are Her Miraculous Medals.
Verily I say unto you: Those who wear them need fear no evil, because the Mother of God is closer to those of Her children who wear Her Medals, than your blood is within you running in your veins and united to your organs.
So, beloved brothers, pray, pray the Rosary every day. Pray all the prayers that the Mother of God has given you here, because through them you receive many and copious graces from Heaven and what was said yesterday by Lucia, I repeat to you: The punishment is very close, what the Mother of God has been telling you here is true, the punishment is very close.
On a very hot night for the Southern Hemisphere and very cold night for the Northern Hemisphere, this night the Chastisement will begin. Then, all those who have despised the Blessed Mother's Messages will weep and gnash their teeth, for great will be their horror, their dread, when they are seized by the demons and are taken into the eternal flames.
Truly on that day there will be no containers in mankind capable of holding back the tears of blood and pain that they will shed.
So, brothers, convert yourselves without delay, for the time of Mercy is at an end.
I, Helen, bless you all now with love, I also bless all My sisters who bear My name, they will receive from Me, in these days and today, now, a great special blessing. For by bearing within themselves My Name, they glorify God, who through Me has given freedom to His Church, to the Holy Catholic Faith, and has changed the face of the earth forever.
Yes, to those My sisters who with their lives, bearing My Name, give glory to God. To all of you who love Me and are My devotees, I now bless with Love from Rome, from Nazareth, from Bethlehem, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí.
Peace My dear brothers, Peace Marcos, My unceasing Flame of Love and Peace to your most beloved father Carlos Tadeu whom I love and treasure without ceasing."