Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Appearance And Message Of Saint Fara | ""My Beloved Children, Today, I, Your Loving Mother, Come Again To Call You To Be My Precious Stones: Of Love, Of Virtue And Of Holiness For The Greater Glory Of God

(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, today, I, your Loving Mother, come again to call you to be My precious stones: of love, virtue and holiness for the greater glory of God. I desire that you be like amber, yes, the amber that with its beauty enchants all who see it, that your holiness be beautiful, beautiful and attractive like the beauty of amber, so that all who see you will come to Me.
Be beautiful like amber, amber, your souls having the beauty of all the virtues that I love so much: Humility, Love, Purity, Innocence, Divine Charity, Fortitude, Hope, Patience, Longsuffering, Magnanimity, so that your beauty will charm the hearts of all souls who live in this world adorned by sin and themselves adorned already by sin committed and habitually recommitted, so that then, souls seeing the beauty of your soul full of virtues will also want to come out of the ugliness of sin and come to you, to know God, to know His Love, to know My maternal Love and so, through friendship with us, through the perfect union of their souls with us, they too, can come out of the ugliness of sin and acquire the beauty of amber, so that God will look at them with pleasure and with love and recognize them as His precious stones, part of His treasure that He loves with all His Heart.
Be beautiful like amber, amber, so that then your souls having no resemblance to Satan through sin, your souls may radiate God's own beauty, My own beauty which is so great and which at every moment seeks to be reflected in you and through you so that all My children, recognize Me, love Me and come to Me.
See how a puppy recognizes its Mother by its smell, how a kitten recognizes its mother by its smell, by its scent. In the same way, My children will recognize Me by My scent, by My beauty present in you, if you have My Virtues that I so much desire in your souls, above all, the Virtue of Love, above all goodness, of Innocence, that so much resembles Me.
If you have My beauty in you, if you have the fragrance of My presence in you, if you are beautiful with amber, amber, then My children who are lost in this world will find Me in you and they will come to Me and with Me they will unite and receive My Peace, My blessings, My graces of love that will lead them safely to Heaven.
I desire that each one of you be truly converted, there is no more time to lose My children, time is relentless and the days now by the Lord's work and desire are running faster than before and this indicates to you that your time is running out faster than before, the Hour of Mercy is passing and the Hour of Justice is already arriving. If you do not convert, if you do not change your life, if you do not renounce once and for all to sin, soon the Divine Justice will surprise you with a terrible Punishment, and I will not be able to do anything for you, because the time of mercy, of all graces available for your salvation is now.
At that hour, the Hour of Justice, I will be the Judge with Jesus, and I will have to execute the sentence that My son decrees upon you. Therefore, now that I am your Mother, now that I am your Friend, and now that I am with you with all the graces at your disposal, come to Me, and do not delay any longer, Ask Me for any grace you need and I will give it to you, but put My Apparitions first in your life, put My Messages first in your life, so that God looks at you with love and mercy, and gives Me permission to help you with the graces you need. If you put My Apparitions first in your lives, I will also put you first in My Heart and help you with My graces.
Convert without delay, because time is running out, and there is no more time to play with your salvation. Take seriously all that I tell you, because I do not want to see you suffer. That is why I come before the Punishment to take you on the path of salvation with My Messages, so that you will not suffer in the future. I suffer for what is coming to you, I suffer with your sufferings, so, My children, I ask you: Convert yourselves without delay, so that you will not suffer in the future, and you will not be thrown after the great punishment, into the eternal fire that no one can ever put out!
I am trying to save you with My Apparitions, Messages, My tears even of Blood, with all My Graces, I am trying to save you from the Chastisement. Do not frustrate My efforts any longer, do not annul the extreme efforts of the Mother of God who wants to save you and lead you all back to the Lord through the path of conversion and peace. But rather collaborate with Me, help Me, help My efforts, help My grace to triumph in you, help My Love to triumph in your life and in the lives of so many of My children.
Pray with your heart, follow the example of My little son Marcos, who has been educated by Myself and who knows how to pray so well with his heart. Pray with the heart, because prayer with the heart is the source of joy, of grace, of peace in the soul; it is the most powerful shield that Satan cannot overcome, cannot overcome, and that keeps the soul protected, whether from lukewarmness, spiritual aridity, sensuality, or carnal temptations. The soul that prays with the heart will never lose the Spirit of God, will never lose the presence of the Holy Spirit in it, will never lose union with God, and will live even in the midst of temptations and trials, live in the most complete peace and joy of heart.
I bless all of you, and never forget, My children, that I have chosen you one by one to be here, none of you have met My apparitions by chance, nor have you come here by chance, but I have loved you, I chose you before you loved Me, I predestined you to be saints, I predestined you to Heaven, do not lose the grace I have given you, do not frustrate the election I have made of you to be My beloved children who will sing with Me the praises of the Lord throughout eternity in Heaven.
Pray the meditated Holy Rosary that my little son Marcos has made for you, all of them that are the most beautiful Rosaries, that please Me the most, that gladden My heart the most, that enchant Me the most, that ravish Me and bind Me to you.
Pray also all the prayers that I have given you here, for through them I live in you and you live in Me.
I bless you all with love from Knock, from Vicenza, from Genova, and from Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, peace to you Marcos, the most obedient and hardworking of My children."
(Marcos): "Beautiful Princess of Heaven, who are you? No, I didn't even know that the Lady existed! Yes. Yes.
(Saint Fara): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Fara, Servant of the Lord, Servant of the Mother of God, come today to give you My first Message and bless you together with the Lady, Mother of God, your Mother, My Queen and Mother.
Be slates of love of the Lord and the Mother of God, giving them more and more the beauty of a pure love, unmixed with human interests. Give God and the Virgin Mother your love ever more inflamed, ever more incandescent, ever more ardent and full of the pure intention: to love them, serve them and please them because they are lovable. So that your love unmixed by any impurity glorifies the Lord, glorifies the Mother of God, and makes you more and more beautiful in their eyes, like slates much, much more precious to them.
Be slates of love, giving all for all, life for life, love for love, and heart for heart. Since the Lord Jesus, gave you His whole life, His whole Body, Blood, He gave you His whole Heart, living and suffering only to save you. And so, like Him also, His and Our Blessed Mother, She lived only to love you, giving you everything, body, soul, heart, tears and blood, so that you could be saved.
Give then, everything for everything, life for life, heart for heart, do not be stingy and selfish, keeping your life only for yourselves, because the Lord said: Whoever keeps his life for himself will lose it, but whoever gives his life to Him will find it. So, give God your whole heart, just as He has already given you His whole Heart, give the Mother of God your whole heart, just as She has already given you Her whole Heart.
Put Their Apparitions here first in your life, and They will also put you first, giving you the graces you beg for.
Love the Lord and the Mother of God with all your heart, and They, too, will love you with all their hearts, and give all their love to you.
Be slates of love, trying each day to die to yourselves, that is, to renounce the sinful and disordered desires of your heart, renouncing your rebellious and vain will, which always refuses to obey the Will of God, while to the world your will surrenders and obeys without delay, and to obtain your petty and selfish objectives your will: surrenders, works hard and does not measure efforts and sacrifices to obtain what you want. Renounce this rebelliousness and give your whole heart to God and to the Mother of God, renouncing yourselves in order to fulfill their will, and not yours, above all things.
Be slates of love, trying to live a truly mystical life of prayer, of love, of contemplation, of meditation, of penance, as I myself lived, so that you may be slates of perfect love for God as I was. I did not stop myself in the fulfillment of God's will for an instant, and even when my father was against my vocation to become a nun and to give myself totally to Jesus and Mary, I did not hesitate, I preferred to lose his love than to lose that of my beloved Jesus and of my Heavenly Mother, I did not hurt the Spouse of my soul and the Mother of my Spouse, but rather I put them in first place and I was faithful to them with all my Heart. Put also the love of God first in your life, the love of the Mother of God first, and renounce this pernicious vanity, which has so often made you prefer to lose their love than to lose the esteem of the creatures of this world.
I, Fara, will be at your side, to help you to achieve all these Virtues and to become true Saints and perfect slaves of love for God. How I love you! How I love you! I have dwelled here in this place since it was chosen by the Mother of God and became Her Shrine, I listen to your prayers, unite them with Mine and present them together with My merits to God to obtain for you all the graces that you come here to ask for.
I am with you, I rejoice to hear your prayers and to be able to present them to God, but I rejoice much more with those souls who ask first of all for the Holy Spirit, His Gifts, His graces of Love in order to become Saints. Yes, I rejoice more with these Prayers, with these people, and I am always with those who put The Appearances of the Sacred Hearts here first in their lives, and who live for Them, and who do everything to fulfill what the Messages from the Sacred Hearts ask of you.
I, Phara, always keep the demons far from you and always prevent them from harming you and molesting your souls. In moments of temptation, in moments of suffering too, call out to Me, and I will come immediately to comfort and protect you. Oh, how I love you! How I long to press you against My breast to make you feel how much love I have for you. In My eyes you are all like precious stones, which I love and cherish with all My heart. Come to Me, surrender yourself in My arms, and I will teach you the perfection of the soul, what pleases God, and how to acquire Divine Wisdom in your hearts to be in the eyes of the Lord and the Mother of God, truly wise, truly holy.
To all of you My little slates of love, I now bless generously and cover you all with My Mantle, especially also you Marcos, the most ardent of the friends of the Saints and the most obedient of the children of the Mother of God."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear friend Saint Fara. See you soon dear Mother."
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