Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Message From Saint Lucia of Syracuse - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 48th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

Moment of ecstasy of the Seer Marcos Tadeu
(Saint Lucia of Syracuse): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Lucia of Syracuse, rejoice today to be able to come to give you My Message and My weekly blessing so that your souls may grow like ever more luxuriant flowers, for the greater joy and glory of God.
Yes, grow like lush flowers that every day give the Lord and the Mother of God the sweet perfume of your holiness, of your love, of your prayer, so that They may rejoice in the midst of so many sorrows given to them by humanity, sinners and nations that now full of impiety set themselves against God and His law of Love. So that, each day more, Their Hearts may rejoice with you and pour out His divine mercy upon the world touched and moved by the holiness of your life, by the sweet perfume of your prayer.
Grow like luxuriant flowers every day, emanating the sweet odor of your prayer, deeper and deeper, more and more intense, more and more made with the heart, with the true thirst to know, love, obey and please God and His Blessed Mother. So that your prayer is always more alive and not a dead prayer, a superficial prayer made with lukewarmness, aridity, laziness, insensitivity and superficiality. This is why many souls do not progress on the road to perfection and sanctity, because their prayers are dead, they are prayers without the heart, without love, without a true thirst for God and Mary Most Holy, without a true desire for amendment and conversion, and so their prayers do not touch the Breast of the Most High, do not touch the Heart of the Mother of God, and do not produce in the soul: change, conversion, spiritual progress. As long as your prayer is dead and as long as your behavior before the Apparitions of the Sacred Hearts Here is dead, that is, the behavior of someone who is Here, but his heart is not Here. As long as your behavior is dead, like that of the person who only looks for reasons not to obey the Messages and reasons not to believe and yes, as long as you do not look for reasons to obey and believe, your behavior is dead, your prayers will never be heard by the Most High, your life will never change and God cannot act in it, cannot do any grace in it.
So I invite you to come out of this death, this dead prayer and dead behavior that closes for yourselves the door to divine grace, the door to peace and happiness, so that your hearts truly make a living prayer and have a living behavior before the Lord, a behavior of a son who loves Him, who loves His Heavenly Mother and who in Her Apparitions looks for reasons to love, to obey, reasons to believe, reasons to serve, reasons to consecrate himself completely.
Place in your hearts first the Apparitions that the whole Heavenly Court makes here in Jacareí, and I will see how all your life that is constantly in disorder will finally enter into divine order: God AND His Blessed Mother will take first place in your lives, and everything that is disorderly in your life will finally receive harmony, peace, from the government of the Lord and the Mother of God. Man thinks that by freeing himself from the Mother of God, freeing himself from God, abandoning Him he will have progress, but he is mistaken because outside of God and outside of the Mother of God, man's life, society and the world go into complete disorder, into complete mortal confusion and from this death he cannot escape, nor can he get out unless he returns to God, returns to the Mother of God.
Put the Jacareí Apparitions first in your life and you will see how God will give you peace, give you His grace and your whole life will be full of peace, full of happiness and harmony and even in the midst of sufferings and trials that every living being must go through, you will always have in your heart the light of faith, the light of happiness, the light of hope and of love that nothing, nothing can overcome or destroy because the divine love is greater than the world, it conquers the world and the soul that possesses it is mistress of the world, it conquers the world with Christ and His Mother and becomes victorious through faith in Christ Jesus.
Continue with all the prayers that Heaven has commanded you to do here, because with these Holy Hours that the Mother of God has given you here, with the meditated Rosaries that our Most Beloved Marcos has made for you, this meditated Rosary that is the one that We love the most and that pleases Us the most, because in them are recorded the Messages of the Mother of God from all the places of Her Apparitions in the world, as well as these Hours of Prayer that contain the meditations of the Saints, the Messages that Our Lady has given you Here and in all the places of the world, these hours that are truly pearls from Heaven. These prayers, will give you the grace to progress more each day on the path of sanctity, transforming you more and more into fragrant flowers that every day will give the Lord and His Mother the sweet perfume of your love, your prayer, your fidelity, your total surrender and consecration to the Lord, and especially your sanctity, which will make the Lord come and come soon to give you all the crown of glory, the prize that He prepares for all who are faithful to Him and His Holy Mother.
I, Lucia love you very much and I am with you in all the moments of your life and especially in the moments of suffering I am closer to you than you can imagine, all you have to do is think of Me, all you have to do is call on Me and I will come immediately to comfort you and give you strength and help you to overcome all the trials, so that like Me, you will be crowned in Heaven as champions of the faith, as victors of the world and as faithful warriors for Jesus Christ and His Mother.
I bless you all at this moment generously and especially you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees, of My servants, the dearest of My friends and the most obedient and devoted of the children of the Mother of God and with Me also blesses you the Lady who is Here with Me and who loves you so much and who wants your happiness so much."
(Marcos): "See you soon Lady. Until soon dear and beloved Saint Lucia."
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