Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Message From Our Lady And St. Paul Of The Cross - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 28th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love - Cenacle Of The Anniversary Of The Montichiari Apparitions, The Mystical Rose Lady

Moment of the ecstasy of the Seer Marcos Tadeu
JACAREÍ, JULY 14, 2013
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today, when you are still celebrating the Anniversary of My Apparitions in Montichiari as Mystical Rose to My little daughter Pierina Gilli and with such joy you give Me this intense day of prayer, of love together with Me Here, I come to thank you for all your love for Me and to tell you: Continue to be My Mystical Roses, white mystical roses of prayer, who every day give Me their deepest, most intense, most living, supernatural, ardent prayer, which rises to Heaven like a luminous incense pleasing to God and to Me so that then the perfume of your prayer will never cease to spread over the Earth, never cease to fight the stench of sin that now envelops all humanity. And so, the heavenly perfume of your white as a rose soul by your ever more ardent prayers and with your heart will reach the Lord, reach Me and also reach the souls of the whole world bringing them the grace they need, so that they may be converted, so that they may leave the path of eternal damnation and may finally find the path of sanctification and salvation that leads to Heaven.
Continue to be My Mystical Roses, red mystical roses of sacrifice, who offer Me every day small sacrifices, abstinences for the conversion of sinners, also small acts of renunciation of self and of the things you like most, so that I may gradually detach your hearts from the vain and passing things of this world, and fix your hearts on the heavenly things that never pass away.
Continue to be My mystical roses, yellow mystical roses of penance, giving reparation every day to God for so many sins by which He is offended, by which I am offended, and also doing courageous acts to combat evil, sin, the darkness of lies and of Satan, working ever more for the salvation of souls and for the establishment of the Kingdom of My Maternal Heart and of the Heart of My son Jesus in the whole world. By doing this, you will truly be My Mystical Roses, the same ones that shine in the bosom of My Heart, the ones I brought in My Apparition in Montichiari to My little daughter Pierina Gili, and then, I will be able to realize through you My Plan of love for the salvation of all mankind, taking her back to her Lord who is waiting for her with a heart full of love, of goodness, to forgive her, to heal her of her spiritual illness, the illness of sin, of selfishness, of violence, of wickedness, of prostitution and of all the things in this world that make this daughter of mine, humanity, look like a leper, so many are the wounds she has. And then the Lord will heal her and give her finally the grace of salvation and lasting peace and happiness.
Here in My Apparitions in Jacareí, where I will finish My Plans for the Salvation of all mankind, I perform the greatest wonders of the Love of My Immaculate Heart, through the person and the work of My dear son Marcos, who more than twenty years ago gave Me his complete, total yes, and so through him, I can do true wonders in the whole world. All these videos he has made of My appearances around the world show how much My love embraces the whole of humanity, and how much I want to save My children no matter what the cost.
Here I show and reveal My love in a way that has never been done before in the history of mankind, I not only take My Messages and Apparitions here forward, but through the mission I have entrusted to My little son Marcos I resurrect all My Apparitions of the past, all those that have been persecuted, hidden, denied, silenced, and even those that have not been denied, nor silenced, and where there are shrines and My honor, but My Message is not meditated upon, is not propagated, is not known, is not taught, is not understood and comprehended by My children, and Here all this is done all at once through the person and the work of My little son Marcos. Here, in him and through him, I am loved, glorified, obeyed, served, corresponded to as never before and just like My Saints, My Alphonsus Mary of Liguori, My Louis Grignion de Montfort, My Germano, My Anselm, My Bernardino of Siena and so many Saints who loved Me in the person, in the Word and in the work of My son Marcos I also reveal all My glory, all My love and all My goodness to My children.
In you who listen to Me, who obey Me, who follow Me, who fulfill what I tell you in My messages, I am also immensely consoled, immensely comforted in My great pain, I am listened to, and by you I am also greatly exalted here in these apparitions of Jacareí. So, little children, go forward! Take My Messages to all My children, let everyone know that Heavenly Mother has been here for more than two decades calling all Her children to Her Heart, and She will not give up, She will not tire until She has all the children She loves, all Her elect together with Her in the safe Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart. And then, after that will come the great Chastisement that will purify the whole face of the Earth, putting an end to stubborn sinners and the evil deeds of their hands.
I, the Mother of God, love you very much, and today at this moment I give you all the graces of My Heart. Continue to pray the meditated Rosary that My son Marcos makes for you, which is the best Rosary and the one I love the most because in it you meditate on the Messages that I have given you in all My Apparitions on the face of the earth. Continue to pray the Holy Hours of Prayer that I have given you here, the Hour of Peace, of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Angels, of My Spouse Joseph, of the Saints of God and of the Sacred Heart of My son, as well as the Hour of My Tears, so that I may continue your conversion, taking you always further and further along the path of perfect and true holiness that pleases God.
I bless you all at this moment with all the love of My Heart, of Lourdes, of Fatima and of Jacareí.
Peace My beloved children, I bless you all."
(St. Paul of the Cross): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Paul of the Cross, servant of the Lord, servant of the Mother of God come today to bless you and give you My peace. I love you, I love you very much and I am with you in all moments of your tribulations, I, Paul of the Cross come to call you to love the Love of the Cross, to love the Good of the Cross who loves you so much, who has elected you and called you to His service thus making you the targets of the love of His Divine Heart.
Love the Love of the Cross, because He loved you first, the Love of the Cross is Jesus, He shed all His Blood for you, He loved you and redeemed you when all of you were still in sin and were His enemies. Love the Love of the Cross that has loved you so much and has not tired of surrounding you with innumerable signs of His Love and of His Kindness towards you, and the greatest sign of the Love that He has for you, was to have given you the grace to know His Apparitions Here with His Most Holy Mother, with the Saints and with the Angels in this Place, in these Apparitions of Jacareí. Yes, this extraordinary grace, that to deserve you would have to have shed a thousand times your blood and died a thousand times for love of Christ, this grace was given to you by pure goodness and pure mercy of the Lord. Thank Him, therefore, for such great love, such great kindness, such great mercy He has had with you, such great mercy He has given you. So that thus your hearts, truly grateful, obedient to Him, will correspond to His great Love and thus your love will embrace with the Love of the Cross and become one flame of love with Him.
Love the Love of the Cross by giving Jesus your whole life, your yes and your heart, so that then your life will truly be a continuation, an extension of Christ's own life on earth, so that you become another Christ, bringing the light of salvation, grace and divine love to all souls who do not yet possess them.
Love the Love of the Cross, and submerge yourself in this ocean of Love that He has for you, giving Him everything for everything, life for life, blood for blood, body for body, soul for soul, heart for heart. By giving all your being to the One who gave all His Being to you, you will then truly correspond to the Love of this divine Heart that receives nothing but ingratitude, sins and offenses, coldness and indifference from the hearts of men. Since Jesus gave His entire blood for you, give yours for Him; since He gave His entire body for you, give yours for Him working to make Him loved and known; since Jesus gave His entire Heart and His life for you, give your heart and your entire life to serve Him, love Him, make Him known, and make Him reign in all hearts.
I, Paul of the Cross, have known the Love of the Cross, have loved the Love of the Cross, have responded to the Love of the Cross, and I want to make this Love known to you more and more, to respond to it, to praise it, to serve it, to adore it, and to make it reign in your hearts.
I love you very much, when you pray the Holy Hour on Wednesdays, I am very close to you, I come down from Heaven with great legions of Angels to bless you, protect you, guard you, and pour graces over you. When you pray the Holy Rosary I gather each Hail Mary that comes out of your heart and mouth like so many mystical roses of love, I perfume them, I dew them with My own Prayer and My merits, and I offer everything to the Most Holy Trinity so that She may look favorably upon you.
Continue, therefore, with the Hour of the Saints, the Holy Rosary, and all the prayers that the Mother of God has asked of you here, because through these prayers you will climb to Heaven by the same ladder of true love by which I climbed it.
I bless you all generously at this time, and especially you Marcos, the hardest working, most dedicated, and most obedient of the children of the Mother of God and of Our Friends, of the Friends of the Saints of God."
(Marcos): "I am very happy to see You St. Paul of the Cross, how long I have longed for You to appear to me. Yes, I understand, today was Your time, yes. I will do yes. Yes. Yes. Thank You, I thank You. See you soon. Come back soon yes! See you soon my friend. Yes. Yes, yes I will. Yes, yes I will. See you soon. "
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