Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, June 21, 2013
Daily Live Webtv Webcast Transmission
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever! Yes, yes, it is already done, it is already there. Yes, I will take it back.
"My beloved children, this evening again I invite you to be faithful and persevering in My Holiness School, which are My Apparitions Here in Jacareí.
"Put My Apparitions first, put My Messages first and God will also put you first in His love. When you put God, Me and My Appearances first in your lives, then the Holy Spirit will act powerfully in your existence, realizing great graces, wonders and transformations, inside, around and outside of you.
The reason why so many times your life is in deep spiritual misery is because you have not yet put My Apparitions in the first place, that is why the Holy Spirit is in conflict with you and that is why He does not lower Himself, He does not descend into your souls, He does not act in you because He does not find Me, His chaste and Divine Wife, in the first place in your hearts. Put Me in the first place with My apparitions, and then the Holy Spirit will be pleased with your souls, in you He will descend and make a deep, immense and intense transformation in your hearts.
Today I want to ask you: Pray more my Rosary of Tears, because with this Rosary I will drive Satan out of your souls, your families, your nation and the whole world. He, the great seven-headed dragon, now wanders over the earth and drags all nations and all souls with his broth to bring everyone to condemnation, enticing everyone into the life of sin. I come to fight Him and to make the First Commandment of the Law of God loved, respected and fulfilled again.
That is why, My children, I ask you once again: Put God, Your Mother and My Appearances in the first place and then, My Triumph against the great dragon will truly be a reality among you and will happen soon, because My times have come.
Persevere in My School of Love and Holiness by being true spiritual daisies of humility, docility to My voice, love, obedience, renouncing everything that alienates you from God, alienates you from Me and everything that weakens prayer in your souls.
To all at this moment I generously bless, especially all My children who listen to Me with love now, to all who are present here and to you Marcos, the most hard working and dedicated of My children. I thank you for the new Meditated Rosary (No. 288) that you recorded for Me today during the afternoon, every new Meditated Rosary that you make for Me provokes not only in Me, but also in the Lord God and in all the Angels and Saints a great joy, a great joy, a great satisfaction and Divine Mercy cancels so many punishments that should come to the world to punish it for its crimes and sins and a rain of mercy descends upon the whole earth.
To all of you at that moment I bless Fatima, Montichiari and Jacari".
(Marcos): "See you soon, yes! See you soon, dear Mother in Heaven".