Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 8, 2013
First Live Cenacle Transmission Test
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): Yes beloved Madam. Yes, I am delighted to know that you are also so happy! (pause) Yes, I feel great relief and at the same time great inner peace, great happiness and joy to know that your Immaculate Heart, which was so pierced by those swords and thorns of humanity's disobedience, is now no longer all pierced and so sore. (pause) Yes, beloved Lady, I will. Yes. Yes.
"Dear children of mine, today, on the Feast of my Immaculate Heart, I your Heavenly Mother come once again to tell you: I love you very much and my Immaculate Heart is the fold that I have prepared so that all of you, my children, may enter into it, make your dwelling place in it, and be protected from all kinds of evil.
My Immaculate Heart is the fold that I have prepared for you, so I call all My children to enter into it through the perfect consecration to My Immaculate Heart, this consecration must be made by each one of you and in it you understand your complete, total, unrestricted yes to My Mother's Heart so that everyone, all of you, may at last unite yourselves to Me supernaturally by the bonds of perfect love, so that our hearts may be one heart and you may truly be reflections of My purity, of My holiness, of My love for the whole world and so that God's plan may be fulfilled in your life.
My Immaculate Heart is the fold that I offer to each and every one of you so that you may enter it, so that I may then protect you from the evils that now rage in this time of so much apostasy and so much sin in which humanity finds itself. Yes, the enemy forces of Christ have joined together to fight against Him, to fight against the Holy Catholic faith and against My faithful children, in order to make the trait of love for My Son, love for the Holy Catholic faith, love for the truth disappear in the whole world.
Lest you be swallowed up by this great river that the infernal dragon vomits from its mouth, you must enter the safe Aprisco of My Immaculate Heart, the only place where you will resist all the temptations of the devil, all his insidies, all the seductions of this world that is now under the dominion of Satan and where I will be able to nourish, nourish, form and ever more beautify you, purify you and sanctify you for the greater glory of God, for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
My Immaculate Heart is the safe enclosure that I have prepared for you My children and all of you must enter into it so that you may then finally be transfigured, that is, be raised to that perfect holiness that God desires of you and that I also want to cultivate more and more every day in you, to produce in you, then you will be like luminous stars that will enlighten, give light to the whole world that now lies in the darkness of sin.
What I said to My little sister Lucia of Fatima I say to each of you now: Whoever on the first Saturday of each month honors Me by praying the Holy Rosary, meditating for at least fifteen minutes on His My Mysteries, whoever can make a Communion of reparation to My Immaculate Heart to that I promise salvation and all the help necessary for the eternal salvation of their souls. Those who cannot receive Communion because they are persecuted, because they are hindered by others, will be able to make Spiritual Communion in their homes, and I and my divine Son Jesus Christ will accept it in the same way, because for us what counts most is love.
It is love that I have come to seek Here! It is the love that I came to seek from above and Here in My little son Marcos I find this love, I find this perfect correspondence to My requests, to My Orders, to My Messages, so Here I am loved, perfectly glorified, completely consoled, by this My son who did not measure efforts, nor works to make Me known and loved by the whole world and also in My little Slaves of Love who give their lives Here with Me, serve Me, They obey Me to the smallest of My Heart's desires, they are attentive to the smallest of My Heart's desires, and they do not waste even a minute of making Me more loved, better known and more obeyed as well, I am perfectly glorified and finally, I am perfectly loved and glorified by all of My children who Here follow Me, love Me, obey My Messages, understand My desires and do everything for the greatest Triumph of My Heart in their lives, even if it costs them sacrifices.
Oh, yes, on this day when My Appearance Here and all this Intense Cenacle of Prayer is shown to the whole world, My Immaculate Heart rejoices in joy, because truly My love can now reach out more quickly, more effectively, and more powerfully to all My beloved children bringing them peace, consolation, joy and My Mother's love.
Oh, My children, you have given Me such a great gift on this day of My Immaculate Heart and that is why My Heart now rejoices, vibrates with joy and at the same time with gratitude and love for you, because in you I am glorified and My Immaculate Heart already finds its greatest Triumph.
At this moment I bless you all with all my love of Fatima, Pellevoisin and Jacari.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos the most striving of My children, peace My blessed children".
(Marcos): "Peace dear Mother in Heaven.