Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Message from Maria Most Holy

(Marcos): "Yes. Yes, I will. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the anniversary of your Apparitions in Oliveto Citra.
Oh Sí. Sí! Beautiful Madonna Del Castello!"
"- Dear children of mine, today, when you are celebrating the ANNIVERSARY OF MY APPARITIONS IN OLIVETO CITRA, I, the Queen of the Castle, the Mother of Divine Mercy, give you Peace again and I say to you: Convert without delay! My very long Apparitions in Oliveto Citra and also here, as well as in so many places in the world, tell you that this is the last time I come into the world to call you to CONVERSION, PRAYER, and PENITHENCE. After these so extraordinary, long and lasting apparitions of mine are over, I will never return to this world again.
You must therefore hasten your conversion, because God calls you, he calls you with an immense love of Father to return to his arms. Open your hearts so that God's grace may enter you, make you dwell in him, and bring you the perfect glorification of the Blessed Trinity, your perfect sanctification, so that this world immersed in the darkness of sin may finally find Peace, the true life that is found only in God.
Be converted without delay! For you have very little time left and you, my children, spend your days in complete unconsciousness and indolence both about what will happen and about what is already happening. The signs of the great apostasy, the signs of man's great rebellion against God and his commandments, the signs of the loss of so many souls as well as the signs of the changes that would take place in the world, in nature and in the nations are all already before your eyes, and you remain as though blind, indifferent to everything with your hearts completely hard and immersed in the deepest and most complete spiritual darkness.
How great is your ruin! How great, My children, is the devastation that sin, which My enemy has done to your souls. They were once beautiful and fragrant cities where God and I could dwell. But now they are a heap of ruins where only asps and scorpions, vipers nest and lay their eggs there to multiply sins and disorders in you more and more.
Oh, come back to God! Convert while there is still time for you and while I, the Mother of grace, love and mercy, let myself be found for you. My heart loves you so, so much! And I do not measure, I have never measured my efforts to save you, but I am before your hearts, they do not open. Only you can open them to Me. Therefore, give me your yes and I will enter your souls with the grace of God, transforming the swamps of sins that are your souls into beautiful and fragrant gardens where all virtues grow, each day more.
I am with you even though you will not see me. I know every thing, every pain, every suffering that ends you, that strikes you every day. I have knowledge of everything and for everything I, the Mother of Holy Providence, am looking for the medicine and the most suitable solution. If you leave the cross for a little while, do not despair or revolt because the cross that you give does not crush but rather strengthens it! It does not kill, but gives life, the life of grace, eternal life. When it hurts, in fact it heals, because through it you teach that only in God you have life. Only in him and with him does your life have value, only in him do you find true joy and only with him can you truly live in peace, live happily and reach the fullness of holiness, joy and perfection for which your life was created, for which you were created. When the cross weighs you down, God teaches you that far from him you are nothing, without him you can do nothing, outside of him your destiny is death, and destruction is eternal unhappiness!
Therefore my children, thank with me the Lord who even in your trials acts with mercy to heal you of your sins, disorders and evils and leads you back to the path of conversion, sanctification and life. Even to the righteous, when the Lord leaves the cross, He actually gives them the strength to carry it and with it they become even more justified before Him, and thus the just in the heart of God grows in meritorious value, in perfection and above all in the love and predilection that the Lord has for them.
I, your Mother, want to bring you to great holiness. But I will only be able to do so if you allow me and collaborate with me. Come! Give me your hearts. Give me your yes and I will lead you to God.
May my apparitions in Oliveto Citra, which were one of the most vehement warnings that I, your Mother in heaven, gave to all humanity to convert and return to God, be for you a piece of furniture of all your actions, of all your labors, and above all rise up soldiers of Christ and my soldiers! Come help me to bring to the knowledge of all my children the messages of my so wonderful Apparitions both in Oliveto Citra and Caravagio, and here and in all the places where I am or have appeared.
So that the whole world that does not know my Mother's love to this day may finally know me, listen to me, answer my call and with me walk the road of salvation and peace.
Be honest! Be just with your neighbor! Give to your neighbor what is your neighbor's. Keep nothing from anyone! If you have taken something from anyone, give it back without delay! If you have caused someone material, financial or moral damage, repair the damage by giving back twice as much as you have harmed your neighbor! Don't do to your neighbor what you don't like to be done to you.
So, being just with your neighbor, you will be pleasing to God and pleasing to me, like me. I, who have always been just and have given my neighbor the honor he deserved, the respect he deserved, as well as respect for his goods, his honor and his life.
Go My children in the peace of the Lord. Now raise your rosaries and I will bless them all so that wherever they come, my blessing and my maternal grace may also come. (long pause)
To all, and especially to you Marcos, the most hard-working and dedicated of My children, as well as to all My children who are here and those who listen to me now, I bless you generously with love.
(Marcos) "See you soon! See you tomorrow Madam!"