Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): "Yes. Yes, I will continue. Yes, I will fight to finish. Yes, yes. With your grace I will succeed. Yes."
"Dear children My, today when you are contemplating the ANNIVERSARY OF MY FIRST APPARITION IN FATIMA, in the Cova da Iria, in the distant year 1917 to My three little children LUCIA, FRANCISCO and JACINTA, My beloved little Shepherds, I come again today to tell you: Have hope, for the Woman dressed in the Sun will triumph over the infernal dragon, the devil, in this world full of sin, suffering and pain. Have confidence, because this Woman dressed in the Sun who appeared at Fatima and who also appears here for your salvation, is your Mother, She loves you, She is with you, I am with you and I will triumph in the end.
The Woman dressed in the Sun will triumph! And She will bring you a new time of peace. I, this Sun dressed Woman, will bring you a new and different time, where all the tears in your eyes will be wiped away, men faithful to God will live in a world of peace and tranquility, they will be happy and nothing, and no evil will ever trouble them again.
The Woman dressed in the Sun will triumph, bringing to you a period of peace, the period of peace that I prophesied in Fatima where all men will love each other as true brothers and sisters and will love and worship God with all their heart and over all things. The wicked, those who oppose God, those who turn the life of the good into continual martyrdom, will no longer be here, because God with His avenging and just hand will tear them out of this world and cast them into the place of his eternal punishment. Then, the world without the presence of the evil ones, will be a garden of peace, happiness and joy where My children will be happy forever.
You can already begin to feel this peace, to enjoy this peace, to enjoy this peace by praying My Rosary every day, because it will give you peace of heart, peace in families and peace throughout the world. By also doing the Cenacles, the prayer groups that I desire in families, I will begin little by little to take from Satan what he has stolen from God and from Me, I will begin again to reconquer families and again to transform them into families of God, places where God truly lives and reigns with his peace.
Do your part and I will do mine, fight with me My brave soldiers do not hide because now is the time to go out into the open to bring My love, My Messages, to all the hearts of My children. Remain united in love, in friendship, and in prayer so that by dividing you Satan will not bring you down, will not overthrow you, will not overcome you.
Seek more and more to carry My messages of love so that My children may all come to Me, know Me, and surrender their hearts to Me. I want to reach all the sick, all the afflicted, all those who suffer, all sinners through you. I want to gather all My children into the fold of My Immaculate Heart. And that is why I send you as My messengers to call all My children back to Me.
Live in peace, keep the peace of your heart by praying more and more and trying also on your part to fulfill the will of God in the ways that my little son Marcos explained to you today, fulfilling the will of the Lord where He wants, how He wants, where you work, where you study, in your family, in your city and with the people with whom you relate and meet. In this way, your life will be made of a true, pure, genuine, sincere and burning holiness to God. This is the holiness He desires. And I am here as your victorious Mother to tell you not to be discouraged, I know the weight of your cross, I suffer for your sufferings, I know all the pain that is inside of you, I know your wounds one by one and I tell you: Do not be discouraged, the Mother of Heaven is closer to you than ever, when it seems that she is far away, she is much closer to you and soon, I will bring you liberation from all the suffering and oppression of the enemy in which you now live and I will bring you, my children, at last, the peace so dreamed of and so longed for.
Be honest, dishonesty displeases God, never steal anything from anyone, give back what you have lent, be just by paying whom you owe and at the same time be honest in all your businesses, jobs and in all situations of your life, even if others are not. Do not be contaminated by the disease of dishonesty. Be true! May there never be a lie in your mouth. Be grateful also to your benefactors, for the ungrateful will be deplored by God and also by men. Be applied, determined, hard at work in everything you do because the relaxed and the lazy will soon be recognized by all and pointed out by all as someone not worthy of pity.
Don't be vagabonds My children, employ your holy life in the service of God, in the fulfillment of your daily services, your daily obligations and your duty as Christians so that no one will complain about you. May all your actions, all your actions and all your speaking be pure. May you not have plagues, blasphemies or bad words in your mouths, but only words that build and help others.
I am with you at all times and I pray without ceasing for you at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, even when you are asleep I am watching over and praying for you all. And at this moment I ask you again: pray for My Plans, pray for the Plans of My Heart begun at Fatima according to the Secrets that I revealed at Fatima, so that soon all humanity and all nations will finally know the hour of My greatest Triumph and become truly nations of God, a world completely turned to God where He is the king of all hearts.
To all at this moment I bless with love LA SALETTE, FÁTIMA and JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children, peace Marcos, the most striving of My children".