Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Holy Saturday - Cenacle of the Solitut of Our Lady of Sorrows
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children of mine, today, Holy Saturday, on the day of my great solitude I come again to you to say: I AM THE MOTHER OF SOLEDITY.
On this day when I was without My divine Son Jesus Christ cried continually in expectation of His glorious Resurrection, but also in the painful and profound remembrance of all His torments, all His sufferings and His cruel death on the Cross for your salvation. He continually asked the Lord to hasten the hour of His Resurrection and of His definitive Victory over sin and death in order to thus establish in the whole world, for all humanity, the new life and lead you all to the eternal salvation that He came to earth to bring to all of you.
As Mother of Soledade I prayed for all the righteous who would come into the world in the future, as well as lamenting and weeping for the perdition of all the reprobate who despite the Love of My Divine Son, all that He suffered and also all that I suffered, would be lost for refusing Our love, Our friendship and obeying the holy Commandments that My Son came into the world to institute for the salvation of all. That is why I cried continually and already felt the loneliness that throughout the centuries My Heart would suffer to see the eternal loss of so many of My children who would abandon God, who would forsake Me, and who would be lost for seeking the vain things of this world, sin, and that which drives them away and separates them from God.
I am the Mother of Soledad even today because so many of My children abandon Me and do not want to pray with Me, do not want to follow Me along the path of prayer, penance and holiness and live every day only to seek the vain things, to satisfy only their inclinations and disordered desires, to seek only the honors and glories of the world giving in to the sin of greed and pride. And so the souls of these My children languish and die each day closing for themselves the door to eternal salvation, and that is why My heart suffers for the loss of these My children, and today more than ever, I am the Mother of pain and loneliness.
I am the Mother of Soledad even today because so many, despite the fact that I have been appearing and giving My Messages for so many centuries, so many continue to turn their backs on Me, to close their hearts to Me, and to continue their obstinate search for sin, for rebellion against God, in the obstinate refusal to His Law of Love, in the unrestrained search for pleasure and the satisfaction of all His inclinations and disordered appetites, and because of this My Heart still suffers rejection by so many of My children, and this is why I am still the Mother of Soledad today.
Today more than ever I am the Mother of Soledade, because I see that families have completely lost the grace of God, they no longer pray the Rosary and in the place there are only indecent TV programs, profane shows, the pagan education of children, youth is completely dominated by Satan and sin and not even the elderly today escape, instead of seeking prayer, they only seek dances and entertainment that most often lead to mortal sin.
I am the Mother of Soledad when I see how much the Church, my most beloved daughter, is covered with wounds, practically dead and already buried in a tomb of apostasy from which only a miracle of God through the mediation of my Immaculate Heart can bring her out of this tomb of apostasy. Yes, the Church's own pastors have cast her into apostasy, accepting within her the errors that kill souls, and teaching these errors has poisoned minds and hearts, and because of this, all of humanity has plunged into the densest darkness of sin, of spiritual confusion, welcoming into their hearts the errors and the smoke of Satan, that is why I am the Mother of Soledad.
I am the Mother of Soledad who still suffers today when she sees perdition and suffers the separation of so many of My children who have been lost forever. But I am also the Mother of Consolation, I am the Mother of the Jubilant Resurrection, because here in my apparitions in Jacareí I am so loved and so consoled, here in the person and work of my little son Marcos who made so many Meditated Rosaries with my Messages, who made so many Hours of Prayer with my Messages and also the videos of my apparitions and tears from all over the world as well as the life of my saints in this work and in his work, I am immensely consoled. I am consoled because through all this the souls of many of My little children have returned to Me, thus diminishing My great Soledade and making My Heart happy and joyful again for the sincere conversion of so many of My little children.
Here I am greatly consoled and although I still suffer for the rejection of so many of My children, for the perdition of so many souls who do not obey My Messages, I am also the joyful Mother who already sees the spiritual resurrection of so many of My little children, which is the forerunner sign of that great world resurrection that will be the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. That is why here where I am so loved, so consoled, so obeyed and glorified first of all by my little son Marcos and then by all those who answered Yes to Me and obeying My Messages, they fulfill all that I have asked and work with Me for the salvation of souls, in these My children I am loved, I am glorified and very consoled.
Forward My children. Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, because they will make you always come out of spiritual death if you are in it, they will preserve you from falling into it if you are in grace, and they will make you grow more and more in true life in God, in sanctifying grace, and in the perfection of all virtues for the greater glory and Triumph of the Lord.
To everyone today on this day of my great Loneliness, but also of my joyful expectation of the Lord's resurrection, I generously bless you".
"Beloved Marcos, beloved brothers My, I, LUCIA, LUZIA DE SIRACUSA come again today to bless you and to give you peace.
In the tomb of these times, all of humanity is now rebelling against the Lord, against His Law of Love and preferring to live without Him by banishing Him from their life and their bosom, has plunged into the deepest abyss of violence, immorality, selfishness, coldness, injustice, hatred and evil and this abyss no longer knows how to escape. Only the Lord can bring humanity out of this abyss into which it has fallen, and He will do so only when humanity obeys the Messages that the Mother of God gives you, that Heaven gives you in His apparitions here and in other chosen places. Only in this way will humanity finally be lifted up from the abyss that it has dug for itself and will it again be able to find the true path of peace, of love, of union between hearts and peoples, of lasting peace and of that happiness that human beings deludedly seek in the vain things and pleasures of this world without ever finding, because happiness in fullness man can only find in God and in the Mother of God.
In the tomb of these times are the families, youth and children who, poisoned with Satan's pestilent food given to them through the media, have fallen into spiritual death and are now even in agony. Families will only be able to find happiness, peace, love, unity, and youth and childhood will only be regenerated when they return to God through the Prayer of the Holy Rosary. Only when the Messages of the Sacred Hearts are obeyed by families, youth and children will there finally be peace, between parents and children, between brothers and sisters and all youth be freed from the dominance of Satan and thus be redeemed from violence, criminality, hatred, evil and finally be able to find the way of salvation, holiness and peace.
In the tomb of these times lies the Church that was plunged into the abyss of apostasy by its own pastors, who teaching errors within themselves poisoned souls, undermined their strength and so the enemy moved forward relentlessly causing many souls to lose their faith and even lose themselves eternally. The Church will come out of this dark sepulcher only by a miracle of the powerful Hand of the Lord and the Mother of God, and that they will do only when you all obey His Messages and truly cooperate with His Plans of Salvation. Therefore, say your yes today to help them, to help the Lord and His Mother in this great work of restoration, so that your life may become an effective instrument in their Hands, so that the darkness of Satan and error may at last be overcome and the Church may like Christ rise from the glorious, triumphant, and luminous tomb after the example of her Lord, so that then the whole world may at last be freed from Satan's dominion and may dawn for the Church and humanity a new time of peace.
I, LUCIA, LUZIA, Here in this place I am very glorified first of all by My most beloved Marcos who with His love attracts Me, unites Me more and more to Him and Him with Me, who always carries My Name on His lips and in His heart at every moment, who made Me known, loved and more venerated, For all those who have seen the video of My life of My martyrdom and My miracles and at the same time I am glorified by all those too, who, welcoming the spreading of My life that My beloved Marcos made, have also come to know Me, to love Me, to imitate My Virtues and to follow Me on the path of holiness and perfection.
Here I am very consoled and I really want to form great Saints. Come therefore to Me and let yourselves be educated by Me on the path of perfection so that I may take you ever higher in it and transform you ever more into great Saints for the greater glory of the Lord.
Today, here, in this Place, the Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph have been greatly consoled, thanks to this Place, to these Apparitions, thanks to the yes that our Most Beloved Marcos gave to Heaven, to the Lord, the plans and prophecies of the Most Sacred Hearts are fulfilled perfectly. Thanks to the last and new video that Marcos made of the Apparitions of the Lady of Good Success, His prophecies and His Messages, His plans, His maternal plans come true perfectly and in spite of the Lady's enemies, She advances powerfully and will triumph because She is the Queen of Victories and nothing, no being, no creature can stop Her in the fulfillment of the divine plans and Her maternal plans. So, go ahead! Trust! Go forward praying and doing all that the Sacred Hearts tell you, all that Heaven here tells you, so that the Plan of the Lord may be fulfilled as soon as possible in you and through you and the Triumph of His Sacred Hearts may soon come to set all humanity free.
I, Lucia, love you, intercede for you without ceasing now that you have My Rosary that Marcos composed for Me and that I bless and approve, go ahead, spread it without delay so that I may act even more powerfully in your midst and lead you to the full fulfillment of the Lord's will in your life.
At this moment I generously bless you all from SIRACUSA, VENEZA and JACAREÍ.
Peace! Peace Marcos beloved".
(Marcos:) "See you soon. See you soon, dear Mother".