Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, today I come again to invite you to true love. Let Love dwell in your heart. Love is JESUS, let it enter your heart and make His dwelling place in you.
Let Love dwell in your heart, throwing out everything that opposes Jesus, everything that takes the place of my Son Jesus in your hearts, so that truly in you there may be room for my Son to enter, to dwell and together with his Holy Spirit to act in you, transforming you from great sinners into saints, of marshes of sin in gardens of grace and beauty, transforming you from a thick and dark night into a clear and illuminated day, bright as the midday sun, so that then your life may become a living reflection of Jesus and the whole world may know the love of My Son, see His power and His glory manifested in you, in your person and in your holiness.
Let Love dwell in your hearts, responding yes to His eternal call, collaborating with Him and allowing Him to truly transform you, fill you with His grace, become filled with the gifts of His Holy Spirit, so that your soul truly transformed into a fiery furnace of love, can kindle the fire of love for Jesus throughout the world, melt the ice of ingratitude, indifference and mortal sin that covers so many hearts and so many souls, truly transforming them into other furnaces of love like yourselves.
I am with you My children and I know what goes inside your hearts, I know how much sin still dominates your souls and how much you are still slaves to sin and your own self. That is why I call you in this time of conversion, to truly renounce all that enslaves you so that finally God's Plan may be fulfilled in your life while there is still time for it, because I say to you: The signs of the times are happening before your eyes, the signs that indicate to you that the hour of the great Punishment is near and that the time for your conversion is almost over. So do not waste time, what you have to do TODAY, while the sun is shining, because the clouds are already rising on the horizon and soon great will be the darkness that will envelop the whole earth and no one else will have light to work with.
Before it gets dark I have come to light the way for you and to show you the true road you must follow. Run quickly now for it, before night falls, for I say to you My children: While it is day you may find Me in My apparitions, when night falls you may no longer find Me, nor hear My voice.
Be converted without delay! Finally put into practice all the Messages I have given you, obey everything I have told you during this time, follow the example of my little daughter ANGELA DE CASANOVA STAFFORA, obey Me with one hundred percent of totality and perfection and do not listen to or obey those who do not obey Me and are contrary to My Messages. In this way I will be able to lead you safely along the path of perfect love, of holiness, so that at the moment of God's Wrath I may have you all under My Cloak safe with Me and may thus lead you to the new Heaven and Earth that are approaching you.
I will protect only those who have obeyed My Messages with true love and have My Sign marked on their souls. Therefore, obey My Messages so that I may engrave My Sign on you, which is the sign of Jesus that you are truly children of the Most High, members of His body, His true family, and thus may introduce you to the Banquet that My Son will give to all those who in this time of great tribulation will be faithful to Him until the end.
To all, at this moment I lovingly bless this Place which is My Holiness School, where I form My children in true love with God, in true fidelity and obedience to Him. And I especially bless you Marcos, the most hard-working, selfless and self-forgiving of My children, who has always thought more of Me than of himself and has always put My good before his own.
To you, I generously bless you at this moment, from LOURDES, from BONATE and from JACAREÍ. Peace My beloved children, Peace to you Marcos".
(MARCOS): "- Yes. See you soon!"