Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Message from Our Lady

Dear children of mine, today I call you once again to true love for the Lord, for your Immaculate Mother, for the good, for the truth, so that your whole life may reflect love, spread love to all creatures.
You must be filled with God's love, but no one can do so unless he renounces sin, himself, his will, his attachments and even the images of these things. For only then can your heart open like a flower to receive the dew of God's gentle love that will descend upon you to truly transform you into a wonderful work of His Hands and also to transform you thus into very clear mirrors where the Lord can reflect His light for all those who are far from Him, come out of their darkness and see the path of conversion and return to Him and thus draw ever closer to Him.
The encounter with God must be in deep prayer, so you must open your hearts in the way I and My Saints have taught you Here and you will feel the tenderness of God, you will feel His presence, you will feel His grace, you will know His sweetness and this sweetness, and this peace, will overflow from your hearts like a river that will then transform the other souls around you from arid deserts into green gardens: of love, beauty, holiness and peace.
I want to lead you to this sweet Union with God, to this deep intimacy with Him, so that then your heart can truly be the dwelling place of Peace, of that Peace that I have been offering you here incessantly in My Messages and in all that I have done here, but that many have not achieved because they have not renounced their human attachments and desires that blocked their hearts to have an encounter with God, an encounter with Me so that I could give them Peace.
So, My children, that truly the PEACE that I have come from Heaven to bring you here for so many years may truly become a reality in your life, I ask you:renounce completely your desires and attachments today, so that My Peace may be truly given to each of you in the personal encounter of your souls with Me in prayer.
Then My plan will come true, then My Peace will radiate into the souls of the world, then the nations will finally know the peace that flows from the personal encounter with God's love, and finally all the hearts of men will seek God, love Him, and give themselves completely to Him. It will then be the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart!
Help Me in this. Make truly more and more souls have the true encounter with God: by deep prayer, by the practice of my Messages and, above all, by renouncing all sin, all human attachment and even thoughts, images of these attachments.
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you Here, for they will help you to have the strength to renounce yourselves, sin, and your attachments and thus undo all the blockage that prevents your souls from having a deep, intense and true encounter with the love of God in prayer.
At this moment I generously bless you all, from FÁTIMA, from GHIAIE DI BONATE and from JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children, remain in the peace of the Lord!
(MARCOS): "-There is a short time, beloved Mother.