Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Last Cenacle of the Year 2012 and Feast of the Holy Family
Message from Our Lady

I wish that truly in your souls there is great love, great purity, great perfection. That is why I keep appearing day after day Here to lead you along the road to perfection. While humanity always surrenders at the end of the year to dissipation, amusements and vain things, you must give yourselves completely to the Lord and to Me so that I may accomplish in your souls the transformation so longed for by God and by Me to truly set you on the path of sanctification and in it you may advance ever more steadily toward the fulfillment of the will of the Most High.
During this year I have been with you in all your trials, tribulations, difficulties and sufferings. I have been by your side at every moment that all seemed lost and that no hope remained for you. I stood by your side to be a sign of hope, a sign of love, a sign that in the end the Lord will triumph, and this world that now seems completely dominated by Satan's darkness and completely lost, this world will finally be purified, will finally be freed from Satan's yoke and the souls that are now in darkness will see My great light and as they see this My great light they will know the truth and will finally all have the opportunity to choose the truth.
So do not discourage My children. Pray, pray, pray, because in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. My Immaculate Heart will triumph in you, in your life, just as you today answer Me yes and open the door of your hearts wide to Me.
To all of you, at this moment I bless you generously and say: I love you! I love you! I love you! I will continue to appear Here next year to you, for you, My children whom I love so much to lead you safely on the path of salvation to Heaven.
At this moment I bless you all and especially Marcos, the most dedicated and committed of My children, of LOURDES, of My SANTUARY OF GUADALUPE, of MONTICHIARI and of JACAREÍ.
The Peace My beloved children, stay in the Peace of the Lord".