Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Message from Our Lady

"Dear children of mine, today, when you celebrate the FEAST OF MY IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION, I come once again to bless you and to tell you:
I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION! I am the Lady dressed in the Sun with the Moon under her feet crowned with stars brighter than the Sun, terrible as an army in battle order.
These mysterious words that I first said to My little daughter Bernadette, St. Bernadette in Lourdes and then repeated in My Apparitions in Montichiari, Here, and in so many other places, indicate to you that truly I AM the Lady who fights the great infernal dragon and leads you all along the path of conversion, sanctification, and also the fight against Satan and all the forces of evil. Therefore, today I come to you as a Woman Dressed in the Sun to tell you:
Come out of the darkness My children and come to the light that My Immaculate and Glorious Body sprinkles upon you from the top of Heaven!
Leave the whole road of sin, leave the whole road of self-love, leave the whole road of slavery to the inordinate love of yourselves, of the world and of creatures and come to the luminous path of conversion, of prayer, of holiness which is the path illuminated by the very light of My Glorious and Immaculate Body, so that I may lead you ever more to perfect holiness, to the perfect fulfillment of the will of the Lord, so that He may receive from you the perfect glory, the perfect adoration that He deserves from all His children, from all His creatures.
I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the terrible Lady as an army in battle order that leads you ever more along the road of abnegation, the road of denial of your own disordered will, and the ever more constant search for the will of the Lord, the fulfillment of His Plan and His Holy Law of Love.
I lead you along a true path that truly changes you inwardly, permanently changes you and not only produces a temporary change in you. I lead you along the road of truth, so what my little son Marcos told you well is true: Together with prayer there must be inner change. It would be useless for you to have burps in prayer, to have burps before the Lord, if you live in peace with your defects.
That is why I have always demanded a radical, profound, true and permanent conversion here, because I tell you that those who do not have this conversion will not enter the Kingdom and God and will not be able to follow Me for a long time, because although I am the Mother of Mercy who welcomes all sinners, I am the Mother and Queen of all Saints, I am the Mother of the Saint of Saints who demands true holiness from Her children, because nothing impure and stained will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
For this reason My children, I call you again today to the profound and true conversion that leads you to truly become the new humanity realized, the perfect humanity realized in God that is when man truly makes his thoughts, feelings, desires and will converge for the Will of the Most High, for his thoughts and thus God and man become one in love. If you do not become this perfect humanity realized as I am, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, take My children from this day forward, truly convert yourselves and seek to become the new creature in GOD.
I am the Immaculate Conception, the Woman dressed in the Sun with the Moon under the terrible Feet, powerful as an army in battle order and for this reason I have descended in all the Apparitions on Earth from Rue Du Bac, PARIS, Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Casanova Staffora, Garabandal, San Damiano, Montichiari until you arrive here, in Jacareí, to call you all to enlist in My army of Prayer, Penance, Trust, Faith, and above all, Courage.
Go ahead My children! Fear nothing, for I am with you! Be brave warriors My children, always defending the truth more, defending My Messages and bringing them to the knowledge of all My children as soon as possible so that all may be converted, all may finally be saved.
I have come from Heaven to call you to enter the path of true happiness on earth, but no one can find that happiness unless they conform their will and thought to God. Therefore, give your yes to the Lord today! When man gives him prayers, when man gives the Lord his little sacrifices, when he gives him a good work, man gives him a part of himself. But when man gives him all his freedom and his will, then man gives himself, gives everything. And this is what I came here from heaven to seek; souls who give everything, who give themselves entirely to God through my hands. Give your yes today, and today the way will be opened for you, the way to true happiness on earth.
Here where I am perfectly loved, glorified, served, magnified, praised and corresponded to by My little son Marcos who made Me known and loved by thousands and millions of My children, in every possible way and means that He had within His reach, making My Appearances, making My Messages, the extraordinary Graces that I have realized throughout the history of humanity, making My TREZENE, My SETENE, the THIRD OF MY LANGRIMES and all my PRAYERS known and loved by all. This My son who has made My Messages known and loved by so many of My children who already have My Messages as their treasure and have become My true Apostles, to this My son I bless him today with all sorts of graces and blessings and at the same time I bless you all, My children.
I bless all of you who have prayed My HOLY ROSARY all year long, who have done My HOURS OF PRAYER, who have been here live or at least spiritually, you who have spread My Messages, you who have loved Me so much and fought so hard for Me all this year, to you at this moment, I abundantly and generously bless you, from LOURDES, from CASANOVA STAFFORA, from GHIAIE DI BONATE, from MONTICHIARI and from JACAREÍ. Peace My beloved children".
"Marcos, I, the Lord's servant, the servant of Mary Most Holy, come today at this UNIVERSAL TIME OF GRACE that you have done with such love and affection for the Mother of God to tell you: HODIE! OR BE, TODAY! CONVERT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW, TOMORROW WILL BE LATE, TOMORROW YOU WILL NO LONGER LET YOURSELF BE FOUND! TOMORROW LOVE WILL HAVE ALREADY DEPARTED FROM YOU! CONVERT TODAY WHILE LOVE LETS ITSELF BE FOUND.
Convert today while Love lets itself be found for you in these Apparitions of Jacari, giving your yes to the Lord, giving your life completely to him, conforming your will, your thoughts, your desires and feelings to those of the Lord, so that in this way, truly in your life, his holy will may be done and fulfilled.
HODIE, TODAY! Convert today, not tomorrow! Tomorrow will be too late for you. Convert today, for today love, motherly love, motherly love lets itself be found for you Here every day with His Messages to lead you ever more along the path of perfect and true happiness on earth. Accept this love, let this love enter your heart, let your soul change, your life to its foundations, let no stone remain in you without removing it. Let your being be completely inflamed by her love, by the love of the Holy Spirit, the flame of Mary's love, so that in this way, truly in your souls, what the Blessed Virgin did and was may be fulfilled: that you may become perfect humanity realized, humanity divinized, that is, raised to perfect communion and perfect participation in the glory and happiness of GOD himself.
HODIE, TODAY! Convert today, not tomorrow! For tomorrow you do not know whether the door of Mercy will be open for you. For now the Mother of God is here, she and all the graces of her Heart are within your reach. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.
Have a pure heart, purify your mouth, your mind, your hands, and your heart, for your being and your body are not made for the rot of this world. Be pure, be holy as the heavenly Father is holy, as the Immaculate Conception is holy. May you be found Immaculate with the Immaculate when the Lord returns.
Blessed are the souls who can follow Her wherever She goes, who can follow together with Her and the Immaculate Lamb wherever They go, because these pure, candid and chaste souls will sing in the midst of the most exalted cherubs of Heaven, perfect dust praise of the Most Holy Trinity, and will receive the unique and particular gifts of knowing the holiness of God that will not be given to other souls, even those who are able to save themselves after rigorous penance in this life. Therefore, my beloved brothers, purify your body and heart so that you may truly be targets like the lilies of the field and may be a true and perfect bouquet, worthy of the Immaculate Conception.
HODIE! TODAY! Convert today, not tomorrow! For the time is pressing, the time given by the Lord for the conversion of mankind is ending and woe to those who leave their conversion for the last instant, they will cry out, but as the Lord well said in EL SCORIAL He will make Himself deaf to their cries and lamentations and will tell them: I do not know you! For when I was with my Mother on pilgrimage on earth, from place to place of the Apparitions calling you to conversion, asking for a drop of your love, you denied me your love, you closed the doors of your heart to me, behold now I also close the doors of mine to you. You gave Me your back and now I give Mine to you.
Be converted quickly because the Lord is already at the doors, Love is returning to you with Love and for Love. Pray, have a perfect and profound conversion, act in harmony with what you say in your prayer and profess to believe, so that you will not be called by the Lord Jesus, hypocritical Pharisees, whitewashed tombs, which on the outside are beautiful and beautiful and on the inside are full of rottenness.
May your souls truly be images of the Immaculate Conception, pure lilies where the Lord could always be pleased and find there the most perfect, sweet and gentle perfume of all virtues.
This month I watched again all the videos that Marcos made and gave to you. Prepare yourselves for the new year by recalling the life of all the saints and all the Apparitions of the Mother of God, one a day so that you can enter the new year renewed, reaffirmed, inflamed and burning in the holy Love of God and with the firm decision to truly begin to walk the path of true happiness on earth, conforming your thoughts and your will to that of the Lord and thus beginning the new and perfect humanity realized in you.
To all of you at this moment, I bless you with love, pouring upon you the most abundant blessings of the Most Holy Trinity".
"-Marcos, I, GENERALDO, come again today to bless you.
Your love has attracted me amico Mio. Si, amico Mio, Il tuo amoré Mi ha chiamato! Your love has called Me, your love has attracted Me, and here I am to bless you once again and to pour upon all who are here today the copious blessings of the Immaculate Conception, my heavenly bride to whom I gave myself on the same day today, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, when I was still living in Italy, on earth when I was young. To her I gave myself so that I would have no other wife in my life than the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Immaculate Mother. To Her, to the Mother of God I gave myself to be all of Christ. To her I gave all of myself to be perfectly Christ's, because only by being all of the Immaculate can one be all of Christ and only by giving oneself totally to the Immaculate can one give oneself totally to Christ.
Whoever does not know the Immaculate does not know Christ, whoever does not love the Immaculate does not love Christ, whoever did not give all to the Immaculate has not given all to Christ and can never be all of Christ.
Therefore I say to you, all of you, surrender the Immaculate One who has loved you so much here, has given you so much and with so many blessings has culminated every day of your life and of this holy year.
Give yourselves completely to the Immaculate One, giving her your life, giving her more than just prayers, give her your thought, your will and your freedom, conforming you to her thought, to her will, which is always the same thought and the will of the Lord, so that in this way you may become like her, perfect humanity realized in God, you may become new creatures in God and live the true life in God.
Give yourselves completely to the Immaculate One, with all the time you still have left on earth to serve Her, make Her better known and loved and give to all your brothers and sisters who are still in the darkness of sin and ignorance the knowledge of the great love of the Lord and the Immaculate Virgin for all of them so that in this way they too may find the way to true happiness on earth and may arrive with the Immaculate One to the glory of heaven.
Give yourselves completely to the Immaculate Conception, being the true apostles and Her soldiers, seeking by all ways in your life to radiate the love of God, to bring the light of eternal truth to the knowledge of all souls and to establish the Kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of Her and the Sacred Heart of the Lord in all souls, in all families and in all nations.
Give thanks to the Lord for the Immaculate Heart, who loved you so much, that He chose you to be here in His apparitions and to know so many beauties and wonders that have been hidden from so many generations and only to you, only now, have they been manifested. Glory be to the Lord because He was more than good with you, He was more than generous, the Lord for you was truly crazy with love. Therefore, with me today, raise the hymn of perfect gratitude and perfect glory to the Lord for the Immaculate One, because in you the Lord has done and still will do many wonders.
Here in this holy place of the Apparitions of Jacari where the Lord, where the Immaculate Conception was glorified and exalted as never before! And where His Love and Glory are manifested as never before and where His love has been corresponded as never before by my dear and beloved brother, friend and favorite companion Marcos Thaddeus, and now by the souls who have already understood the meaning of true love and perfect conversion.
Here today the Lord is pleased, rejoices, comforted and pours out upon you the copious graces and blessings of His Love, where the Immaculate One is perfectly glorified and loved by this servant of the Lord and by those who have already given her heart perfectly with him, Here truly the Mother of God today pours out a true deluge, an abundant rain like the one she poured out on the Seer Estelle at the Apparitions of Pellevoisan.
And I too, upon all of you now pour out the blessings that the Holy Trinity has given me to fill you with all good things, with all the benefits of body and soul, upon all of you who hear me now let down the solemn blessing of the Lord and of the Immaculate One, and especially upon you Marcos, my dearest friend, my most beloved brother".