Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Apparition of Angel Juliel and Angel Mariel - Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

My children, I AM THE RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I come today to tell you: That the true saint is he who loves, loves the Lord without limits, loves Me without limits, fulfills the Will of the Lord above all things and puts nothing above it nor puts obstacles, difficulties or conditions to fulfill it in his life.
The true saint does not delay the Lord's will until tomorrow or when it is better for him to do it, but fulfills the divine will when God wants it, as He wants it and in the way He wants it.
The true saint expands his heart more and more so that God carries out in him all the operations of grace he desires, he yearns to unite himself more and more with God, despising the vain and illusory things of this earth in order to better unite himself to his Lord and his only love and so in his love to live, suffer, die and with him rise to eternal life.
The true saint puts God's interests before his own, puts God's judgments before his own, and even in the way of carrying out the will of the Lord, puts the way of carrying it out according to the Lord before his own. The true saint and the one who truly seeks to do God's will and not his own and in everything he does he seeks only the beautiful pleasure of his eternal Lord, and to please and glorify him.
I am the Mother and Queen of all Saints, in all of them are reproduced and transformed into visible acts the virtues that I myself have practiced in my life.
In the lives of the Saints there is divine love in action, imitating them you will also put the love of the Lord into action in your lives and remember My children: Where your heart is your treasure and where your eyes are fixed there will be your heart and your treasure.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you Here, they will make you take your eyes off sin, that which displeases Jesus and is against His holy will and they will help you to place your eyes only on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to seek Him, to obey Him, to praise Him and to love Him.
I, the RAIN OF ALL SAINTS, am with you and will help you".